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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/11 in Posts

  1. 15 points
    I'm honestly not that hard up.... I can be selective and I will be. :confused0024: Sorry.
  2. 9 points
    One of my favourite, long-standing clients died recently. I wrote about that, here. I will attend the funeral because he was well-known in Vancouver. The funeral will be held in a church; many people are expected to attend. The question about whether it's okay for a paid companion to go to a client's funeral has come up before, but it's been a couple of years since we had that discussion. In case it might be useful, helpful or reassuring to anyone on the board, I'm re-opening the topic. I apologize in advance for the length of this post! In the other part of my life, some time ago, I seriously considered becoming a funeral director because, for various reasons, I'd worked closely with quite a few funeral homes. I also used to do volunteer work with a hospice and ve attended many dozens of funerals over the last 20 years or so. I'm writing from that experience. When someone dies, the very best, and very worst, aspects of their relationships with family and friends are likely to be in the spotlight. Families always want to be seen as normal, unremarkable, with no secrets or scandals to be noticed. Unfortunately, most families are not so ordinary. Everyone has secrets and some of them may not go to the grave with us despite our best efforts to conceal them. You can always call the funeral home and ask how many people they're expecting to attend the service. They'll tell you if it's just going to be a small, private family service, or if they're expecting a couple of hundred people. Funeral homes are asked this very question several times a day. Estranged family members, former spouses and other people who have had a difficult relationship with the deceased, or with members of his/her family, often call the funeral home and ask this question. There's no need to feel conspicuous or awkward for asking! Most funeral directors take seriously their value as an intermediary between the bereaved family and others. Unless the deceased person is quite elderly, or has been shut-in for a long, long time, or had a disability that seriously restricted their ability to be out in the world, funeral services often have a wide variety of people attending. They don't all know each other. Many people will be there who may hardly know the deceased, but have accompanied their spouse or a friend who did know him/her. There is often a "viewing" or a gathering before the actual funeral. Depending on who the deceased person was, how long they've lived in their community and how well-known they were, there may be a couple of these gatherings. One may be held the evening before the funeral, for example, or a couple of hours before the funeral itself. These gatherings take the place of wakes which were commonly held many years ago. They tend to be small and quiet. People who have known the deceased person have an opportunity to go to the funeral home, or in some cases, the church, view the body and spend a few moments in quiet reflection. Family members are usually present at these viewings. Many people who knew the deceased person very well are likely to attend. There may be food and drinks available. People will have informal conversations about the deceased person, sharing memories and talking about how he or she affected their lives. It is very difficult to be inconspicuous at one of these gatherings, and so, as a paid companion, I would never attend. My presence is only likely to raise questions for the family and friends; that would be a violation of confidentiality. If, however, the deceased person is very famous, or a head of state or, say, a current or former provincial premier, and there is a large public viewing where potentially hundreds of people may attend to pay their respects, I would probably be one of the people in the crowd. If the service is being held in a church, there will usually be a lot of people there. If the whole service is being held at the graveside, fewer people will attend. Personally, I would not attend a graveside funeral for a client because those awkward scenes in movies where someone unexpectedly shows up at the graveside service are, sadly, fairly realistic. I have been at several graveside services where someone unexpected arrived; it would not be appropriate for me to cause consternation or worry for the family by attending this more private kind of memorial. On the day of the funeral, if the deceased died suddenly and unexpectedly, or if their death was violent, it would be unusual for members of the family to be greeting people at the door of the funeral home or church when people arrive. If the deceased had been ill for a long time and was on good terms with his/her family, it's more likely that family members will be greeting people when they arrive. You might need to make a judgment call about this, but it would be unusual for anyone greeting folks as they arrive to ask questions about why someone is there. There's usually a guest book available for signing. I wouldn't sign it, if I was at a funeral for a client. There's often a gathering after the service, too. I wouldn't attend because this is another time when questions about how someone knows the deceased would be most likely to be asked. I also wouldn't go to the burial if it's happening after the service. Again, most of the people who attend the service won't go to the graveyard, so there's nothing conspicuous about staying away. Going, however, could raise questions. But if there will be more than about 80 people at the funeral, to arrive at the funeral home or church only a couple of minutes before the service starts, to sit near the back of the chapel or church and to leave when it's over, shouldn't be a problem. Other people will do the same thing for different reasons. When I attend my client's funeral, I will dress inconspicuously. I will not wear all black, though I may wear a black dress with a coloured jacket over it. I do not want to appear to be in grief or significantly mourning my friend because I do not want to call attention to myself. I may sign the guest book if it there are more than about 200 people at the funeral. Otherwise, I won't. If I do sign it, I will sign it in my own name. Samantha will not be at the service. If anyone asks me how I knew the man who died, I will give a vague answer along the lines of having worked with him on a project a few years ago. I may say that he gave me some good advice that has made a lot of difference in my life and so I wanted to pay my respects. It's important to recognize that by not saying anything or by declining to answer the question,I draw more attention than if I give this kind of bland reply. I have to take seriously the fact that I do not know this man's family and friends and that I am an attractive woman who is at the funeral by myself. Unfortunately, people being as they are, there is often a group of people hoping, secretly or not so secretly, that something exciting or titillating may be revealed about the deceased. I do not want to give anyone the impression that I may have been one of the man's secrets. I can't ask my partner to attend the funeral with me because, of course, he doesn't know that this man was a client of mine. I'm sure that the common-sense value of much of what I've written, here, is evident. More than anything, I hope that everyone, particularly my sister companions, will simply take the time to think things through. The loss of a client through death is a serious and important event. We are all entitled to our sorrow and to find appropriate ways to mark their passing.
  3. 6 points
    I'm not 45, I'm 50, do you think I'm hard up, just wanting to get some...for that matter do you think of the guys here are hard up. Your comments are insulting, not just to me and other guys fitting your profile, by extension, insulting to any ladies we have seen. Most of us that see ladies are respectful and are gentlemanly about it to the ladies. You aren't better than the rest of the guys on this board, and the ladies, well frankly they aren't hard up enough to put up with a jerk like you It takes a lot to piss me off this much, congratulations, you pissed me off RG
  4. 4 points
    What I am about to say is not to critisize anyone in particular but we are selling a service and we are selling intimacy. These questions are bound to come up and at times you cannot sugarcoat it. Sometimes guys want to know and other than being really vulgar, how is someone supposed to carefully choose their words? What may be considered disrespectful to one person may not to be to another person. We have the choice to respond or not. For every guy that is rude, there are 10 other guys that will be respectful. These so called acronyms are ones that have been established in the business over time and I'd rather have them ask me these type of codes words than using particularily vulgar words which is really the only other route to take. I agree that there are ways to ask certain things and at the end of the day guys are just asking a question. And even though we may not want to be reduced to menus and body parts, if they are looking for a particular type of service, they are entitled to ask. We are selling intimate acts whether we like to think of it that way or not. There will be guys who will be disrespectful but for the most part they are in the minority. Perhaps I am a seasoned SP who knows the score and from day one if I couldn't take the heat, I would have gotten out of the kitchen. I used to be sensitive to certain things but now I let most of it roll of my back. All of it comes with the territory in this business, roll with the punches and take the good with the bad. I've got better things to worry about.
  5. 3 points
    The Conclusion Our first and only hitch arose when we discovered that because of it being a holiday, restaurant choice # 1 was closed, and then restaurant choice # 2 was closed, so we eventually settled on a smaller and certainly less fancy place than originally intended. The fates then stepped in as they do when Cathy is involved, and we found ourselves in a small room off of the main restaurant area. There were a few tables in there, and, no one else other than she and I. "Oh oh", I thought to myself, "I am in trouble." You see, Cathy is not shy, she is not shy at all. Now me, I am, and she had been teasing me mercilessly for weeks about restaurants, about the potential benefits of long tablecloths, about creating headlines in the local paper. But no I had decided, "Cathy would behave and be my girl next door``. I was certain of it, that it was all just teasing and talking. So here we were in our mostly private room, facing each other across the table, ordering, chatting about whatever, when up she stands, comes around the table and perches in the chair beside me. Now there were the two of us at a table side by side, backs to the end wall, and facing the door to our private room. ``Oh oh``. I have no idea how we got away with it. Before leaving home she had put on her brand new dress, and before our meal was complete I knew what the lingerie was like underneath that demure exterior. It was not girl next door underwear. I knew what its cut and style was, its color, its texture, and then what was underneath that. And, SHE knew what affect that was having on me. There were times when if our waitress or another patron had entered the room that there would have been no hiding what was going on! I was petrified and excited beyond belief, and both at the same time. Cathy I KNOW took great delight in it all and delighted in the knowledge that she was bringing me to previously unexplored territory. I shall never forget that meal, and now I wonder what would have been had there been those long tablecloths that she had been hoping for. All of this before we were even in the privacy of my own home! It was going to be an interesting evening to say the least. Following our meal being successfully completed and thankfully uninterrupted at inappropriate times, we headed for home with a mostly full evening still ahead of us. Some of what followed is a blur, and as is per usual in the way that I write, is between she and I. However, sharing the tub together was unbelievable. I was still so distracted by everything that I never did light the multitude of candles and tea lights that I had previously placed in the room. Cathy has a way of making one forget `plans` , creates her own and goes with her impulses, desires and passions. Her impulses, desires and passions are fun, intense, and for me, boundary pushing experiences which she has a way of understanding. Our next stop was in the bedroom and wow. Our time together went from soft and caring to what for me is kinky and raunchy. I believe by Cathy's definition of those words, I have not seen anything yet! Certainly not yet being time for sleep we retired downstairs again and enjoyed each others company over a bottle of wine. We just talked. We talked about her and we talked about me. It was unbelievably comfortable to do so and topics ranged from very serious to very frivolous. She is so easy to talk with, a great listener, and she has a great laugh to go along with it. It was so comfortable that the time slipped away and all of a sudden, it was late. Bedtime. I mean like `traditional` bedtime. You know, like, going to sleep. A BIG thing for me. I was scared and I was nervous. I knew that this was going to be awesome or it was going to be a disaster. She deserved her sleep, and happily, she got it. For me it was, and maybe as boring as some of you might find it one of the absolute best parts of her visit. The ability to sleep beside a woman. To have a person there to curl up to and curl around. To touch, each time one awoke or to watch sleep peacefully. It is something that I miss terribly and was something ever so special for me to be able to do again. We are both early risers and the morning arrived with the sun. A beautiful spring day. For those who do not know Cathy, she is an athlete. She trains conscientiously at the gym and at home and has a regular running routine. Her training regime shows clearly in her body and in her mind set and her personal confidence. I had told her that if she wanted to bring her gear then this is a great area for her to get her morning run in, and she did just that. While she was gone I whipped up a light breakfast and it was ready on her return. She lives a healthy lifestyle and she eats that way as well. The shower was the next stop and a mutually pleasing experience it was with lots of soap and slipping and sliding. Cathy is a talented woman with many interests and skill sets. She is a Reiki master and is also a body point therapist. We had spoken about Reiki previously and she did her first Reiki treatment on me. It was something that I have gone back to her for again, and for the Reiki alone. Of course, the massage table was yet to play its role and a massage turned into a lot more. Yet again Cathy fulfilled a fantasy and did so with enthusiasm and desire. What can I say. I have said a lot here, but it represents for me perhaps the most special experience that I have had. Clearly you can see that Cathy is a special person. She is so open and fun, and likes to describe herself as the girl next door but with the kinky side always ready for anything that you might care to explore, and she does mean just about anything. It is a beautiful and enlightening and wonderful combination. Needless to say, I am recommending Cathy as a woman that you will really enjoy seeing, as a woman who takes great pride in what she does, and whether it be a massage, or an extended date, it will be an experience that you will always recall with pleasure and fondness. Thank you again Cathy for being you, for all that you have done for me in ways that only you and I know.
  6. 2 points
    Sophia is one of a kind. Comparing her to other SP's is not really fair to the other SP's or yourself because you will have expectations as to what the experience should be.
  7. 1 point
    Thanks for the post, Secret Admirer, Bridgette and Kitty, two beautiful ladies indeed.
  8. 1 point
    I met Bridgette in Person :-). I decided to treat myself this weekend because of the past work related stressful week (every short week is like that lol) and go for a combo (strip bar followed by a date with an escort). So, I booked my date yesterday for 6:00 pm and started my great to be afternoon with Barbs and it started like a LION!!!. As I entered the bar, my very favorite girl (lovely Kitty) whom I hadn't seen for a long while was on the stage and she smiled and said hi. We were both clearly very happy. And while I was totally absorbed in her beauty then I noticed another beauty angel is walking just by me and we smiled at each other and she asked me if I would like a company (are you kidding lol!!!!!!. Is the pope catholic lol?). She introduced herself as Bridgette!!! Ah so you are Bridgette??:icon_eek:. What a nice surprise. And what a beauty!!! Bridgette: I am likely preaching to the converters for those lucky enough to have met her but those who aren't (that lucky yet) she is a beauty. Big blue eyes, smiling cute face, slender tall body, soft pale skin, and BEAUTIFUL SEXY bum. I introduce myself too but We only talked for a few minutes as I wanted her in the CR lol. The CR dances was great too as I got the chance to see close and contact dance with the beautiful skin and bum. Her bum very deservedly belongs to the best bums thread (Thanks Cato for starting that great thread!!). It is really among the best. Her bum is the work of art. There must be a God lol!!. Kitty: Once dancers with lovely Bridgette was over, I went back to my seat and waiting for another lovely lady, Kitty. She was in the CR with another. I feared that I may miss her as I had to head back to home for my 6:00 pm date. Thanks God, Kitty came back out of CR after 5:00 and walked straight to me while out of my good luck Bridgette was on the stage, double joy lol :-). We hugged and kissed and we both watched and totally absorbed in Bridgette Dances. Kitty is such a beautiful person inside out. I know this young lady for many years and she gets cuter every year. Still looking like a teenager and retained her very kind friendly personality. I head to CR with her and she told me she may be retiring soon:icon_sad: (she will be joining my other lovely friends at Barbs like Mary Jane, Jessica and Drew.......all retired) and it was so hard to come out of the CR knowing that I may not see her again. She is now dancing only one day per month at Barbs. Regretfully it was a quiet afternoon. I kept my ears open for the names I have read in this thread like Sonia, Ariel, Scarlett, Crystal, Jade, Cherry no such luck :icon_sad:. But as they say, there is always a next time and I am super happy that I was lucky enough to have met Bridgette and seen Kitty but it was close to 6:00 pm and I had to rush back for my date. My review of the young lady (my well reviewed date, The Arabian Princess, Layla from Bella Escorts) will come soon in the recommendation thread.
  9. 1 point
    I have had someone whom I've been seeing for years and thier health was very bad and we mainly spent quailty time to together because of his heart condition, I had attended social functions and had met some of his family and friends. We of course said we met in the "office". During his final days he requested me to be at the hospital and spend some time with him and I of course did, there was a strong bond and frienship there. The last day we spoke he asked me to attend the funeral, when the time came. I honoured his wishes and when I have met some of the people in his life it was not an issue for me and of course I was not known as "Lexy" to him or others. For him this was a special situation and case. I don't know if I would attend someones funeral who I did not know as well as him. That would be a hard decision to make, if I was asked and they only knew me as "Lexy". I doubt I would attend but after the burial, I would visit the grave site if they had one and place flowers and say my good bye then.
  10. 1 point
    You deserve a nice Gold Star!!
  11. 1 point
    Maybe so but every time someone else adds a comment to this thread the hole definitely gets deeper! As others have said in other threads there is no point in piling on and adding to the fire. What is said is said and can not be taken back, by anyone. So perhaps we should just let this thread and the comments contained within die a quiet death. If things continue on the path they are on I am sure Mod will have to intervene and that doesn't do anyone any good! By the way I am not endorsing anyone's comments in this thread so don't assume I am in favor or not in favor of any of the comments/remarks, etc.
  12. 1 point
    WIT, I agree that he started the thread asking for a specific look and the lady that was suggested did not meet the criteria. If his comment was directed at Phaedrus, as he stated, then he should direct his comments directly to the gentleman and not make what could be construed as a negative comment towards the lady. Common sense, n'est ce pas?
  13. 1 point
    It might have just been better to keep quiet or to contact Phaedrus directly if it was his comment that irked you!
  14. 1 point
    It wasn't exactly meant as a jab towards Cleo, but I guess I could see how it could be taken that way I suppose. Phaedrus seemed confused as to why I wouldn't just jump in my car, drive two hours to set up an appointment to see someone that doesn't match my specific request. I had also mentioned I had spoke to Cleo in PM and would consider seeing her in the future (implyin that I am still lookin for a specific look). I didn't really expect to have to spell it out in plain english with all the other acronyms that go on around here, wording a sentence a certain way to imply another I figured would be easy enough to figure out. I was wrong. I'm not here to throw money around for the hell of it, hence why I posted a specific topic/looking for a certian look. If I wanted to just go for a bunch of appointments, I wouldn't even need to post here, this place is great reference and contact points, and recommendations are all over this board. That being said, I was looking for something specific... Still am. If anyone dislikes my straight forward attitude and forwardness, then its unlikely we'd have a good time together anyways. I am very down to earth, and I don't need to be TOLD what to do on here and Phaedrus' mutliple question mark reply really pissed me off for whatever reason, and I know its the internet and it can all be taken the wrong way because its how you read it defined basically by your specific mood that day and would have nothing actually to do with the O.P. The fact a few people had mentioned Cleo, I had posted I spoke with Cleo, and then Pheadrus to question that decision evenmore.... Ughh Anyways......
  15. 1 point
    NOthing wrong with being selective. Being insulting to someone you don't know is wrong. Thanks everyone who was kind enough to suggest me, but thankfully I don't own anything this man is looking for because I prefer to spend my time with gentlemen, not someone who says he'd be 'hard up' by seeing someone people recommend. Other ways that sentence could have been said that wouldn't have me sitting here feeling insulted and wanting to respond with every expletive I can think of: 'Thanks for suggesting her everyone, but I am looking for a specific thing which she's said she doesn't have so I'm going to keep looking' 'If anyone wants to send some pvc/latex her way, maybe I will have to add her to my list!' 'She's got the look I'm going for, but I'm specifically asking for a wardrobe item so I'm going to hold off for now' And I could keep going. But I won't. I will, however, thank you kindly for starting my beautiful Saturday afternoon in such a way. WOW.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Meg I would suggest this is a good topic for one of your great photo shoots..maybe a few outfits, hair styles, make-up and let the group help decide sexy or slutty... We are here to help..
  18. 1 point
    get whatever pics you want to post, left click on it, select choose the URL, copy paste it and here click on ther little image with a moutain on it and voilĂ !
  19. 1 point
    Out of the blue but on topic I just wanted to say that Vulger words like hard cock and ass, soaking wet pussies,... or as I like to say"I'll have a pussy/ass combo, please" Turns me on! Yumm!
  20. 1 point
    :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: RG :-)
  21. 1 point
    And how do you know that? I'm flying on a wing and a prayer here, since I know nothing about you, but I suspect that this is one of those situations where whatever you believe will happen, probably will. If you convince yourself that you're inadequate, or that there's something wrong with you, then other people may well pick up on that, and they'll move on. But if you convince yourself that you're a wonderful human being who'd be a very good catch for anybody... well, people may pick up on that too, and you may very well turn out to be right. Positive Mental Attitude! Also - "a decent looking one"?!?!? I'm sure you didn't mean to sound horribly shallow, but there's more to a woman than a nice rack or a cute bum or a pretty face.
  22. 1 point
    I have been noticing alot of negativity and frustration on this board lately, and as such and haven't really been participating as much. However, I wanted to put something positive out there for all the wonderful gentlemen who treat me like the Indian Princess I am!!! As some of you may know, I moved up here from the Windsor/Detroit area, due to the economic downturn when the Big 3 closed. Since arrivng in Ottawa, I have to say the difference is night and day as far as the clientele. The vast majority of you are nothing but gems to me, which was a refreshing change from the cash strapped, stressed out, and rude people from home. That, and being in school, is what has kept me here in Ottawa. Sure, I do put up with the occasional headache, but that's just life. I for one, especially coming from a place in an economic depression, am thankful for your guys company and welcoming attitude:). Thank you Ottawa for giving me a new home, a place where I feel myself and my services are greatly appreciated and the success to achieve my goals in life. I dedicate this song to all of you!!!
  23. 1 point
    I'm not going to really comment on the initial topic of this thread, but I don't think this is really hijack either (Hands in the air! This is a hijack!.. I dunno, it just popped into my head...) It seems almost everything's already been said by much wiser people than myself. I just wanted to say to Wellie - please don't let this thread or any of its comments intimidate you, and please don't hesitate to continue to post. I originally came here to CERB because I had a bad experience with a provider I had found elsewhere on the web, and in trying to prevent that from happening again I found these really great recommendations and a really fine group of SPs... I joined and stayed on CERB because I found some really good reading posted by a bunch of "sexual deviants" just as "deviant" as myself, and a really great group of genuine, caring, intelligent and open-minded people. I feel a lot more normal now knowing that there are a lot of other really SUPERB individuals just as "deviant" as myself! Hmmm... maybe we're not really so strange? I love to read, I love to learn, and I love to hear the opinions of people much smarter than myself! I also really enjoy sharing my opinion (as un-humble as it may be sometimes... I know, but dammit - I'm just always right! LOL (and I don't care if un-humble isn't word, I like it, and I'm using it)). It makes me feel good to participate in this community, and you are definitely part of the community! Wellie, as far as I know, DATY and DIGITS are not derogatory acronyms - I'm pretty sure they were created to specifically relay a type of service offered by a provider without directly referring to a sexual act. I think these "codes", as Nicolette so correctly referred to them as, are used to avoid some potential legal-type stuff... much like we don't refer to money exchanged between hobbyists and providers as "fees", we call them "dontations". I liked your thread Wellie. Please continue to post so that I can continue to learn. I'm glad you're here on CERB Wellie. To all you other ladies and gents on here reading and enjoying but maybe feeling a little hesitant to post... Please don't hesitate! You're opinions are welcome, there are no stupid questions (well, actually, I can ask some pretty stupid questions, but I digress...) - we'd love to hear what you have to say or ask! Ha ha ha! Check that out! Pretty long post for "not really going to comment" huh? LMAO - ya okay, whatever... antlerman! Where are you buddy?!? We haven't had an antler rant for quite some time! I think we're long overdue! Cheers all! :smile:
  24. 1 point
    Little things that make me happy: 1. Going to LaSenza and the sales ladies know what I like and start picking things out for me to try, it's fun and like playing dress-up! 2. Looking out the window when the sun is coming up 3. Winter nights with lots of snow. Snowball fight!! 4. Going to the Spa for a Mani and Pedi and as soon as I walk in I'm greeted with a warm hello and exactly what I'm there for. 5. A nice Bubble Gum flavored sucker 6. Real amusement park/fair type Cotton Candy 7. A very clean home 8. Seeing children laughing and playing outside, so innocently and having fun 9. Finding loonies and quarters for laundry and not needing to go get change 10. Yoga pants, tank top and a ponytail
  25. 1 point
    One of the best things I've seen written on this site in a while. Couldn't possibly agree with this more. Words are funny things. Sometimes, it bugs me to read guys talk about women's vaginas as 'dripping wet pussies' or the like. Other times, I use the word pussy myself in my ads. As the gentlemen I quoted above said, as long as the person writing it wasn't intending to be disrespectful, I think we should leave it at that. We're all different. I responded to the 'daty vs digits' thread, because I have no issue sharing that information. I can completely understand that not all women feel the same way - but I don't see why we need to chastise the questioner for asking those things. THere have been threads, and responses to threads, that I've read on here that have been completely vulgar and inappropriate, I think to most people who read them. But the one thing I really love about the cerb gentlemen is that i've found they're usually the first ones to call out the offender and tell that person why what they said is wrong. And that makes me happy to be here.
  26. 1 point
    I, for one, don't think that this is all that fair. I don't think that asking questions relating to a woman's body means that the questioner is equating the woman to a "sperm socket". Let's not forget that this board is an escort review board - not strictly a social board. While not all clients have preferences, many do. And that's ok. There's a way to ask questions in a respectful manner - for certain. And for many of us, myself included, time with a provider is an honor, not a privilege. Still, it's entirely fair for a client to want to know certain things before entering into a commercial relationship. And asking should be ok. This is, in the end, a board about matching clients with providers. For many of us, it's more, but in essence, that is it's main function. Some guys use the term "kitty", others care if the "kitty" is shaved. Who are we to judge. As long as there is respect shown, even in the eye of the beholder, I don't think we should chastise. We're all different. In the end, we're all here to have fun. Sexual and sensual fun. I would hate to see this place so sanitized that we can't be open with our desires, our questions, our preferences, and our fantasies. Sorry if this is out of line - but this thread hit a nerve. I have always loved CERB partly because I can be me here... Even if "me" isn't perfect.
  27. 1 point
    I agree with Cub, and would like to expand on that idea a little... I think as with any sort of intimate encounter (physical, emotional or otherwise) there are just people who have really good chemistry. There may not be any specific reason for it, other than you just "mesh" well together and seem to have an unspoken understanding of what the other person needs/wants at any given moment. I know in my personal life, I have had encounters with men who were very attractive, great men but who did absolutely nothing for me in bed. It wasn't that they were "bad", or inexperienced or anything of that, we just didn't "go together" for whatever reason, even if friendship-wise, we did. I have also had one or two encounters with men who may not have had a lot to say, or may not have gotten along AS well in terms of friendship, but who just knew what to do at the exact moment I needed him to do it, and vice versa. We were just very "in tune" with each other. It was almost creepy, as soon as I would get the feeling that I wanted him to do something in particular, he would do it. Very strange! Sometimes it's just THERE. And other times, it's really not.
  28. 1 point
    good luck and it's to bad that people write bad stuff on that other board
  29. 1 point
    tongue firmly in cheek... why the over 35 crowd gets the girl.... 1. Multiple shots on goal means a three day booking 2. We are extraordinarily grateful that someone will even stay in the same room as us when we are naked. 3. Nap time is on the clock. 4. Cuddle time may just be the best we can do. 5. Less likely to stalk, we barely even remember where we live. 6. While we remember to bring the envelope, we might not remember why we came. 7. We can help with history assignments in post secondary courses. We were there when it all happened. 8. Arthritis prevents us from being too grabby.
  30. 1 point
    I believe on her recommendation page she goes into some depth about that page. The gist of the matter is the guy was lonely, there was some sort of mutual attraction, it almost led to something but it didn't in the end. Then he decided to post about it. Frankly I think the guy is classless. I have not seen Bethany, but for a guy to put that on the web, not change names, post constantly on CL and disrupt her reputation. Whoever he is, he is a loser. Posted via Mobile Device
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