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What is one characteristic that turn you on in a man or woman?


I will start with self assured confidence. That characteristic turns me on no matter how he fills out his jeans pockets, front or back.

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What is one characteristic that turn you on in a man or woman?


I will start with self assured confidence. That characteristic turns me on no matter how he fills out his jeans pockets, front or back.


I will speak about men since they are who I am attracted to and confidence is also a big turn on to me,confident men are usually better at all they do,especially sex,they seem to just take the lead and although you said one I also have to metion a sense of humor,strength and kindness all are very attactive characteristics.A strong,confindent man that loves women and is kind of heart to me is a total package,doesn't hurt if he makes six figures++


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:D Hard to just say one thing about a woman that turns me on....cause there are so many things.


I guess one of the most important things for me, is that she is intelligent. I mean, it doesn't matter how hot the girl is, if she can't have an intelligent conversation...then I'm out of there ;)

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Acceptance and self-acceptance.


The thing that I love the most about someone is that they accept me..the way I am. With my flaws. My darks secrets. My inner demons.


I have yet to find someone that totally accept me

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An open and engaging mind with the ability to converse and flirt coupled with a confidence that isn't arrogance but rather comfort in their own skin.

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Intelligence, and the ability to make intelligent conversation (which aren't the same thing).


Isn't that the truth.

I like a woman with confidence as well, a smile and eyes that will meet mine head on during discussion and sex.

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Acceptance and self-acceptance.


The thing that I love the most about someone is that they accept me..the way I am. With my flaws. My darks secrets. My inner demons.


I have yet to find someone that totally accept me


Ah yes, this is huge to me, as well..


Terrible, really, just how many people that you encounter in life who are prone to judge you and eager to condemn you in so many ways. Sadly, much of this probably stems from their upbringing in mainstream religion and a distorted, fundamentalist interpretation of "Christian" values...

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Intelligent, independent, strong willed, good sense of humor (with me you sometimes need all the sense of humor you can get!) and most importantly confidence! I've dated one or two girls that lacked self esteem (mostly having to do with their appearance) and I was frustrated in my failed attempts to help them at times :( So important is confidence!


Good topic Erin!

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Guest S**a*Q

I love big words, a good vocabulary and great spelling go a long way with me.


Don't EVER send me a text like...

"Hey u, dont no about u, but im feelin sum gud vibez,cant wait to c u again. wud u lik to hav diner w me?"

*(That was a real text I got recently from someone... Not just one text like that, but ALL of them.)


Um HELL NO! (Cause you're missing about as many letters as you have texted me there...) It's like nails on a chalkboard to be, being a writer and all.


On that note, intellect is also a big thing for me. (Not even intellect, just logic enough to figure out what the little squiggly line under the misspelled word means, it does give you the right way to spell it)


Okay what else... Well I seem to be making people laugh all the time, it's awesome when I meet someone that makes me laugh just as much.


You also have to be either pretty outgoing or really quiet to be a good match with me. I have found that people that float in the middle tend to get lost in all that is me. (You also have to have patience, cause I'm a tad annoying!)


So other than good spelling, intelligence, humour and patience... Can he/she have a good job? I have a bad track record of dating dudes that have "questionable" employment. (OMG You have no job??? That's hot and we should totally move in together...)


I'm working on that... :P

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Intelligence, curiosity linked with the wanting to be enlightened or open to new subjects like technology, current world affairs and sports (preferably soccer)

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All the characteristics previously mentioned are good ones for sure. I find not being affraid to let the walls down very sexy. Comfortable enough to be vulnerable, not have all the answers, searching, interested, learning, laughing at yourself, sharing ideas, experimenting, not being affraid to be who you are warts and all.


Being confident enough to that is very sexy to me.




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A LUST for life!


I agreed! Very well said.


I myself always thirst for something bigger than me, I want emotions. Passion. Intensity. I won't settle for less then the extraordinary.

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A LUST for life!


I like! : )


Another thing I value is someone that lives in the "now." I've known a few that cannot let their past go or make constant predictions for the future. Someone that can embrace the simplicity of what we cherish at all times is sexy. Life is too short for baggage or predicting outcomes that are not necessary. You attract your thoughts back like a boomerang and I don't want to get hit in the snout by one of those things. ;)

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