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Everything posted by Surf_Nazis_Must_Die

  1. 1. Working a total of 34 hours over mother's day weekend 2. Not even getting a thank you from the owner for working all those hours 3. Clopens (closing shift one night, opening shift the very next morning) 4. Running into someone who knows your name and is really glad to see you, but you only have the vaguest of recollections of meeting them and trying not to let on to that fact. 5. Having your date show up to your place completely wasted before the night's even started.
  2. Can slam dancing/skanking fall under this subject?
  3. Done! Sayeth the Genie *poof* you suddenly find yourself in mid hump with paris hilton contracting something gnarly from her. I wish I didn't currently despise my job
  4. If we could take a moment, and get back to how AWESOME star wars is... :)
  5. Sodom - Ausgebombt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY3YufnD4KE
  6. Oh boy, I can't believe i'm going to get involved in this. I'm gonna go with the fact that the east coast would suddenly be cut off from the rest of the country would be pretty shitty. Having lived in Quebec a few years back, I understand that the quebecois have a beautiful and unique culture that is different from the rest of canada, and a part of me can understand the separatist beliefs. It was kind of like living in a different country. However, I have also lived in B.C, and central alberta, and have spent time in many other parts of the country and to be honest, EVERY region in canada has it's own uniqueness and differences from the rest of the country. Should Nunavut separate because they are so distinctly different from the white collar, government culture of Ottawa? Should the Acadians in New Brunswick follow suit if quebec separates? They also have a culture and heritage that's heavily francophone. How about Manitobans? What the hell do I have in common with a Fisherman from Nova Scotia? It may sound Cliche'd, but our overall diversity is kind of what makes Canada rad. Not just the people, but even the terrain. Being a prairie boy, I felt like I was on a another planet when I hiked through B.C.'s forests. Quebecers may be more vocal about it, but you aren't the only ones who feel like you don't quite fit in. We live in a huge country, there's bound to be differences in belief and culture. It's just kind of part of what makes us canadian. I'm not sure if this will help or not. Juts my half thought out ramblings. P.S. While you may not like alberta's politics, I'm willing to bet you enjoy their incredible beef ;)
  7. Holy crap! I have a new favorite super hero! :D
  8. Nuclear Assault - Hang The Pope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We5T0YrsFbw&feature=related
  9. w00t! Happy Star Wars day everybody!!! After viewing the pic of sara MQ in the metal bikini, i'm pretty sure I need to change my nerdy little shorts ;) It's funny, I didn't realize it was Star wars day today. Yet I listened to The empire strikes back soundtrack at work earlier.
  10. While I may not agree with a lot of conservative ideology I think last night's results were overall pretty decent and our country's future looks promising. Would I rather see a different party in power? sure, but at least we finally have a majority! No more bickering and treading water in the highest office in the land. The seperatist movement has been dealt a harsh blow, Iggy found out what most of us think of him and the Greens finally won a seat! It may not be much, but it's a great step in the right direction for the Greens. And it will be interesting to see how the NDP handles being the opposition for the first time ever. Some pretty historic stuff last night that i'm stoked on overall.
  11. When I sleep alone, don't care at all. When I'm sharing my bed with someone else I prefer to be next to the wall (my bed is tucked into a corner). Not sure why exactly.
  12. I read RG's post and couldn't resist posting a really bad tan line story! A few years back I spent a summer working as a roofer. Between the physical exertion and the sun constantly beating down I found I couldn't wear conventional hats, but I also hated sweat dripping into my eyes, so I rocked a bandanna the whole summer. Fast forward to late September... I return to Winnipeg... By the way, did I mention I was asked to be a groomsman for a close friend's wedding which was happening a day later? Needless to say the photographer took one look at my awesome bandanna tan and wanted to punch me in the throat... good times. Thank god I have friends with a sense of humor
  13. Shit, I hate to presume that my goofy life is movie worthy, but I suppose Matthew Lillard circa SLC punk era. Not so much for the character he played, but his style/look in that flick. Otherwise I 'd have to go with Trent Haaga of Troma fame. btw, Berlin, as far as non stick shaped actresses go, Christina Hendricks is pretty freakin' rad! :)
  14. Tiffany Amber's post just rocked the shit out of this entire thread. She presented A concisely worded post that nicely sums up the fact that this is not only a two way street we all walk, but the fact that this two way street can get all sorts of gnarly for all parties involved (hooray for humanity, sad but true). So what the hell is wrong with having measures in place that can assure at least some measure of comfort and security? Like others on this thread have already said, we're all at risk here. It's just a part of being involved in the so called fringes of acceptable society. In the end, we're all on the same team here folks!
  15. More British Comedy Are we the baddies? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsNLbK8_rBY Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit Numberwang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjOZtWZ56lc Snooker
  16. I'd say part of the attraction is that it's bad for us. Most humans are self destructive in some way. On a more personal level, for me, i've smoked for years and quit numerous times (my longest stretch being almost 2 years), but unfortunately, i'm a complete stress bag! Being able to escape outside for a smoke (ESPECIALLY at work) helps keep me sane. Btw, hope you're still going strong Erin!
  17. Good addition to this thread. I sometimes worry about my Father. When Mom passed away he was definitely hit the hardest and i'm not sure if he's ever quite figured out what to do with himself since then. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, him living in another town, and the fact that we have zero in common I don't see him and we don't take time to do things together nearly as much as we should :( I sincerely hope you have a better relationship with your children, because I know i'm going to regret the lost time and experiences one day. Sorry to get serious as well everybody, boomer's post just spoke to me. I'm going to get somewhat back on topic and add that some other great things about being alone (in this case, living alone) are that: A. Pant's are rarely worn when i'm at home B. When I get home at the end of the day, everything is exactly how I left it. Nobody has drank my beer or eaten my food!
  18. Awesome! Glad to see i'm not the only person who's missed this word in people's every day slang. And yes, Surf Nazis Must Die is amazing! One could even say it's "Tromariffic!" Thanks Berlin :) and to keep the thread on topic: -I've spent the last 7 years trying to bring back the high five, one person at a time.
  19. Evildead - Annihilation Of Civilization Just a heads up, this video contaions some disturbing/shitty images of various terrible things humanity is capable of.
  20. Why do I get the feeling your method of checking is way more awesome to watch... ;) A few more: -I end up completely naked within the first 30 seconds of stepping through my front door -I tend to play air guitar at random points throughout the day -If I don't wind up in a mosh pit at least once a month I tend to get a little squirrely
  21. Ah crap, there's probably ton's! A few that come to mind: -I use the word gnarly all the time in everyday conversation -When I open a bottle of beer I always blow away the tendrils of c02 gas before I take my first swig - I have the alarm on my phone set to wake me up to heavy metal every day - I can never feel my cellphone vibrate so i'm constantly checking it by giving it a quick pat on the outside of my pocket. Looks like i'm patting myself on the butt
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