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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/09 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Hey everyone, Tune into CBC Radio One Ottawa's Morning show tomorrow (FRI) at 745 am to hear an interview with myself and another POWER member. We will be promoting Whores Hustle, the sex work pride party that's happening Sunday at Babylon, and as well, discussing the formation of POWER and what we've accomplished since forming. cheers, Erin
  2. 1 point
    I was inspired to ask this question after reading the heartwarming and beautiful thread about when SPs retire. I'm curious if anyone is aware of any SPs and clients falling in love and eventually marrying or continuing a happy, healthy, long-term relationship? This is a bizarre question, I know, but it is something I am curious about. There are clients who have stolen my heart (if only for a brief second) and I sometimes have to take a step back and remember that this is a job. LOL Any stories to tell?
  3. 1 point
    This was from Ottawa, will have to visit out West and see her there too. I saw Brandi's other review and thought "Wow the balcony???" I could only imagine. Not that brave lol I know the places across But I saw my friend Brandi too. I have known her for years across many boards. As well as finally getting to get my hands on her ample bosom and amazing ... dimples, I got to go to dinner with her. We found some really good food that I did not know that Ottawa had. The long and short of it for me was, she showed me that GFE can be more than just an acronym. Walking around the city, talking with her and showing her the sights was better than just finding out what Asian Cowgirl is As this is a recommendation board I can say without reservation I would recommend a visit with Brandi. Hope you come back to this windy, damp city with all our history Brandi.
  4. 1 point
    Another very good program if you want to make DVD's out of avi or other files so you can watch them on TV is 'ConvertXtoDvd 3'. And if every other burning program fails, 'HTFireman' works. I agree, dvdshrink is great! Nero is nothing but a pain. I never use it.
  5. 1 point
    Gotta weigh in on this one. Love them on women. Erin has one or two that are great to stare at and a girl Trish at OPG has 5 that are very pretty. Two Dancers I saw a lot had really fun ones. Drew, one of the dancers was surprised I noticed that her tat of Betty Paige had a girl tattooed on her back... loved the suggestion of Jane Russel for the other side ;) It's all about the ink on the person. Some are nasty and some are sublime. Me, I'll marry the woman that can get me inked tho :D Hahaha kinda like being collared... :O
  6. 1 point
    All tattoos are good. From home done 'scratching' to full body art. They're like a photo. They capture a moment in time. One day you wake up and say "I'm going to tattoo this picture of a knife on my arm, and this pot leaf on my other arm" and 20 years later you wonder what the hell were you thinking?? BUT it's a reminder of how you've changed and grown and a momento of the past, which is gone forever except for this piece of art that can bring you back just by looking at it. And you don't need to guess too hard to know what kinda of tattoos are my favourites!
  7. 1 point
    Yup love the body art, Capitalman and myself have been adding some ladies in this thread, more towards the last pages.... http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11864
  8. 1 point
    All in all it up to the individual what they do to their body.
  9. 1 point
    My answer to this question is simple Cumquat...GOOD GOD YES! :D
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Reading this thread brings many thoughts to mind and heart. Because of the negative perceptions of this business, many SPs leave with no option but to simply cut ties. It is a struggle for an SP to leave for many reasons. Never assume the decision was flippant in any way. There is an emotional commitment to her clients and walking away isn't done on a whim. Most feel that terminating all contact is the only way to go. The shame and social rejection that comes from publicly admitting our profession is overwhelming to all those that do not have the inner fortitude to withstand and come thru it. Other professions allow a forwarding address and relationships developed are allowed to continue and are considered valuable, but in this there are so many challenges it is almost impossible to maintain relationships if a woman has been an SP in secret. The one reason that is consistent with all of those that leave for romantic motivations (which in my experience is the #1 reason for retirement) is the insecurity that comes from their SO. The fallout is usually nuclear in proportion if it is found out that there is a continued relationship with a guest after she has "squared up". Even the most stable of men will have issues with her work, and it will undermine everything in the union, and SPs realize this. It takes an extraordinary man to accept that her work isn't a threat, and underneath the facade SPs want most to be loved and accepted. So they are faced with a choice...the man who wants to love them forever or the man that wants to love them for an hour a couple of times a month. It's a huge gamble in my opinion. If a man cannot accept me in my entirety including my work, then he is not the man for me. From my perspective, a complete cessation of contact with my guests would be akin to cutting off a limb. First and foremost they are my friends. I tried to refer many of them this summer to other SPs and it was an complete and utter failure. The reason I continue to travel back to Ottawa is because I have guests here that count on me and leaving them hanging simply isn't an option. Does that mean we are to close? What is too close? Is loving someone wrong if it isn't in the "traditional" sense? I think the posts above show that guests truly are more than a venue to generate money and I want hobbyists to know that most professional SPs invest themselves emotionally in very deep ways. Always remember this profession doesn't usually attract the woman that is strong and whole. We become SPs because we are trying to fix the financial crunch and do not understand the emotional side of things until we are in it. Some find wholeness, it gives us so much. Others are destroyed by it. I find my work rewards me back in direct proportion to what I invest in it. Each and every one of us are bent in our own unique way. The common perception is that we are money hungry and greedy, but for the good ones it isn't true. We have an unusual ability to love and let go when the time is right. In the grand scheme of the Universe, all relationships are simultaneously precious and insignificant. We must live in the moment, cherish what is now and accept that nothing in this world is stable. Not the concrete buildings we reside in, the earth below our feet or the experiences shared. Every relationship I have is treasured for what it is right now. Tomorrow, if circumstances have changed, I will remember fondly as every experience builds who we are as people and that is what we are here for... Catherine
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