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SPs & Hobbyists: What is the Most Indiscreet Situation You've Found Yourself In?

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While we're on the subject of discretion, what is the most indiscreet thing that has ever happened to you while SPing or hobbying? Myself, I would have to say that a client ( who happened to be a young and immature regular) showed up an 45 minutes early ( and no he didn't mix up the times) and banged on the hotel room door while I was with another client!!!! How do you explain that? Seriously, who does that? I was so mad I asked him to leave and not come back. Fortunately the client who ws with me at the time just laughed about it and we carried on with our appointment.



Another one was back when I first started out as an SP. I was on an outcall at a client's house and was about to walk out the door after the appt. All of a sudden he sees his wife's car pull up in the driveway and freaked out. He was throwing my shoes down the stairs and wanted me to hide in the basement and then told me to go in the garage while he talked to her. Eventually she realized I was in the garage and asked me to leave but she was furious. It also didn't help that my car was parked in the driveway.



I have other horror stories but these two are at the top of my list. Obviously in both situations these guys didn't think about the consequences of what can and did go wrong. I did not appreciate being put in these situations and having people show up like that is not only a mood killer but can also be threatening. I really do think that some people like to live on the edge or they want to get caught for whatever reasons. Never again will I give the room number to someone who seems to be immature and I will never go on a call to a client's house. They will have to come and see me.

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A while back, and don't know if this indiscretion,but more of a weird feeling and a quick get away.


Anyways going to an in call, the Sp told me the buzzer code,apartment number by cell phone.


So I get up there, only to have her room mate answer the door. The only issue I had was the room mate was a guy!:shock:


So I says "Where is so and so" he says "Oh she will be here in about 15 minutes she is running late,but your welcome to come in and have a seat"


So I says to myself ya fucking right I going to sit down!


I walked away from the door and headed back to the elevator. Mean while he is yelling in the hallway "But wait she will be right here to make you feel great, just hang on sir,please will you wait" meanwhile I can hear another apartment door opening...I'm saying "Oh geez no please no"


Get in the elevator, thank god no one else saw me, and I could hear the guy through the doors "Please sir"


I left, she called me about 10 minutes later apologized by phone after explaining she uses the room blah blah blah, so that is my most indiscreet situation or very weird situation.


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Oh BTW here is another one that was also a very close call, or very disturbing.



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Cant say anything happened to me .... yet! Almost stumbled on a friend from school once while visiting a Stripclub. Luckily, he never saw me. I know he's got a big mouth... not sure what he would have told colleagues at work...


Megan, even as a SC client myself, I agree with you. I fully appreciate that many that i know do this to supplement their income without any of their close relatives, friends or "official" employer knowing about it. Hence working away from their home town...

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A while back, and don't know if this indiscretion,but more of a weird feeling and a quick get away.


Anyways going to an in call, the Sp told me the buzzer code,apartment number by cell phone.


So I get up there, only to have her room mate answer the door. The only issue I had was the room mate was a guy!:shock:


So I says "Where is so and so" he says "Oh she will be here in about 15 minutes she is running late,but your welcome to come in and have a seat"


So I says to myself ya fucking right I going to sit down!


I walked away from the door and headed back to the elevator. Mean while he is yelling in the hallway "But wait she will be right here to make you feel great, just hang on sir,please will you wait" meanwhile I can hear another apartment door opening...I'm saying "Oh geez no please no"


Get in the elevator, thank god no one else saw me, and I could hear the guy through the doors "Please sir"


I left, she called me about 10 minutes later apologized by phone after explaining she uses the room blah blah blah, so that is my most indiscreet situation or very weird situation.


Additional Comments:

Oh BTW here is another one that was also a very close call, or very disturbing.




I would have left too, good call :-). You are a very smart gentleman. I remember you're reading about your last experience. I always ask who will be present for an out call.

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Guest O***wa**W

I had a new client show up, late, but say he couldn't stay, he just realized that he had been contacting me over his blackberry and the emails there stay on the home computer his wife uses or something to that effect. So I (rolling my eyes) told him to just delete them from the email server thing. I wasn't sure if he was playing me or not, he said she would be home soon. I said he could use my computer to do it, that it would only take a minute, then we could get on with our session.

so we log on, and he doesn't know what company he uses, what website to go to, etc. we spend almost 30 minutes online working it out, then go to the room to begin the session. he takes off his shirt, puts his hands in his pockets and "suddenly" realizes he doesn't have his wallet or any money on him. so I tell him to leave, after he has wasted almost an hour of my time. I dont know if he worked out the business with his wife and his shared email or not, but I cannot bring myself to care after that.

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Another one was back when I first started out as an SP. I was on an outcall at a client's house and was about to walk out the door after the appt. All of a sudden he sees his wife's car pull up in the driveway and freaked out. He was throwing my shoes down the stairs and wanted me to hide in the basement and then told me to go in the garage while he talked to her. Eventually she realized I was in the garage and asked me to leave but she was furious. It also didn't help that my car was parked in the driveway.


Ouch! - That's got to be the most awkward situation to find yourself in. Could have been dangerous too. Not justifying the idiot guy for putting you in that situation, but I could imagine the panic the guy must have been going through.

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Being caught in an indiscreet situation hasn't happened yet, but every time I walk into a hotel lobby or down a street in an area I don't normally spend time in, I'm afraid someone I know will see me and ask me at an awkward time, hey I saw you the other day going into the xyz hotel, or on abc street.

I would hate the thought of something like that coming up in some social situation with the SO.


Hasn't happened yet, but one day.......

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I had a regular client for a few years and over time he felt comfortable telling me certain personal details of his life (like his girls were in dance, and one of his son's was a deviant, where he lived in Hunt Club, where he worked). I knew his name, etc.


I started a new government contract job, and lo and behold, the office manager is showing me my cubicle. I glance up and see this nameplate on the cubicle next to me. It was the same surname as my client (who has a unusual last name).


I said, to myself, no, it can't be. Well, long story short, turns out, my cubicle neighbour was his wife! The evidence was all there including family pics.


The next time he called me, I had to tell him I couldn't see him anymore - he was so shocked, he actually hung up on me. When he called me back, I assured him that his secret was safe.


I felt so guilty everytime she would bring up tidbits over coffee with the girls, because I was thinking in my head "yeah, I know that already type of thing".


Turns out one day he had to come by the office to pick up something. She had to run off to an unscheduled meeting and asked me to bring down the item to the commissionaires desk. So I had to say, What does he look like...(like I didn't know, right (even naked)).


Well, you should have seen the look on his face, when he saw me get off the elevator, probably thinking she was right behind me. I had to say, "Oh, are you Mr. so and so" because I think he would have had a heart attack right there if I just walked up to him.


I no longer work there, but sometimes wonder how he's doing.

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Guest S***e

A few years ago while attending a seminar, I had a discrete encounter with a lovely lady (SP) while out of town. A couple of days later, I ran across her at a restaurant a fair distance away from the hotel I was staying at and she was at a table with a co-worker of mine having dinner. I was leaving and had to pass quite close to their table and I tried my best to not draw any attention to myself, however my co-worker looked up and directly at me. I gave a quick wave and didn't stop to chat with him as I normally would as I said my ride had just pulled up. Needless to say, that's where it was all left. What happens in (fill in the city name) stays there. Damned small world especially when we play this game.

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angela...amazing level of discretion....wonderful story....


A wise person I know used to say "truth is stranger than fiction". So true....

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Indiscretion 1 - Many years ago I was teaching at a U (just coming out of graduate school myself), my young (first year undergrad) students saw me in a strip bar and spread the word around. Had a hard time controlling the class for the rest of the term. Changed job soon after (not because of that but did not like teaching lol). If you teach (and I guess same is true for several other jobs like police officers, school teachers, religious leaders) your working hours is not limited to the hours you are working, but your off work hours are affected too!!!!. You have to exercise great degree of discretion even when off work.


Indiscretion 2 - Love to have pictures of people I love nearby (my parents, friends, regular SPs who also are in my mind, friends). Took nude/semi nude pictures of a few regular SPs I was seeing (with their full permission of course and sometimes even their suggestion) but put them on my bedroom wall (so that I see them every night and morning after I wake up, but it was a big mistake). The ladies also seem to be happy when they were re-visiting me to see their faceless pictures on my wall and sometimes we joked and laughed about it!!!. The word was spread by a certain well known local agency (posted in public about this) when I commented not positively about them on another board. In my view, it was a clear case of breaking the most important and essential component of this business (the discretion promised lol - info on my bedroom and God knows what else lol). Fortunately those pictures with faces I did not display in public (have them in my private album), but still it was a big mistake to have believed in the discretion promise lol!!!. I removed all pictures lol and put them in my album instead. I learned from my mistake. Don't repeat my mistake lol. Oh yes I boycotted that agency a year and a half ago.

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It was in Montreal and I was so nervous(found her on CL), I call and make a meeting for 11am, she tells me to call her when I get to a gas station so to tell me what motel to meet her at. When I get there she says she is running a bit late and to wait, so I did. About 1/2 hr later I see this Cadillac SUV pull in with I'm sure is her and her pimp or bf. She calls me about 20 minutes later to confirm the motel, I show up and as I thought that SUV was there and the pimp was on is way out we shared looks. Now I'm not a little guy being 6'2" and 220 lbs not much scares me so I proceeded with my first meeting. I call back at the number, he answers(first time I talk with him) and tells me the room number where I can find the girl, now I knock on the door and no answer so i knock again and this guy answers the door and he was sleeping and he looked mad, now I'm mad. I call back to give the pimp shit and he says he gave me the wrong room number and now gives me the right number.

I knock on the door and it is the girl I have seen on CL, so we have small talk and I ask if I can take a shower and then we can proceed, she agrees.

After we are done about 45 min. I take another shower and as I come out of the shower I hear a knock on the door and the door opens within 2 seconds WTF I had another 5 minutes left in the hour so I tell him off and he says f^@k y@# you had over 1 hr and 15 with the girl you need to pay more.

I'm a lover not a fighter but don't mess around with me I have a short temper so I told him to back off or thing would get ugly and she told him that it only been 1 hour. That situation almost made me quit hobbying but I checked here on Cerb and it has been smooth sailing since.

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It was graduation night.. high school. Back in the days of steam ships, telegraphs and talkies. Okay... not so far back.


It was the tradition that the young men on the student council and all the team captains of all the sports teams camped out on grad night on the front steps of the school. Now the school I attended was built in the late 1800's, a massive edifice and a tribute to the Scottish masons of the area. It was a magnificent structure. The front steps were enclosed in a large arch and were about 10 metres wide and 20 metres deep.


We were there. We were drunk. Fortunately, with equal rights, much of the female representation on student council and school athletic captains were also there. Which was a very good thing... because besides being there and drunk, we were horny.


Well, as the evening progressed a lovely young lady and I decided it was time to initiate the front steps of our hallowed school by a wonderful session of steamy high school awkward sex. Didn't matter (at the time) who was watching. We were hot for each other.


None of us had thought that school board had security patrols monitoring properties at night... which was extremely unfortunate. I experienced my first case of high schoolus frontus steppus coitus interuptus, followed quickly by the worst case of testiculus enormous painus.


That was a tad indiscrete....

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Another one was back when I first started out as an SP. I was on an outcall at a client's house and was about to walk out the door after the appt. All of a sudden he sees his wife's car pull up in the driveway and freaked out. He was throwing my shoes down the stairs and wanted me to hide in the basement and then told me to go in the garage while he talked to her. Eventually she realized I was in the garage and asked me to leave but she was furious. It also didn't help that my car was parked in the driveway. .


OMG, this is even worse than my strip bar indiscretion lol:shock:!!!!.

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OMG Nicolette, the part about your car being parked in the driveway made me howl! how exactly did he plan on hiding you then??! lol!


I used to co-own a 2nd apartment for an incall...ok building but accross the hallway there was this very elderly guy who used to leave his door open a crack so that his precious little miniature poodle could run up and down the halls....not cool. I rarely saw the dog so I figured that i really didnt want to draw attention to myself or make aquaintances with the neighbor by asking him to change his routine.


generally the dog stayed in the room but on one occasion came barking running out and barking at the top of its lungs when a client rapped on the door a little too loud.....all i saw when I opened the door was a blur of white fur run into my apartment after my client who was quite a bit older and very nervous to begin with. then the elderly man across the hall came out in the hall to try and beckon the dog back.....ack! it was a mess! I was so embarrassed coz I have no idea what this older man across the hall was thinking....me in my sexy dress, this older guy with a bottle of wine......i told the neighbor to keep his door closed from then on and appologized profusely to my client


so happy I wasn't in that apartment for long! lol


I'm sure there are other instances, thats just the first that comes to mind tonight

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Mine was at Hedonism II with a civilian. I was in the dining hall sitting at the table with about six or seven other people after supper. We were watching some poor schmuck doing his best Elvis impersonation when suddenly I spotted this lady in a silver dress coming toward me. I vaguely remembered passing her on the beach earlier that afternoon. Now, with me being completely clueless, I thought she was coming over to ask for directions. Nothing could have been further from the truth. She promptly sat down on my lap and started giving me a lap dance. Then she decided she wanted a bit more and started undoing my belt. I protested a bit at first since we were in public, but she was rather determined. In the end I gave in; However - I was not prepared for the numerous flashes from a multitude of cameras which suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now I know what Britney Spears feels like! Btw... needless to say, there are now pictures of me in photo albums all across North America! *lol* :p


Additional Comments:

I've relayed my most indiscreet moment with an SP in another thread. However, the jist of it was that I encountered an SP in her civilian workplace. However, she basically "outed" me by not displaying any tact or discretion in the conversation she chose to have. In effect, she was more or less flaunting our client / SP relationship in public! I was floored to say the least.

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I had a regular client for a few years and over time he felt comfortable telling me certain personal details of his life (like his girls were in dance, and one of his son's was a deviant, where he lived in Hunt Club, where he worked). I knew his name, etc.


I started a new government contract job, and lo and behold, the office manager is showing me my cubicle. I glance up and see this nameplate on the cubicle next to me. It was the same surname as my client (who has a unusual last name).


I said, to myself, no, it can't be. Well, long story short, turns out, my cubicle neighbour was his wife! The evidence was all there including family pics.


The next time he called me, I had to tell him I couldn't see him anymore - he was so shocked, he actually hung up on me. When he called me back, I assured him that his secret was safe.


I felt so guilty everytime she would bring up tidbits over coffee with the girls, because I was thinking in my head "yeah, I know that already type of thing".


Turns out one day he had to come by the office to pick up something. She had to run off to an unscheduled meeting and asked me to bring down the item to the commissionaires desk. So I had to say, What does he look like...(like I didn't know, right (even naked)).


Well, you should have seen the look on his face, when he saw me get off the elevator, probably thinking she was right behind me. I had to say, "Oh, are you Mr. so and so" because I think he would have had a heart attack right there if I just walked up to him.


I no longer work there, but sometimes wonder how he's doing.

Wow. That was a tough one. I can say I have never actually met any spouses, seen some in the grocery store with the gentlemen that I have met with but never actually met one. Some have emailed me and I ignore them and if they call I just say I don't know anyone by that name may be there was a mistake in the phone number, they usually say well I'm reading your email right now. I always say I'm sorry I must have typed in the wrong email address, playing the dummy, then they usually say well when I don't want him you can have him or if he contacts you again don't respond to him please. I always say most certainly. Usually the name they have told me I don't know anyways, as they have given me a different name. So when you think about it I am not lying, I really have no idea who they are talking about and this has never happened with anyone that I have actually met, if it was I would deny deny and lie. This has happened about 3 times.

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Wow. That was a tough one. I can say I have never actually met any spouses, seen some in the grocery store with the gentlemen that I have met with but never actually met one. Some have emailed me and I ignore them and if they call I just say I don't know anyone by that name may be there was a mistake in the phone number, they usually say well I'm reading your email right now. I always say I'm sorry I must have typed in the wrong email address, playing the dummy, then they usually say well when I don't want him you can have him or if he contacts you again don't respond to him please. I always say most certainly. Usually the name they have told me I don't know anyways, as they have given me a different name. So when you think about it I am not lying, I really have no idea who they are talking about and this has never happened with anyone that I have actually met, if it was I would deny deny and lie. This has happened about 3 times.


Wow, I have never gotten an e-mail from someone's SO, but I do remember a woman calling me, saying my number was on her phone (outgoing) and asked why her husband would be calling me. I said, I had no idea, it was probably a wrong number.


I once had a guy call me and ask me if he could make an appt., but he wanted to make sure I didn't know one of his friends. He described the guy - I felt it was a wife getting some guy to call on her behalf to check up on her husband. I said, I was in the business of discretion and did not discuss my clients with anyone. He said, he couldn't take the chance - whatever that meant and hung up.


Some people's stories make no sense!

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Guest O***wa**W

I have had someone book a session, then once they got the specific location, say that they knew the area too well and wouldnt come because of that!

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Once on an incall to a lady's apartment, the building's fire alarm went off right at the most... intimate point of our date. We both stopped what we were doing and said, simultaneously: "Are you fucking kidding me?"


Needless to say, we were well past the point of no return, so we continued on our merry way and, once finished, dressed and walked down the ten flights of stairs together and exited the building. She gave me a quick kiss goodbye before we actually exited and even apologized for the alarm going off. I laughed it off, pointing out she may have started a fire in the bedroom, but certainly not enough to trigger the alarms! I don't think anyone noticed we were last out of the building.


I actually had to stand around for a good half hour since all the building's tenants were now blocking the parking lot exits! We had drifted apart in the crowd (in the interest of discretion), but shared a couple of comical glances at one another until the crowd cleared.

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When I first started massage I had booked a hotel room to see clients in and on the last day for my last session had decided to see a client who offered to take some pictures for me after our paid for session. I was very interested of course and to this day I still get together with him to take pictures and we are good friends but on that first day there was a bit of an error on timing on his part.


I met with my second last client of the day a touch earlier than scheduled and just as we were getting settled on the table after a shared shower there was a knock at the door...


I went to answer it as it was very insistent - after an awkward head poked out the door conversation I was told that it was my appointment scheduled for that time! I said there was an error of some kind and apologized profusely, then went back to my other client and was completely confused for a while as I was sure I hadn't double booked- I am very careful and organized with my schedule...


After a moment of thought I asked him to be sure who he was... Him bringing a few bags to the session made more sense after that, we had a good laugh about it after-and once we put two and two together I emailed the client and offered him a free massage to make up for the dissappointment and lost time- thankfully he took me up on this offer and I was able to make up for the mix-up!

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