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Everything posted by Hornee69

  1. Shortcake, U must be some smooth dancer. lol U better stick to what U know best. lol
  2. Wow that brings back memories. Spent many a day & night in that place, but unlike U Peachka, I never did anything stupid, lol, that I will admit to.
  3. I usually just say, I just arrived, give me a chance, maybe later. It is honest & to the point.
  4. I enjoyed myself as well as the date that I brought along. It was my second social and it was fun meeting new people. Let's hope we can weed out the problems and just have afun nite without misappropriate conduct from a few individuals. That is why we have Private Chat, let's keep it that way. Nobody has to flaunt anything at these functions.
  5. Anytime is good for me, I'll just make sure that I am available. I had a great time, came with one left with two, what more could I ask? To all of the organizers, good job & well done.
  6. I'd kick her outta bed if she wasn't shave...but there would be one Hell of a fight on the floor!!
  7. I am really intriqued by this comment...there's a prize in there? Wow I go to McDonald's all the time for a kid's meal just to get the prize. Maybe I should be looking to SP's for a prize. lol Additional Comments: I know what U are saying Meg, I could use a bit of growth down there too but not necessarily in the hair department, if U know what I mean!!
  8. Hey, hey I am looking for a good time in there on Thursday night.
  9. I am no Gynaecologist but I will take a look! Oh, sorry you wanted a lawyer.
  10. Wow, the Lakeview Manor. I believe St Lawrence College used to hold afternoon classes there, they had to of, I know I was there every afternoon. Thank God for student loans!
  11. Kimmie & I will be there. Charge $25 to the guys with no free drink. If it is not enough to cover expenses pass the hat. I will throw in another $10 or $20. Hell it's only money. No one should have to pay out of their own pocket.
  12. I am still trying to figure out if that red feather matched the drapes. Certainly the red feather was part of the carpet, I found that out later!!! lol Oh by the way Pigales was dead on Thursday nite. We did not stay too long. And I definitely recomend the Caribbean Cruise & Naughty Naughty drinks at the restaurant. They did a fantastic job until morning & then they were accused of causing a hangover. We had a great time & are looking forward to Valentine's. Peachka wants to uy some of that Viagra in the nasal spray form, It's for Peckerheads like him!! Sorry Peachka I knew you liked the joke and U are truly not a peckerhead.
  13. Me & my girl are going to Pigales after the CERB Xmas party tomorrow night. See everybody there.
  14. A BJ driving down Spadina Ave. Came in her mouth as I made a left turn on King, that was a little dodgy, I seemed to be a little distracted. lol She kept going till I got in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn on King. She got hers in the parking lot and when we got to the car in the morning both leather seats were sticky as hell. Nice Nite!!
  15. I very seldom get around to penetration, there are just too many other erotic, fun things to do rather than "banging"!
  16. I as a client are more worried about the other clients and what they might be carrying and spreading. The workers I see I trust and confidence in them because they are good people. I worry about the last person that they saw. Some clients I am sure just don't give a shit.
  17. I should be in there with my girl on Thursday nite for a few drinks. I hope they have some good dancers on stage.
  18. An SP whether touring or local, should be able to set their rates at whatever level they desire. Economics will dictate if they are correct or not, if the rates are too high for the market and she is not seeing anyone she may elect to reconsider her pricing. However, if she is charging premium and busy, good luck to her, she is obviously doing something right. Clients will let the SP's know the correct pricing by supply and demand. As one of the famous SP's said years ago "If you are sitting on a gold mine, why not get paid for it!". I find I like to extend my visits longer than the norm so neither of feel rushed and we have the opportunity to be intimate, sensual & get to know each other a bit. I find that often the SP also likes that and is willing to give the client a "break" for the extended period of time. I also find that after multiple visits with the same girl that "incentives" arte offered for the regularity of those visist and are appreciated by both parties. But at the end of the day SP's should charge what they desire & if the client does not like it there is always a girl at the street corner for them. However, buyer beware, you normally get what you pay for! Sometimes they just give it to you anyway!!! (The girl on the street corner I mean!) Just my 2 cents.
  19. I must say that on Thursday nite there were many new faces at pigales, at least half of the girls I had not seen before. There were a few girls there from Montreal.
  20. Was in the club on Thursday with my girl & had a great time. Did not go for any dances because I did not need to but bought a few girls drinks & had a nice visit with some of the regulars. Great club and a bunch of great girls.
  21. I will be in Pigales tonite with my girl. Few drinks, a few dancers, good times to be had by all. I hope it is busy, it usually is on a thursday nite. We will make it busier by 2. I always like to be with a girl in a SC, they seem to draw quite a bit of attention.
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