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Aspen Wilde

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Aspen Wilde

  1. This is really important but I don't know what to do about it. I care very much about the way our country is run, but when I examine it too closely, I'm filled with rage, despair, and not much else. A lot of people are angry, but I'm not sure angry will cut it with this government. Thank you for bringing this up, though. People need to know what's happening right under their noses!
  2. Happy birthday, Cato! May you do the things you love until you're too tired to do them, then sleep and dream of doing them all over again!
  3. I got my bedroom window open! (It had been stuck.) I don't care if it's cold! The air is fresh in here!
  4. I like genav because of the nice big smile in her avatar!
  5. For those who are a bit dubious about this whole 'Valentines' thing: http://xkcd.com/1016/ "I panicked and stapled my hand to my face." Teehee. Wishing cuddles and chocolate for all!
  6. Hmm. There's a few places I adore (and love to explore) on both the ladyfolk and the menfolk. Backs. The curve of them. Tracing the spine. Ears, and that place right behind the ears. *nibble nibble* Belly buttons, for some reason. Hips on both genders. A spankable ass. Eyes. Bellies. Hands. Necks. Fack. People are sexy.
  7. *looks around furtively* *cough* So this is my not-so-secret music weapon for all occasions. http://www.thetastates.com/ Just remember- with great mixes comes great responsibility. And dancing.
  8. This is not something that I've ever done before in a session, but I meditate sometimes in my personal life, and I can see how it could be beneficial. It's easy to get caught up in our expectations, observations, conversations, etc. So much goes on in a session- not just physical and verbal interactions with each other but our own mental dialogues with ourselves. To just take the time to sit together and meditate, and to sweep away the mental clutter would be lovely. I'd like to try that one day. I would definitely be open to meditation if a client suggested it- however, I'm not sure if I would offer it myself. I don't meditate nearly as often as I'd like and I don't feel qualified to lead a meditation. On the other hand, that might be an incentive to really commit to my personal practice! Definitely something to consider.
  9. The first thing I thought of when I saw this thread was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv343ai0EfA The second thing I thought was, you guys aren't the only ones who get shy. ;) Call it shyness, performance anxiety, or stage fright- all of a sudden you find yourself faced with this other dynamic, real, and very 3D human being- things were easy on paper (on screen, over the phone), but this is rather different. Will we click? Is my sense of humour too wacky? Is my timing all wrong? I have these thoughts too! But that's what I find exciting. Left alone with an unknown variable, what kind of fun can we dream up? You mention 'form'. But is there not something quite exciting about the formlessness and novelty of a new relationship? (And it is a relationship.) What will they say next? What shall I respond? To me, form implies predictability. You're hoping for a certain standard of 'performance', I gather. But is it really so terrible if you don't meet those expectations? It provides the opportunity to come up with something new. Chemistry will always be unknown before the first meeting. All we can do is give it our best effort and hope our partner will be able to meet us where we're at. Sometimes it may take a few attempts before we really get into a groove that gets us both going. This is a natural process. Shyness is just uncertainty. And I think uncertainty can hold a lot of promise.
  10. I believe they say that your muscles have to work harder to keep the smaller ones in- but then, for some people who already have strong kegels, it might not be that difficult at all.
  11. I think that any body size can be healthy and attractive- #1, #2, #3, whatever. It has nothing really to do with what you look like, it's about whether you're consuming the nutrients you need, getting exercise, and whether you're happy. This is my 'ideal body'. And even then, I think that it's important to acknowledge the systemic factors that prevent some people from attaining these goals of good nutrition, exercise, and happiness. Poverty and marginalization can really get a body down.
  12. Life can be hard but there's always glitter nail polish.
  13. Aspen Wilde

    I lounge professionally

    I lounge sexily
  14. OD, I think I understand where you're coming from- the often unreachable standards of the fashion industry and the 'ideal' of a twig-thin body are very damaging for some people. On the other hand, I think this is awesome because I think that the way we tend to strictly gender fashion is very limiting. By pushing the envelope this way and having a male-identified person model both 'mens' and 'womens' clothing, we work to break down these old outdated gender roles about what men do and wear and think and what women do and wear and think. It acknowledges that people should be able to wear whatever they like- that is, whatever makes them feel attractive and good about themselves. Also, I'm mistaken for a young lad rather frequently. It amuses me. My fashion sense is rather androgynous, and I'm pleased to know that I can take on different roles fairly easily, simply by changing out of my frilly frock and into my doc martens and men's jeans. Personal identity meets societal gaze. Riots and frivolity ensue. EDIT: Also, from what I know of changes in fashion trends in the past, the adoption of certain masculine traits and fashions by women has historically been a way of claiming power and independence. The flappers of the 20's embraced a very slim, curveless silhouette as a way of becoming more androgynous, while at the same time they claimed their right to drive, to go out unaccompanied by a man, and to (gasp!) smoke and drink. The previously unheard-of phenomenon of women wearing pants also coincided with some major progress towards women's social equality. There are some problems, I think, with the association of masculinity and masculine traits with power, because that in turn devalues what is culturally seen as feminine. But this is the way our society interprets that symbolism now. Maybe a man wearing women's clothing in mainstream high fashion is an indication of more respect for the power of femininity. That would be great! Ideally, though, we would have a general understanding that power resides neither with masculinity nor femininity, but with humanity. Aaah, nothing like a good tangential post to start one's day off right.
  15. Many congratulations on your twice-godliness! I enjoy reading your posts, and although I've never met you, I have learned plenty from you.
  16. Antihistamines and ice cream- the highlight of my hay-fever-full day. Good riddance.
  17. I'd like to go on a meditation retreat, play in the Stratford Shakespeare festival, juggle fire, and learn to play the accordion. Ideally, when I am very old, I will have a pet donkey and a prosperous vegetable garden. I hope to one day re-master the cartwheel. (I had it when I was very young. Then I lost it.) I would be very interested in learning/practising parkour one day.
  18. Bubble soccer. I'll just leave this here.
  19. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. When we share our lives and our homes with animal friends, we get to know them and their personalities, and we're there for each other in ways that others who have never had a pet couldn't understand. It looks like Alex had a good owner in you. I hope you find the comfort you need right now.
  20. A passive aggressive roommate sending the usual group facebook message re: this month's bills, with a note that she "expects either cash or a grocery gift card considering the taken food" from myself and another roommate. I must note that the tension in the atmosphere frequently steals my appetite, such that I often do not even eat my own food. In a month I'll be out, if I can find someone to sublet the place. I'm going to feel bad doing that to an innocent, though. :-/
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