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Ok...where to start....shark week....againnnnnnnnn....oh nooooooo!!!!!


Here it is,


Since i hit my 50's my periods have become so unpredictable...yes gents...i can already hear you guys say!! Menopause!!!! well its definatly pre-menepause!!!

When i started dieting for competition i thought it was the diet and my low body fat that took my periods away for a few months (maybe it was then) but now i know my metabolism as reach that point where i just have to face it...not too much hot flashes but just irregular periods....3 months without...and BAMMMM....they are back every 3 weeks 4 times in a row...grrrrr!!!


I think both SP's and gents can give their input on that subject...


Ladies...do you take days off during shark week or you manage to hide it...not sure if i should reveal our secret here lol


Gentlemen...have you had bad experiences during encounters? Is it a turn off when you just realize that a lady as started her period during a hot steamy session?

I've experienced it 3 weeks ago...after some hot digit...I was like nooooo!!!! :O was a bit embarrassed.....but he was really cool about it, it was our second session together and he laughed! I cleaned him up lolll. It wasnt that traumatising i guess coz he called me back hihi


I would love to hear your stories....I'm sure there are lots of interesting ones!!!


I don't know about other ladies but I'm even more horny during that period...what about you ladies...are you?

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Guest realnicehat

I have never had a bad experience during an professional encounter but I do remember the first time, I guess to use your analogy, I was involved in a shark attack.


After some play with a girl I was dating I strolled to the bathroom to clean up. I clicked on the light and aaaahhh!!!! What the hell has happened to my penis?


I did actually make the aaahhh sound and shortly after started laughing when I realized I hadn't been flayed. Of course it was a totally immature reaction and she felt horrible. Apparently she thought "Shark week" was over but there turned out to be one episode left to air.


Soon we were both laughing about it and after a shared shower and some clean sheets more fun was had by all.

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I feel for you hun, nothing like unpredictable periods. If men only had to deal with what we had to, lol, I'm not sure they'd make it through. I'm pretty lucky as mine tend to be pretty regular, sometimes a few days early or late. I prefer not to work at all during my time as they can be fairly heavy, cramping, ect,ect. So the discomfort knocks me out of the game either way. Mother nature can be cruel, at least we're healthy:)

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I have to say as a guy who loves Discovery Channels Shark Week, and with a passion for studying things that involve sharks.. I was excited to see a post about it!


That was until I saw this thread and practically died laughing. Well played ladies, well played ;)

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Hasn't happened with a paid companion but it has happened with partners and my reaction would be the same. No biggie - its normal.

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This is when you bring on SOAP week: Sexual Oral Anal Pleasures week and massage of course. Thankfully I know within a day of when I'm going to start to give a heads up to those who want more. Ending is a little trickier but I take that into consideration. It's all good but I wish Aunt Flo would have a little more consideration and stay for a shorter visit and leave when I want to kick her out. Nothing makes me crazier then not being able to get it on when I want!

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As a follow up to this, I wonder what both gentlemen and ladies think about sex during 'shark week' (Haha.. this may be my new favourite term for it)


I personally love it, I tend to find myself more excited and aroused during this time. I do realize though that some do not like it.


I am just wondering if the majority like it, don't like it, or are indifferent?

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Guest *l**e

in my biz, it's super common. A very large number of ladies become quite frisky in the days leading up to Shark Week...sometimes, this leads them to me and ..well...sometimes stuff happens...lol

no biggee...it's just biology.

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A ladies period is nothing to get excited about.. i have seen ladies on their period and had an amazing time.


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When it's shark week, I will only see massage clients because the session is focused on them only but it's not even a week. Just 3 days now. I find the few days before ( the PMS) to be the worst for trying to feel good in general. That's when I'm bitchy and don't want to see anyone but I'm certainly friskier so that's when good porn comes in hand when I'm by myself.


It arrived once before a client came over and I was going to cancel but they still wanted to come over. It didn't bother them but a sponge helped to take away the messiness and we had a really good time.. I just prefer not to see escorting clients during that time because I sometimes feel out of sorts and blah anyways. Those 3 days I consider my vacation days for the month and are spent doing whatever the hell I feel like.

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