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is it cool to talk to a girl about the biz?


ie, how long she has been in it, what brought her there etc?


I am somewhat curious when I am at an appointment, however I do not know how it would be taken?



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Bah if my customer want to hear about it sure I have no problems, but most people in my experience don't like to hear about other stories. But you have those odds people that want to hear funny anecdotes:)


thought asking what brought her here, for how long...seem fairly common questions in my eyes

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I think it's fair to ask politely, and be prepared to possibly receive an answer that she wouldn't like to discuss it.


I personally have had many long, in-depth conversations with clients about 'the biz', but I've also declined answering others as I wasn't comfortable with that person.

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I've asked an SP and an MA how they got into the industry. They seemed fine answering it, with the MA we talked about the industry a bit more (activism and stuff). But then again, I've asked my chiropractor, massage therapist, teachers, etc if the conversation moved that way.

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I've asked a lot of the ladies I see how they got into the business, just out of curiosity really. The subject has always come up in the conversation at the beginning of the appointment, and they've always answered my inquiries pleasantly.

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It seems it's just a matter of them being comfortable with you's. As I try to become fairly regular with some ladies and am fairly open with my own situation, they don't seem to mind chatting about the business.

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I wouldn't suggest it on the first visit because like Cat said, the SP might begin to wonder why you are being so intrusive. If I'm comfortable I will but not likely on the first visit especially if a person comes across as being nosy which I can't stand. I'm usually pretty good at reading people.


Also, don't be surprised if the SP will ask a few questions back. If I'm going to tell someone about myself after a while, I expect to know about them in return. If you don't want to answer questions, please don't ask them. Mostly my appts do not consist of a lot of pillow talk so I try to steer the conversation in a general direction and everyone is happy.


I like to seperate my personal life from being an SP and vice versa and my goal is to create a fantasy that doesn't involve answering questions such as if I have a boyfriend, kids, how many houses I own, if I pay my taxes and how much money do I make every week. Not the kind of GFE I offer.lol.

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I'm always happy to explain to a certain extent but not always will I disclose the full personal details. some things I just won't disclose because they relate to personal details of my life.


It's also important to remember that every girl ended up here some how and as individuals everyones comfort will vary in regards to discussion just like in any situation of human interaction.



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I would have to agree with what the girls have been saying. I have to add that when someone is genuinely interested in learning about who I am it's ok to ask such things. When clients think of this as part of the entertainment I get a little annoyed and give the white lye answer or a watered down truth of the story. Does this mean I lie the whole time, no. Do I feel sorry for lying, no.


As escorts we do provide a fantasy and we decide what information you are going to get and what information you are not going to get. I also agree with the girls that maybe these kind of questions are for long time clients and not for people you've just meet. I'm the same in real life. I don't give all my information away to people I've just meet but don't mind talking about things with long time friends. Intrusive is intrusive in real life or in the escort hobby.

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Sometimes, you can read from the girl whether she's comfortable or not answering your questions. Besides, it is not relevant with the date. I'm sure the same can apply to the gentlemen as well. Some may not like to explain why they're hobbying when asked by their dates.

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Sometimes, you can read from the girl whether she's comfortable or not answering your questions. Besides, it is not relevant with the date. I'm sure the same can apply to the gentlemen as well. Some may not like to explain why they're hobbying when asked by their dates.


I think this is well said. I would only ask the question if somehow the conversation came around to talking about the business, otherwise I wouldn't think of asking the question and if you can't tell if the question make the lady uncomfortable then definitely don't ask. Like some of the previous posts have stated, I probably don't want to know the answer.


As to why I do this, I'm a horny old man, what can I say :).

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I have a very talk to face, I'm an open warm person and genuinely interested in people so folks seem to need to talk to me....whether I ask questions or not. Doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing.




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I am a very chatty person but kinda go with the flow. I don't mind talking about the general personal aspects of my life and then again, I am not afraid of letting someone know when they have gone to far :)

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I think this question among others are so commonly asked that if an escort has been at this a while and doesn't want to give her true story... she is smart enough to adapt it. ie.. if she was a welfare mom.. she says I wanted to go back to school.. wanted to save up for a big trip whatever... and decided I like being an escort. Little white lies are what we are all about anyway no?


It's easy enough for me to be truthful because that's my story.. I started to put myself through post graduate school. The closer to the truth the easier it is to tell. I mean.. most of us use little white lies to tell people in our square life a flowery story other than the real truth. I make it simple and uninteresting in those cases.. ie. I do clerical work from home. Boring.. no-one asks me any more questions really. We move on to more interesting topics.

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Oh, yes. It also depends on how open you are too. If you are asking my questions like an interview and expect me to answer them. When the table is turned are you willing to answer the questions I'm asking you? If you are then I will be more open to answering yours. It could be any question. Some questions shouldn't be asked if you want to be happy in your fantasy. Although I'm usually an open book some things are left for myself. Especially if I feel like you do not have my best interests at heart.

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I would definitely recommend that you don't start the conversation. Everytime I have been given "the inside view" of the escort industry it came up naturally in regular convesation. I didn't direct the conversation that way. I guess the SP felt comfortable enough with me to give me a glimpse into the type of career they have.


Going by memory, it seems everytime an SP opened up to me about their escort work was after I had told them some of the crazy stories of my previous career. I guess they wanted to show me that their job could be just as crazy/funny etc.


If you are nice and polite and let the conversation flow naturally, you probably will get a glimpse of the escort life. But there are no guarantees.

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