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Everything posted by rickoshadows

  1. This reminds me of all the bleeding hearts in Victoria who won't let UVic do a massive cull of feral rabbits which have let loose on the grounds. The municipality of Saanich (Part of Greater Victoria) is discussing a cull of deer. Besides over running everything and coming down with disease due to overcrowding, they are also attracting cougars (not the good kind) which find pet cats and dogs easier pickings. The point is, we have created an artificial enviroment for feral animals where they thrive with no natural controls. So for anyone inclined to advocate on behalf of these poor animals, are you willing to step up with the thousands of dollars to capture and retrain cats, or relocate deer? And would you adopt said cats or rabbits and provide a garantee they will never be released to become a pest again? If we didn't interfere, nature would take care of the problem, but we don't like see bunnies dying in the street from disease and starvation. Nature tends to pretty hard on the slow, stupid and fertile. Rabbits are like nature's fast food. Deer are pretty much the same. As for feral cats, count how many song birds are no longer around. As humankind, we are responsible for many of these situations, and it's time to "man up" and do what needs to be done. And we simply can't afford to treat every feral animal like we would our grandmother. We are the top of the food chain, dammit. (unless you live in Grizzily country)
  2. Ha Ha, I bet Meg's inbox is full of volunteers.
  3. A woman once told me, Great lovers aren't born, they are taught. So are bad lovers.
  4. How to quit smoking (or what worked for me), Change your routine, instead of coffee during your break, have a cup of tea. If you always have a smoke and coffee, you associate coffee with a smoke. Don't worry, it is not forever. Change your booze when you go out, wine instead of beer. Eventually you will be able to enjoy a beer again, but for me that was the longest. Accept, that on occasion, you will slip and have a cigarette in a moment of weakness (out drinking with friends). Simply throw away the rest of the pack in the morning and continue to quit. Too many people, after a lapse declare themselves a failure, and carry on smoking after a moment of weakness. In a couple of weeks, the cilia in you lungs will start to loosen up the tar and you will hack up black shit. This is a good thing. This will be the time when you will feel the worst about your decision to quit. This will last a few days to a few weeks, but it slowly gets better. At this time, the rewards of stopping will start to become noticeable. Food will start to smell and taste a little better. And if you thought you liked eating pussy before, but I digress. For the next year or so, you will always feel a little craving when you others smoking, although the smell of it will get less and less pleasant. Pretty soon you will become one of those vehemenent anti-smoking Nazis (mostly because you will actually feel a little ashamed and embarrased of your previous thoughtlessness towards non-smoker when you were still slave to the habit) In the end, it is all worth it, you feel better, food tastes and smells better and your skin will look better as well. Oh, did I mention that women will smell and taste better too. Oh yeah, you will save lots of money.
  5. It is all about a variey of experiences. I appreciate the worldliness that comes with time on the planet, especially with ladies that have travelled, as I have travelled extensively myself. I find that the near 20s can sometimes be a little frustrating to communicate with. They often have opinions which are foisted upon them as opposed to ones formulated by experience. On the other hand sometimes, there is no substitute for breasts undiscovered by gravity and thighs still in shrinkwrap.
  6. It is all about value. The average rate does vary from place to place, but those companions who travel normally charge on the high end. If they provide an experience which equals that amount, they will do well and will come back. There are a number of ladies who make Ottawa a regular part of their travels, I assume they wouldn't continue to come back, if wasn't profitable.There are some who come through here once, never to return, not profitable enough perhaps, or they were driven away by no shows/false bookings by competitors etc. Ottawa has only recently become more competitive, probably started when we weathered the economic meltdown better than others and ladies started coming here because the clients were still buying. Also the upstart "club girls" who think they can dabble in the field for top dollars have started back off on their expectations. It all makes for a fluid and competitive enviroment where both the client and the ladies who offer true value for their askings can thrive, but still a large enough market that new competitors can still break in. Good times :)
  7. Cry me a river. This happens everywhere, and not just for brothels. Bars and clubs do the same thing. I've threatened to trash many a cab all over the Pacific rim when the bastards don't want to take me where I want to go.
  8. Gee, all this knocking the Big Bang Theory. I'm surprised as I thought it a breath of fresh air in comparison to many of the formulaic sitcoms, although you could argue some formulaic constructs here as well (pretty girl across the hall). It may be because a significant portion of the humour is based on science or the other bastion of geekdom, comic books. Or maybe, i'm a really a geek at heart myself. Ah well, remember, there are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
  9. I am reminded of a statement made in reference to the disappearance of Sex Workers in Vancouver's downtown east side. This was when the issue was just starting to become knwon and before Picton was arrested. A columnist wrote something to effect of: "The dissappearance of six dogs from the west side would have generated more ploice attention then the disappearance of 26 (known at that time) sex workers. " Unfortunately, this statement is as true now as it was then.
  10. An even more amazing stat is the percentage of Old Dog posts that are limericks!
  11. I seem to have discovered/developed a fear of being trampled in large crowds. It is not a panic type fear as such, but when I am somewhere where there are large amounts of people, I feel apprehensive about my ability to escape should something happen. I don't recall having the same feelings years ago, it just seems to be something that has developed over the last ten to 15 years. As for being afraid of bugs and other creep crawlies, I cannot comprehend why people are so afraid of them. They probably do not understand themselves. I have seen fearless confident people degenerate to a quivering idiot at the mere sight of a spider or snake. I don't understand why such a person would permit anything to have that kind of control over them.
  12. For those who like dark fantasy (True Blood, Vampire Diaries, etc), a new series, Lost Girl started this week on Space. Its about the Fey, who as anyone who is familiar with the lore, make Vampires and Werewolves look like kindergarden fodder. Also a couple of weeks ago, I caught the series "Being Human" on Space. I thoroughly it. Much better writng than Vampire Diaries which has just too much teenage angst to keep my interest.
  13. Perhaps when you refer to physical violence, it may be a small percentage, but I would add that when you factor in verbal abuse, witholding affection, and other controlling behaviors, the statisitics would even out. I remember reading somewhere that nearly half of all domestic violence incidents were initiated by the female partner even though the vast majority of charges were against the male. I think many of us can relate to trying to argue with a woman, every little detail from the past 30 years will be thrown out there, whether it is relative to the issue at hand or not. I can also remember an occasion at an airport where an older woman admired my highly polished shoes, pointed them out to her beleagered looking companion and asked him why he didn't have shoes like that. I actually felt embarrassed for him.
  14. Ha ha, They're hitting the pavement likes bag of wet cement! -> Les Nesman
  15. Try as i might, I could not eat this. Altitude sickness in Cuzco had shut down my digestive system. Before: After
  16. “Lady Nancy Astor: Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea. Churchill: Nancy, if I were your husband, I'd drink it.”Winston Churchill Additional Comments: I hadn't heard this next one before, but I kinda like it. “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it”Winston Churchill
  17. How about sex and conversation? What could be better than screwing with someone you can have a pleasant conversation with. Too often conversations in our mundane lives have too much "real life" in them. Money, kids, and relatives are not usually subjects in a conversation with a companion.
  18. One possibility not mentioned is that he may be confirming the information on the website is current. There are a few abandoned websites out there, especially free ones. And occasionally a SP has changed their rates or services but does not update the website because she doesn't have the money or the rights. I will usually ask right out if the information on a lady's website is current, but not everyone is me.
  19. Let there be light! If I wanted to do it in the dark, I can stay home.
  20. This doesn't only apply to visits with your favourite lady. I've had two miserable summer colds thx to an inconsiderate co-worker, and some unknown person at the dentist's office.
  21. Nearest major intersection would be good general rule of thumb for most of us. Locations like downtown, east, west, etc. are useless. The limits of what is downtown differ from someone who has a vehicle at his disposal from someone who is walking.
  22. I wonder how many men have been conditioned not to criticize, or even hint that something might be done better. With my wife, if I even should suggest that something could be done differently, I get a "Fine then! I won't do it at all" I guess I resigned myself that even a poor blowjob is still a blowjob!
  23. Soft icecream cone at the Beacon park Drive-In in Victoria BC. I don't know what it was but it always tasted a little creamier ans smoother than the others. I don't know if it still is that way though.
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