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Aspen Wilde

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Aspen Wilde

  1. I spent my yesterday on a boat, and also off the boat, swimming in a beautiful lake. I acquired some more magnificent burn lines while lying in the sun with my French political philosophy. Good people, good beer, and the spaciousness of nature made for a wonderful afternoon. At sunset we went out again. I floated on my back in the water and all I could see was the sky -empty except for the moon- which was a delicate shade of blue paling in the fading light, and the water, which reflected the trees onto the surface around me. I stayed that way for a good long time.
  2. Had a great reunion this morning. Went to the market, bought a bunch of kiwis. Now I am naked, in the sunshine, dancing to great music. What don't I love about my life? And can I suggest that we all pause for a moment and ponder the word 'kiwi'?
  3. combination of striped
  4. I will echo what Phaedrus said. In my experience, great chemistry is something that is felt by both, such that it doesn't need to be expressed in words. It's not an issue of special treatment- having a good connection is its own reward.
  5. Had an incredible week. So much glitter. So many beautiful people! "Some days the world can be the greatest place on earth." -Gordon Downie
  6. If you ask what to call me I will ask that you call me Romeo. Nay. I will insist!
  7. I am on staycation. I can hear the garbled sounds of Bluesfest from my window. I don't really need much in this world. Today it's deli meats and public pools. Who knows about tomorrow. Life is grand. Ambition - 4 Satisfaction - 6 And the winner is Satisfaction with six points, after an exciting comeback in the second half! Now please excuse me, I must return to the pressing issue of nothing.
  8. The person I love most is an SP. <3 <3 Oh wait, that's me. ;)
  9. "Love is a feeling that in me and through me I have often called God." -Shane Koyczan, poet. Yes I believe in love. Yes sometimes love is confusing, painful, strange, short, and brutal. But I think that love is an unconditional celebration of existence- of a person, an idea, a place- anything. To love is to revel in what is, without hope or expectation that is will last in the future. And as far as I have discerned, it is one of the most important experiences in life. Call me a hippie, it's true!
  10. Went out to the country with some friends for pre-Canada-day festivities last night. We had a barbecue, played board games, and snuggled. Then we went out into the field to light fireworks. After the fireworks were gone, we lit some signal flares too for good measure, and called it a national distress signal. ("Help! Help! Our country is sinking!") There's something very satisfying about reinterpreting nationalist traditions like that. Oh but did I ever get eaten alive by mosquitoes! *itch itch*
  11. Yes. And when it capsized my partner and I would have a splash fight, until we got tired of that and climbed out of the canal, heading towards the nearest shower for part two of our steamy session and to wash ourselves off because I've heard the water in Venice is nasty. Would you go about an otherwise ordinary day wearing an elaborate elephant costume? (So many jokes about the elephant in the room.)
  12. I should clearly be training for a triathlon, because yesterday I ran, swam, and biked for hours. And as soon as I finish these oats I'm going to go do it again. Ah! It's a good day to be alive.
  13. These past couple days I've been alternately biking for hours and sitting in bathtubs full of icy water. Last night I found a beautiful secluded place by the river and sat listening to the bullfrogs. I've come to the conclusion that I need more short skirts for my bicycle adventures. (Because it's breezier that way, not because I'm an exhibitionist! Well, maybe a little...) I'm looking forward to the rain.
  14. Photoshooooooot! :D These are some of the best pictures of me I've ever seen, so I'm excited to show y'all.
  15. Went skinny dipping, it was awesome!
  16. Being in the middle of a cuddle sandwich. Honey goat's milk gouda. Biking really fast in the rain. Poems about frogs, and crocodiles. Getting ready for new challenges. :D
  17. Will you leap off with grace? Will you sprout wings and fly away?
  18. I dug up some old writing of mine earlier... and I liked it! Additional Comments: My highlight today is literature-related again. I am proud to announce that I just paid off my library fines! I figured it was time to start accumulating some more of them. 8-)
  19. I bought a bike! Now, I'm a midnight-flying-bike-rider. And it is so good to be one. Whee!
  20. I was there this week! It was a fun exhibit. Some displays were broken mind you, and I kinda wanted to rewrite some of the information presented as it was very exclusionary of trans people. There was a game with what I found to be a questionable moral "Sleep with lots of people, and you'll all get HIV!" But on the other hand, as far as I know Ottawa hasn't had anything like this before, and I think that overall it acts as a friendly and approachable exploration of sexuality suitable for young people. Certainly not 'child pornography' or any of the other criticisms that folks who have never actually visited the exhibit have been slinging around. Sheesh.
  21. I bought a box of popsicles yesterday and it's almost empty. I got my first sunburn of the season today. These maybe don't sound like highlights. But these are signs of summer! It's here! Tonight I'm going skinny dipping! How wonderful!
  22. I really quite like heights. I also like getting close to the ground. (The earth is lovely from any perspective!) Walking is my primary mode of transport. I've seen the extended DVD editions of The Lord of the Rings five times each. Being in crowds creeps me out, but I love performing in front of them. I'm an Aries. No wonder I'm so hard-headed and impatient. I find philosophy fun. I was once a radio host at the only radio station in a small town made primarily of cardboard. (I received a lot of fanmail. It was a really friendly town.)
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