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Everything posted by Surf_Nazis_Must_Die

  1. I am definitely single and more than happy to be so. I'm all about as few hassles as possible in life :)
  2. The first name ends with an A, so screw it, i'm cheating :P Agent Orange - Seek and Destroy (A skate punk re-imagining of the Metallica classic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FhE9RibYkM&feature=related
  3. Awesome! I'm so buying this for some friends of mine. Good find Phaedrus!
  4. I generally check things out at least once a day, usually more. I'll usually check the general area, the joke area and social groups.
  5. Putting a six pack in the freezer to chill them faster and then falling asleep without taking them out :(
  6. Testament - The Formation Of Damnation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dk1olDxppc
  7. It is so on! But back to the topic, Having your morning start time bumped up by 2 hours.
  8. I know that game! I win it lots too! However in my case, I suppose you could contribute it to a lack of success on the dating scene, lol.
  9. EXCEL - Message In a Bottle (police cover) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCTGv2NfOEA&feature=fvsr
  10. Megadeth - Peace sells at 2:58: "what is this garbage you're watching? I want to watch the news!" "This IS the news!" Cracks me up every time!
  11. Don't these idiots know that we were already killed by "the y2k" and this is some bizarre afterlife?? Jeesh, these folks need to get with it! ;)
  12. Okay, the whole friend named Jason being born on the 13th thing is totally rad!! And that being said, I have to report that my Friday the 13th was pretty successful! Not only was I off work in time to catch the Dayglo's, but I left the pit to grab a beer just in time to avoid the mandatory fight that seems to break out at every Dayglo's show. As well, I scored a pristine show poster Featuring Jason Voorhees standing atop a pile of dead punks! And if that wasn't enough, I managed to save my drummer's new insanely expensive snare from his drunken, clumsy clutches before he could drop it again and ruin the hell out of it! Normally i'm superstitious, but god damn, i may have to rethink things! :D
  13. Type O Negative - Angry Inch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaB05k3zofc
  14. The only thing friday the 13th means is I'm gonna be seeing the Dayglo Abortions and Besieged after work tonight w00t! :)
  15. Nasty Savage - Indulgence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lVlphXw_iM&feature=related
  16. An old fave from my high school days Death By Stereo - Desperation Train I wonder what happened to these guys?
  17. Dire Straights is always a smile inducing toe tapper for me Walk of life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CknuCTRAW_I
  18. Prince - Let's go Crazy I'm a little jealous of Cleo's #1... Stupid prince :P
  19. Sorry, as someone who handles knives on a daily basis I need to address this. You are WAY more likely to seriously hurt yourself with a dull knife. Not only are you applying a whole lot more force while cutting than you normally would, but the dull knife is much more likely to slip off whatever it is you're attempting to cut. Trust me, concentrating on whatever you're cutting (and not your hands, as tends to be the case), plus exerting a sizable amount of pressure/force is totally bad news bears if and when the knife slips!
  20. Hooray!! Well, in that case, Pretty much anything off Rancid's And Out Come The Wolves album tends to get me at full Skank within seconds, the unfortunate byproduct of this being all the befuddled looks and stares I get while listening to my ipod in public. Municipal Waste and D.R.I. tend to get my head banging and my elbows flying in any situation. A coworker and I once started a mini mosh pit right on the kitchen line at work whilst rockin' out to the Waste! The Server's reaction when she walked in on us was priceless! Speaking of kitchen dance party's. Nothing beat dancing like a fool to Tiffany with a girl I used to work with :D Gulity, guilty Pleasure! I Think We're Alone Now This song speaks to me in a big way: You worked so hard, for many hours a day! It's time to cut loose, you should express it in your own way!
  21. I haven't done enough travelling outside of Canada so who know's if there's places I would love more, but as far as in Canada goes, Tofino B.C.!!! I would love to be a Surf Bum and fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean for a few years Charlottetown, PEI Specifically for the Curry fries at the Churchill arms... god, I salivate just thinking about them And finally, the forest moon of Endor What's life without whimsy? ;)
  22. Comeback Kid - Wake the Dead http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdSYfNMKFfo Filmed at the Collective Cabaret in Winnipeg. God I miss that little dump of a venue :(
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