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I realize this may be a downer subject, but it cannot go without being mentioned....My heart is saddened today over the loss of a great man, that being Jack Layton.

Without giving away any of my political leanings, I appreciated Jack's Strengths - his passion, drive, work ethic, ideals and courage.


You will be missed, one of our Sons of Canada.

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This is very sad news. I don't mind saying that I'm a fiscal conservative and a social moderate so he didn't get my vote, but he garnered my admiration as a passionate Canadian who fought for the values that he believed in.


A great loss for all Canadians, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. I hope that the NDP can continue to pursue Mr. Layton's vision and provide a much needed balance to our shared society.

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Sad day for all as cancer steals another great one. RIP Jack Layton. Your country thanks you for your service and contribution.

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Very sad news. Whatever one's political leanings may be, I think that all would agree that Jack was a fine man who genuinely cared about people and about Canada. To have lost his personal battle with cancer so soon after having had such success in his political leadership is tragic.


RIP Jack.

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I have just now heard this news and am so sorry to hear it. Mr Layton was a Canadian first and foremost and one of the rare political leaders of recent times who stood by his principles rather than respond depending on which way the wind was blowing.


Canada will miss his idealism and determination and his passing leaves a huge gap for us in having a voice to speak for the common Canadian.


Blessings to his family and friends.

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It is shocking that he achieved his greatest political triumph just so little time ago, now knowing how little time he had left. There must already be a greek tragedy written about someone like him (Achilles, maybe?).


Hope the NDP follow the direction he set for them, and not fall back on their extremist ways. Having multiple party choices in an election is what sets us apart from the Americans.

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A sad loss for Canada indeed.


While I may not agree with his politics, I always admired his integrity, determination and passion.


I think most politicians could learn a great deal from Mr. Layton. Leaders of his qualities are few and far between these days.

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I agree with what everyone has said. Integrity is non-partisan. Like his politics or not, he was a straight shooter. Much like duceppe. I didn't agree with either of them politically, but you always knew where they stood and they at least had positions.


A great loss to Canada. He was a special man.

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A big loss for Canada, indeed. He was a great leader, a fighter, and a man of conviction.


Irrespective of one's own politics, this man deserves to be revered and remembered for his strength of character, courage, and -not least- his positivity until the very end.


Sincere condolences to his wife Olivia, his family and closest friends. He'll be one hard act to follow.


Rest in peace, Smiling Jack


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Around our house, we agreed with his politics AND we had tremendous respect for him as a leader and a warrior for the people's interests. We're stunned.

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Jack Layton represented a style of politician which used to be common but is very rare today. He was someone whom you could respect and trust regardless of whether you agreed or disagreed with his policies. A very rare quality and something that everyone can try to emulate when we are debating others over deeply held and personal points of view.

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Ahhh I was working all day and before turning on my TV I saw this thread and I am so saddened :icon_sad: to hear this. He was a great politician with heart and that is very rare among politicians. May God bless his soul.

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I saw the flag at half mast this morning on Parliament Hill and felt somewhat personally diminished. In passing, Jack Layton has left a void in Canadian politics. Regardless of our own beliefs, he was the man to whom each of us could relate.


Like us, he wasn't perfect. He made some mistakes. He fought battles and lost. His politics didn't appeal to everyone.


What set Jack above the rest was his charisma. Jack filled a room. When he arrived, you knew he was there without looking. Jack was passionate. He believed in his own words. He believed that he could make change for the better, not just for himself, but for everyone.


Jack was the man that many of us could only aspire to emulate. He was eloquent but appealed to a broad spectrum of people. He was well educated but down to earth. He was raised in advantage but represented the working class. He was simply a man that understood us.


Canada is a better place for having known him.

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