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Honey Man

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Everything posted by Honey Man

  1. Long hair down below shaved or oh natural?
  2. Antigua because I have never been there pen or pencil?
  3. No one could know who the best is unless they saw everyone and unless they where qualified in some way to judge who is the best. However I am sure we all have our favorite's. My favorite I seldom see because of distance which makes seeing her very difficult. However she is my favorite because she makes the time we spend together seem so natural. Its kinda like that movie where the guy and the girl get together once a year to be intimate. He has his life and she has hers but once a year they get together and forget about the world and just enjoy each others company. Now of course our time together has its element of business but its way more then that. I realized this summer it was more then that when she offered to see me if they hospitalized me and said she would sneak in late at night so as not to have anyone question who she was and what relationship she had to me. She txt messages me hello's now and then just to see how I am doing. Never once has she ever asked why I do not come see her. I brought her a special birthday and Christmas present. I txt to see how she is doing. When she needed help to fix a certain problem I was there to get it fixed for her. Our friendship is way beyond being just business.
  4. farmers life for me :) txt or a phone call?
  5. tonight was an odd supper. lol first I fried up some hamburger and then into that I mixed cooked beets all sliced up. It sounds weird and was not the best tasting but it was only me eating it so what the heck. My dog did not even want some lmfao
  6. getting via email a picture of my new 175 year old stone home with a sold sign out front. which confirms I bought it and will be moving there in the spring. it was built with the stones left over from the Rideau canal by the stone masons unemployed after building the Rideau canal. The folks that owned it had it completely restored. It is beautiful
  7. leftovers from last night, and will be 2 day leftovers tomorrow night lol
  8. surfing, drinking an organic beer with an piece of organic cheese
  9. Bee pollen contains every essential vitamin and mineral know to man. It also has more protein then beef. You could live on Bee pollen and water
  10. Caribbean vacation mastercard or visa?
  11. Schocking someone with your behavior mustard or ketchup??
  12. organic spaghetti bowties with organic spaghetti sauce covered in organic cheese and then baked. darn nice and have left overs for tomorrow
  13. creature of habit. organic cheese and organic beer and surf a bit before bed
  14. organic spaghetti with organic spaghetti sauce covered in organic cheese
  15. drinking my nightly organic beer with a piece of organic cheese and earlier I had a non organic chocolate muffin because it just looked so good sitting there. darn thing was stale but I ate it anyway lol ops and surfing a bit before bed
  16. grey ones two days in a row shhhhh do not tell anyone. I live alone its not like anyone but all of you folks will know lol
  17. Cheese: mild fruit or vegetables?
  18. Drinking an organic beer and having a piece of organic cheese and surfing before bed
  19. Today the grey ones. The Red ones are in the wash lol
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