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Everything posted by waterat

  1. I have yet to encounter a MP (aka Massage Provider) who could not sit down and talk like an adult..... and I've met a lot of them! Oh wait, you meant Member of Parliament... or MoP - we use those to clean shit off the floor of the house - or at least we should with the ones who agree with Peter MacKay and Joy Smith!
  2. There are many different provisions within the bill and we don't know how the courts will interpret them nor how LE will approach enforcement.
  3. I would be more than happy to provide a donation well in advance of a scheduled date. Both parties must demonstrate their trust - 'financial' trust is no more important than all the other trust involved in our interactions.
  4. Caution: Politics ahead! Well I'm certain that within our community the government has lost our 'confidence' (seriously I hope they never had it), and they likely don't hold the confidence of the majority of Canadians (hell, the last election showed us that) now if only there were a method to test the confidence of parliament and we could send the smarmy bastards packing.
  5. For me their pleasure is primary to, or at least equally important to, my pleasure!
  6. Aaaah, Lee! You silly boy, you! Don't think, not for one minute, that those politicians are missing out on the good things in life - they all love to fuck, especially us - they just don't understand they're now screwing the ladies they love to fuck!
  7. Actually it is not a turn-off to me as a hobbyist but it is a piss-off due to the mindless, thoughtless, ridiculous and worst of all dangerous legislation brought forward by the Conservatives. They never fail to disappoint.
  8. Depends on which province you're referring to..... the province of unsexy marriage or is there another one?
  9. has gotten his 'advise' (I assume he meant advice) and has hopefully read and followed it. Well.... no harm if he didn't! I'm certain the Cerb community's healthy dose of common sense has accurately identified the value of testing and the futility of 'posting'/'advertising' it!
  10. whose brother worked in Texas and my colleague loved calling his brother because his brother's receptionist always addressed him as 'sugar' - as only a Southern Belle could! He was SO smitten by this! LOL
  11. Clearly not their parents! I suggest blaming the education system and voting in Tim Hudak. He wouldn't stand for this bullshit!!
  12. Some people worry and cringe and shrink Owing to fear of what people may think There is but one answer to worries like these People may think what the devil they please! Piet Hein
  13. Now we just need a booby trap.... Better still a bacon wrap! https://www.google.ca/search?q=booby&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Nl2JU-HuMqrX8AHqmICADw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=709&dpr=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=35fdJ5u9HYqFhM%253A%3B9iJchWK3J4HukM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.mudfooted.com%252Fbluefooted-booby.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmudfooted.com%252Fblue-footed-booby%252F%3B333%3B500 Oh wait... did you mean the other kind of booby?
  14. simply make a call to Vibe? I would assume they could let you know....
  15. I believe a boatless fisherman was unable to ferry her back across the road - but then why would he want to?
  16. Maybe Jimmy's misunderstanding of this is related to his radiation exposure up at Chalk River during the early 50's. He should stick to peanut farming or commenting on the governing of the US of A!
  17. Well said and I agree completely! I use thoughtful sarcasm as a humorous tool all the time and have only rarely had it miss interpreted.
  18. Remember - he is a peanut farmer.... not that there is anything wrong with peanut farmers.... I do love peanuts! Forget the Nordic model - it doesn't work and will not hold up before the SCC!
  19. should be very obvious to both the SP and client provided they're communicating clearly! Just offered my thoughts and no offence intended. True enough and I have not infrequently waited for a lady to invite me up to her boudoir!
  20. I believe it is best to arrive just at the appointment time. That 'five minutes' early is also the lady's 'freshen up' time. Follow the lady's lead - they'll usually give you an indication. waterat
  21. I would suggest that less than half the lies they tell aren't true and in addition 75% of statistics are made up on the spur of the moment.....
  22. I just copied these from Emily's original post - hopefully Trish's replacement will be monitoring the voicemail. And I too am sorry to hear this happened.
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