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Everything posted by nntsci

  1. The Lacy I saw during the Winter is apparently no longer there at GOE. There is a new girl also called Lacy, but she does not appear to be the same girl.
  2. oopppps you gave the wrong link... it went back to something stupid. you wanted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xd7ebysI9g&feature=fvst but we are in Canada and we just don't bring our guns to the mall Weird Al Yankovic - Canadian Idiot with scenes from Canadian Bacon Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot Don't wanna be some beer swillin' hockey nut And do I look like some frostbitten hose-head? I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed They all live on donuts and moose meat And they leave the house without packin' heat Never even bring their guns to the mall And you know what else is too funny? Their stupid Monopoly money Can't take 'em seriously at all
  3. Sometime you say stupid things cause you just don't know. More Than You Know, Billie Holiday Loving you the way that I do There's nothing I can do about it Loving may be all you can give But darling, I can't live without it
  4. As if thats any more of the real west, ha ha. Well, lets continue with more Dean Martin And because I really love this song, I give you two versions one with video from Oceans 11 (the original) and the other with better sound quality but only still pictures
  5. Welll, I'm tired of being tired of being tired. I'm tired from Blazing Saddles.
  6. It was my birthday (approximately). I contacted Toronto Passions and was able to book an appointment with Arrabella for that evening. She is an exotic mix of East Indian and Portuguese. She has a beautiful dark complection. She is a hot and sexy young lady. A gorgeous look with beautiful piercing eyes. When she open her eyes widely the whites of her eyes are so bright its like a flash of lightning; her smile is also amazingly bright. She has marvellously perky natural breasts, wonderfully soft skin, and lovely curves. For our date, I asked if I could bring some wine to celebrate my birthday. The agency checked with her and said it was ok. We enjoyed a little bottle of sparkling wine. She dressed in a little bow -- my birthday present. The best present I've ever unwrapped. She kisses, but only shallow kissing. Her body is amazing, and inside her tight little body was about as close to paradise as I can imagine. She also had a nice sense of humour. The whole experience was wonderful and I plan to see her again sometime in the future.
  7. Today, I'm celebrating my birthday... though the actual date is not today, but close enough. I bought a new set of wheels. Its shiny, its red, but its a minivan. Apparently, thats not the proper mid life new vehicle, but It did come with satelite radio. Andl, it was nice to pick it up today. I also spent an hour with a lovely young lady. So its been a nice day.
  8. "I'm really happy that you enjoyed the idea and that so many participated." Thankyou for suggesting the topic... Its been fun. The dark night RISES
  9. No, not the Bee Gees, come on, I've tired of their jive talking. I'm tired of your jive, B.B. King.
  10. I've just discovered that at least one of my pet frogs -- an Albino Clawed African Aquatic Frog -- is male... My aquarium (or frogarium) has gone all x-rated. The other one (the green and grey Clawed African Aquatic Frog), I hope for his sake, is perhaps female. Hes been clinging onto the other frog with his little hands wrapped around her belly for the past 4 hours or so. She swims around, he holds on tight. Its not doggy style... its froggy style. Love in the swampland jungle.
  11. and now for something completely different. From the Queen of hearts to the Queen of Spades Tchaikovsky Well just a tiny part of it. Two parts. The death of the countess with the secret of the Queen of Spades And The final scene where the hero of the opera tries to use the secret, but is cheated by the ghost of the old countess.
  12. But if you enjoy it, its not noise More beautiful screaming Enjoy Bjork I love her lyrics especially the last verse... i wish: i want to stay here i wish: this be enough i wish: i only love you i wish: simplicity look at the speed out there it magnetizes me to it and i have no fear i'm only in to this to enjoy i wish i'd only look and didn't have to touch i wish i'd only smell this and didn't have to taste how can i ignore? this is sex whitout touching i'm going to explore i'm only into this to enjoy ps. I'm working at home today and my teenage boys are sleeping upstair having stayed out until 1am last night... and needed to be picked up by me (got home at 1:45)... So I've just put Bjork on my stereo, loudly. But really I'm being nice to them, usually in such circumstances I put on something by Verdi (e.g., Rigoletto).
  13. And when you go to sleep It's Oh So Quiet Bjork with some of my favourite screaming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmHrtBuHSLE
  14. Instead of flowing, drifting Driftwood by the Moody Blues Time waits for no one my love No, not even you You thought you'd seen it all before You really thought you knew I've shattered the illusion Of forture and of fame I'm waking up I'm reaching up I'm getting up from this game Oh no... don't leave me driftwood On the shore
  15. Thanks again. I loved the scene when he saw himself as Han Solo. The party was a great depiction of the difference between expectation and reality. I don't think she lead him on there, but she should have told him at least that she was seeing someone else. She had told him though that it was over and had asked him if he was willing to just be friends. I just watched it again. When Summer invited Tom to her place for the party she invited him to a party on "our" rooftop... not "my rooftop". He never asked who the "our" was. She she did in fact tell him that there was somebody else, he just didn't notice.
  16. You know your old when you have a daughter whose older than the SP your visiting (if you believe the gals profile, that is). She sure makes me feel old.
  17. I finally got around to renting/watching this... told my wife it was recommended by someone and fortunately she didn't ask who. I loved it. Funny, but sad, and hopeful. I particularly liked how they didn't depict either of them as being wrong. She didn't love him, and never said she did. He was hurt, but he didn't go over board either and stalk her or try to hurt her either. I love Zooey's hair.
  18. Well, then but Elvis has left the building, but according to MIB, he not dead, he's gone home. He flew away, like a freebird. Freebird, Lynard Synard.
  19. ok, well if we must continue along the line of substance use here Ringo Starrs's No No song
  20. "She's leaving home" -- always bring back memories of a girl I knew in highschool. We had just finished grade 12, we were at her house in her bed room practicing beatles tunes including "She's leaving home". I remember her father walking down the hallway checking up on us and making sure the door was open, and her mother coming in a few minutes later, asking us if we wanted soup, and then closed the door. But it wasn't a date. She was very clear about that, we had been on 4 dates, but we were really just friends and this was music practice, not a date. We were in a band but I can't recall if we were practicing vocals or if I had my guitar or my bass. Anyway, a couple weeks later, she left home and went off to seek her fortune or whatever. We were never seriously involved, but she was the first girl I ever kisses.
  21. I've been impressed by how well the ladies I've been with have been at making me feel special within the hour or so we were together. Its not about chemistry at all. Its mostly about attitude, warmth, affection, humour, and perhaps most importantly listening to each other about what we need/want. When I'm with a lady, I'm respectful of her, I'm gentle, I enjoy just being with the lady, and she responds in kind. Sessions haven't always been as good as I had hoped, but I've never, never, never walked away thinking, that was a waste of money. Indeed I don't regret any of the appointments I've had since starting this hobby a few years ago; and I remember every lady I've been with including their stage names.
  22. well skipping back from cocaine to dying too young Biko, Peter Gabriel
  23. And you know when you losing religion when the idea of paradise is slipping away. But if you call something paradise you are kissing it goodbye The Last Resort, the Eagles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekytTpFy96o
  24. Again from Monty Python, when the cycle ends one must always look on the bright side of life... and don't forget to whistle.
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