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Your theme song?

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Okay, so now that we've established that movies made of many of our sexual adventures would be found in the "bloopers" category, tell me what the theme song would be for your movie? And cite the lyrics that sealed the deal.


Mine would be Parliament Funkadelic's "Freak of the weak":


"Don't give her that one move groovalistic,

That disco sadistic,

That one beat up and down it just won't do.

Don't give her that forever and ever foreplay,

She's not looking for the short way,

She's got to reach a point where she gets off."





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Joyful....are you playing with the catnip again?....hahahaha....



have you got some sort of link to a clip of that...I would really like to hear it....

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Whoops! That should have been "Freak of the Week." I looked around and I haven't found any clips of it yet. (Someone else did a song by the same name, but it's definitely not the same song.) This was dance party funk, Clinton-style, going way back into the 70s.


(Catnip? No way, man! I don't touch that stuff. I never seen that baggy before in my life. That must be Mina's. Ask her, man. It's not mine. I swear it!)



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This is my kinda theme song, of course the people are a little out a scale but you can imagine the same thing with dwarfs, and say a mini. I'll be the one snapping the towel! oooo someone just dropped the soap :cool:



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Oh No... not the bloodhound gang. Have you heard the "lap dancers are better when the stripper is crying" song? It's made with one of those casio keyboards from the 80's I think and the lyrics are HORRID! But I am still compelled to post the link


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Great topic Joyful!


This one has been following me around for years now,

the video is corny and cheesy justlike me!



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I have a tear from watching that video! You are one funny guy!

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Guest f***2f***
Great topic Joyful!


This one has been following me around for years now,

the video is corny and cheesy justlike me!





"Makes me feel quite dirty!!"

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My theme song varies by theme:


The Peter Gunn Theme Song was played at my 40th - I think because it had no words, is chronically annoying and gets stuck in your head for way too long:



Another is the Pink Panther theme song- and how I love big pink pussies


This is my fav Christmas song


But I think this just about sums it up: Ballad of a Sex Junkie - I am such a nerd

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This is so funny! I have spent the last week thinking about this, and I am at a loss. I have different songs that run in my head for different situations, but I never know who sings them or their titles. I will try and figure them out and put up a list, but I am such a ditz when it comes to the details...



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Guest f***2f***
This is so funny! I have spent the last week thinking about this, and I am at a loss. I have different songs that run in my head for different situations, but I never know who sings them or their titles. I will try and figure them out and put up a list, but I am such a ditz when it comes to the details...




How about??



(just surprised those women on the front row aren't throwing their panties at him....ha ha)

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How about??



(just surprised those women on the front row aren't throwing their panties at him....ha ha)



You Rock!!!



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Guest f***2f***

you and your pussy cat eyes...whoa whoa....you and your pussy cat nose...whoa whoa..lol too funny!!

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Since we are plugging YouTube clips, here is one that is also likely related to some other posts ...


Btw, I'm not trying to be vulgar with this one. It is without a doubt the best 45 seconds of television that I have ever seen:


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That is a viral marketing video. Good money in producing those videos... the mastercard one is a hoot

and the ford one is funny too

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That thing has been around for years and I still laugh every time! I looked into starting a viral marketing company because of that video. I bet MC paid for that (same with ford) rumor has it that many of the big companies pay for those things to be made now (quietly of course). I have some great idea's for xbox/playstation for a viral video and also one for a restaurant. Also the easy ones like hover (We suck good) commercial in a viral video could be really funny.


For those who don't know Viral does not mean VIRUS it means a video that is passed around from email to email (and posted on sites like you tube) they are usually tv commercial type ads that are a little (or a lot) too explicit for TV or just really funny! I think the Sumo Wrestler car wash was probably intended to be viral but they put it on air.


It's a great way to advertise your product and it's entertaining as well so no harm done. If you make the clip funny enough and entertaining enough people will market the clip for you.

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