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Everything posted by Areez

  1. Areez

    TPhoto 00051

    beautiful - just beautiful! thanks for posting this :)
  2. Just my 2cent on this Gabi, ( I swear I dont intend to make this a hard decision :P ) If I understand correctly .. Ultrabooks gets pretty warm rather quick... those tiny weeny slim fans dont pump out enough air to cool the component. If you do intend to use for a long duration through the day .. this could be a concern.
  3. I know the following might be biased... but .. the way its been going screen resolution and size is the real estate of mobile electronic. The nerd in me went for a look: haha! Dell have their Inspiron series special edition @ 15" - 1080p Resolution screen! ($899/999) http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=ni15ra5t_ft_040&model_id=inspiron-15r-se-7520&c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&cs=cadhs1 :) makes movie watching all that much more fun!
  4. I love them all!! :) White chocolate macademia would probably be up there.. everyone's fave with PC's Cookie (mm soo good) Pilsbury cookie ... or dough ... :P
  5. Happy Birthday Nathalie!! Hope you are having a great time out west :D !! xoxo
  6. Here's my thought on the matter: As convinient it might sound to work with an agency - there is always a give and take situation... Scheduling would be one thing, how will you manage your booking? Will it be strictly through the agency? Will you take on your own booking too? Why this matter - I could forsee some double booking happening if you and the agency both make arrangement, communication becomes a crucial point. Because as much as the agency will become "your" assistant, they have other girls to take care of too. (or i assume there will be other girls.) The sense of personal touch will somewhat very slightly changed, when a client called through the agency, they miss out on that initial contact with you talking with you on the phone. You could not set a standard on how nice whomever taking your call be... (personal experience says, receptionist might come across as too straight forward, this is a pleasure business afterall... you have to entice the clientele. yes they might have answered the same question 100 times that day, hopefully not to the same person.) Anything but that i dont forsee any problems, afterall - you did mention you will still be active and answering question. Good luck in your decision! xo.
  7. Oh my - I have the itch :P Somthing like the below - with full colours and background would be awesome sleeve...
  8. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Region and Language Select the Keyboard Tab -> Change Keyboard under the General Option - make sure English (US/CANADA) is selected, and make sure the Keyboard layout is on US (English - US) ------ There is also option to remove any other keyboard layout - which could come in handy in case you press the hotkeys to swap your keyboard in the future!
  9. done and done ^^ wewt! good luck to your friend natalie :)
  10. Failed to connect to forum, please check with the forum administrator if this problem persists. :]
  11. notepad++ is your friend! :D -- dreamweaver is easy to get used to and a great tool too. I would spend time and get away from flash... its kind of dying quickly...
  12. Thanks for the effort Mr. MOD! looks like there will be no future for tapatalk - still br0ken :\ oh well browser works well on Android!
  13. since we go that path.... The Ultimate Gift - IMDB' :P
  14. LoL ;-) mmm im dreaming of the angel's angie bringing to the party... wait... too soon?
  15. Few one that makes me laugh... Curious George - LOL! Inception Shoot em up Hancock bwahahaha.... Good idea Jess! :D
  16. Congratz on the 1 year :D - i suppose that makes you a babygurl! :D as you would say it.... "ROAR!"
  17. Anyone having issue with tapatalk today? Ex. Only the latest topic is displayed, Nothing on the Forum display or PM at all :) Any thought(s)? - did reinstalled it to the latest version....
  18. Best of luck my man! hope for all the good things for you!
  19. the regular refreshing drink - Cold water! the fancy tea - iced green tea lemonade with no sweets (starbucks) the cold coffee - iced caramel machiatto (starbucks) the patio buddy - stella/corona/heineken (anytime of the year!)
  20. I always appreciated a good tattoo! :D had one done on my right shoulder and still considering what to have for my full left hand sleeve :D
  21. yey! the socials are returning to hometown :b since its in september i will have to do a tentative for now - will know closer to the date :)
  22. Happy Birthday Jessica!! Hope you had a great one! :D
  23. I might be wrong but i believe ms. penny is taking a leave of absence from the business due to her pregnancy ;-)
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