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Everything posted by someguy

  1. Been PM'ing with a MA that is going Indy and she is the midst of moving. I told her that she will be sore and would probably need a massage, jokingly :) And she replied that it was rare for a client to massage the woman. I was surprised at that, and often I would offer to massage the woman at the beginning of the session or at the end if time allows. Depending on chemistry, I love being able to massage and explore a woman's body. Giving is more fun then receiving. The experience should be about her too :). But some women do not like being massaged I guess? Question to the MA's, do you like being massaged also. I know that some guys may be a bit rough as they do not know how to massage properly. But I have had enough massages that I have been told that I am pretty good. I think I put a couple of the girls to sleep :) I do offer the BFE experience :) Question to the Guy's. Have you offered to give the girl a massage? Are you too shy to ask or you did not know if you could. Would you like to massage the woman. It's nice to be able to massage a woman, rubbing her body with oil and begin able to return the pleasure she gave to you. If you massage her first and she enjoys it. The massage she gives you may be better as she may want to return the favour. What is your opinion on this subject ?
  2. Last year I had met couple of women that I had met at the spa, and now they were Indy. One was a lot of fun, but did not have a shower at the location she shared with another woman. Had to do a sponge bath. Not the same :(. Then another 2 did not shower before or after. I still had a great time in other ways. But I just love my showers for 2. Had some of the best times in the shower :)
  3. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day !
  4. From the very sexy Lexis Nevaeh album:
  5. My family has had a lot of animals in the past 15 years. My daughter is an animal lover and my wife can't say no. We've had dogs, cats, reptiles, snakes, skinks, fish, hedgehogs, rabbits, quails, tarantua, scorpians, frogs, turtles and now horses lol. Most of the women I've met have a dog or two as pets, some of them travel with them when they are on the road. I currently have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Dogs are more fun and demanding to take care off. But they are loyal and loving. Cat's are easy to take care off but are independent and will come to you when they want. Not when you want lol. Just wanted to see if the majority of men and women here have dogs or/and cats. Why they chose a dog or cat as their companion of choice. and any funny pet stories you have to tell? I know that there are many Pet luver's here as just about every woman I've met has a dog, and not many have cats.
  6. I was hoping to hear about peoples experiences with Victoza or Invokana? Did it work for you? Did you suffer many side effects? Let me know. I read a lot of good outcomes, but then the bad outcomes worry me.
  7. Hi everyone. Just wanted to start a thread on Diabetes type 2. Many people are now getting Diabetes type 2. And doctors seem to prescribe drugs to help you lower it without much consultation with you. They look at your A1C levels and if it is too high, they just write you a script for some expensive drugs. I was first diagnosed over 14 years ago. Started with metformin which is the standard low cost start to drug. But after a few years, it did not work as well. Then came Junivia another new drug which works and has side effects. Then because my cholesterol was high they gave me lipitor, which after taking for many years found out that it was the cause of my other problems. It was then discovered that it could cause diabetes. Once I stopped that I felt much better. But then the Junivia didn't work as well and they put me on Junumet which is a combination of junivia and metaformin. This worked a couple of years, but then my A1C levels went up. Then they put me on Victoza which is a very expensive injectable drug. This worked for a year, but was very expensive. I was taking this with Janumet. Last week I went to the Dr. again and found that my A1C has gone up again. He said with age it takes more drugs to keep my A1C down. He wanted me to add the drug Invokana to the current mix, This other drug is fairly new and makes you pee a lot as it keeps the sugar from through the kidneys. All these drugs may cause pancreatic and thyroid cancer along with other side effect. I am not sure I want to take all 3 of them at the same time. I am going to try the Inovokana and janumet first, to see there are any side effects. Hope it works. Reading about some of the side effects are scary, plus taking all 3 drugs at the same time is really expensive. Just wanted to hear your story and how you dealt with your diabetes type 2 problems. What worked and didn't work for you. Diet and Exercise recommendations. Hoping to here your thoughts about this.
  8. I would go for the one in the middle and let the other two watch or join in :)
  9. You look great :) xoxo
  10. I had today off. Women have a spa day, so I thought I should treat myself and have a spa day also :) I deserve it. I had been in contact with Mia for a few months now. Every since her album came out I have been curious to see what see looked liked. Now that she has a few recommendations, I decided to take the plunge. Made my appointment for noon. When I got to Vibe, I was greeted by a very beautiful slim woman in a nice black dress. She said she was Mia and she gave me a nice hug. I told her who I was and she brought me to the massage room. After she closed the door she gave me a few more quick hug and kisses. We quickly undressed for the shower. She has long black hair which framed her beautiful face, More beautiful then I imagined. Naked she was slim and had a nice bum and very nice breast. All the right curves. Very beautiful and sexy. In the shower, we had hot soapy fun. She made sure I was clean and gave me a few sexy standing body slides. I got to wash her sexy body also. Back on the table we go, where we chatted and she gave me a very good massage, throwing in some nice body slides. She told me she had been trained by Gina. Gina is one of my ATF and I could tell by some of her techniques that she had been taught by Gina. We chatted about a few things that we had in common. Then comes the flip where she looked so sexy oiled up above me. More body slides and she snuck in a few nice kisses every once in a while. I got a chance to give her some pleasure also. as she is very responsive to touches :) Then she began a nice long teasing finished. She has a very nice touch and technique. She left me quivering for a few minutes, After which she came and cleaned me up with hot towels. A nice touch and another 5 minutes of relaxing massage while I recovered. Another long soapy shower and a few more hugs and kisses. Then I got dressed and she led me out, while chatting a few more minutes. Another big hug and kiss and off to the winter land I go. With a silly grin on my face and a pain free body. She is another hidden treasure, now at Vibe. Deserving of another return visit to see if it get's better :) I am sure she will be very popular at Vibe soon. What ore can one ask for. A beautiful sexy hot Latina woman that knows how treat her men like a king. If you see her. Tell her that "Someguy" sent you :)
  11. Whenever I am with a beautiful sexy naked woman :)
  12. From the MISSPalmer's sexy album :
  13. I've met many women over the last 6 years. And the best experiences have been the ones that truly enjoy meeting and pleasing men. They had told me they had started to do this to pay the bills. But after a while they felt liberated and enjoyed pleasing men and pleasing themselves. They found joy in giving and bring pleasure to others. Making lonely men happy if only for a while. At the same time making a descent living and supporting their families while doing something that brings them pleasure at the same time. You can tell by your session that she enjoys what she is doing and enjoys her time with you. Time flies and sometimes your time goes over and it doesn't. Others have you out of the door when you are done, or they seem dis-interested during the session. They just seem to want to get it over with. Luckly I have not had to experience this more the a few times.
  14. short shorts and a shirt tied in the front with the ab's showing with some short boots :)
  15. From the sexy Alisonxox latest album :)
  16. I find a lot of girls are using hun and babe these days. Do you like this term when you are a lot older then them? How would you like to be addressed?
  17. Lot's of new members recently. Anyone one to play this game :)
  18. Hope you Had a very Happy Birthday :)
  19. Happy Birthday Jodi Happy Valentines day :) xxoxox[/img]
  20. Hadn't seen Natasha for over a year and a half now. Have kept in touch with her over this time with a few emails. Saw that she was working this afternoon so I booked for noon. She greeted me at the door with a big hug and smile and then a nice kiss :). We quickly got undressed and had a nice hot shower. Back on the table we go where she gave me a deep massage while we caught up. She still looks slim sexy, with red ting to her hair. Before long I flipped over and we started to kiss a lot. Some nice body slides and then I got to massage her a bit :). Gave her jello leg's again :) Then it was my turn to have her focus on me. The finish was long and teasing. She ended with a specialty of her's that she likes doing. You are going to have find out yourself what it is :). She told me she was moving out of the city later this year. So if you haven't seen her yet and want to . You should do so soon. She is a great kisser and really enjoys what she does. She asked me at the beginning of the session what my fantasy was. I ddn't have any :( But told her to suprise me :) She's a lot of fun and hopefully I will get a chance to see her before she leaves :)
  21. congratualtion on your 1000th milestone, the next 1000 come faster :)
  22. I've spent many times chatting with women and realize how much time and money is involved in there preparation of there time to spend with us men. I've appreciated the time and effort that these women take to make me happy and give my the passion and attention that I am missing from personal live. They need to charge enough to cover their expenses and save up for the slow times. Some have families to support or tuition to pay for. They could be saving for retirement as this may be their only source of income. They are taking risk in this business, there are healthy and safety risk. Touring women have much more expenses as demonstrated above. A lot of travelling and business expense. Having a personal and business location. Spending time with a beautiful sexy woman who will provide sexy memories. Priceless :) For everything else there's mastercard.
  23. Just re-reading some of these post on this thread that I have not read before and find them interesting and informative. Been feeling much better once I had gotten off Liptor. Most of these drugs are over prescribe, Even if you are just reaching what they consider high cholesterol, doctors reach for their pads to give you a prescription. It's like they are getting a commission for doing this. Even scientific studies seem to contradict each other. It seems like if enough research is done there is a study that can a point. There's too many drugs out there with dangerous side effects.
  24. It's been almost 6 years and still having great experiences. I've learnt a lot about myself and have become a more confident man. I've learnt more about women in general and about how hard some these women work to make a living. After hearing there life stories and experiences, I respect and appreciate what they do. I have become friends with many of them and some of them are doing this to support them and their kids. Other's are doing because they love their job and love to please men. But they provide passion and kindness, fulfil fantasies and many sexy memories for years to come even if it is only for a short moment in time.
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