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Everything posted by rickoshadows

  1. Bobby Darin - Mack The Knife. I was nervous when the year started with Alvin and the Chipmunks. Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Granted. You are now the best Walmart Greeter in Eastern Canada and not smart enough to notice most people ignore you. Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: Oh, and I wish I could read minds. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Pets give us many things and ask little in return. One of the most valuable lessons they teach us, especially to the young, is that all things come to an end. Animals die, people die and nothing lasts forever. Children learn to cope, and to remember what was. It is kind of fate's way of inocculating against grief. A pet hamster is far cry from a parent, but the process is the same.
  4. Canada! New Zealand and Australia next I've had the opportunity to see a lot of countries, and not just the tourist zones. I believe we live in the best country on earth.
  5. As much as I sympathise with tossing him in the garbage. The Americans actually washed the body and buried him at sea with the reverence dignity they would for anyone else. Sometimes, there is more to gain by being the bigger person (or nation) in this case. Compare this with the videos of western capties being brutally beheaded and their bodies left on the side of the road. Posted via Mobile Device
  6. I can only her well out my right ear, so I prefer the left side of the bed. Of course, if i am not there for the conversation, it really doesn't matter. Posted via Mobile Device
  7. The Americans took custody of the body and disposed of it a sea. It would not be in their interest lie about this. Also disposing of the body right away avoids the issue of repatriating the remains and risk the creation of a shrine to martyrs. Sometime you just have to put aside conspiracy paranoia and accept things at face value. most of usa are just not important enough to decieve. Posted via Mobile Device
  8. Fanatacism of any flavour is destructive and, in the end, tends to undermine the cause the fanatic supports. There are many initiatives and ideas which have been categorized under the banner of feminism which span the full range of the political spectrum. I support the vast majority of these ideas because they are good for everyone, not just women. Among them are extreme ideas which when examined, seek to control other's behavior in a different way than the traditional patriarchal, but no less restrictive and ulimately destructive. Andra Dowrkin and her extremist ideas come to mind here.
  9. So, does this mean the term "Jack Shack" is now official?
  10. Well we don't know yet, if the public is more concerned about Jack's 16 year old misfortune. We do know that the Sun is concerned about the NDP. We will see how this plays out over the weekend.
  11. camel toes and yoga pants! They were made to go together. Posted via Mobile Device
  12. Only as long as you are clear on what are your "basic services" and what is "extra". Because, when the "a la carte" comes out, baby, its haggle time!
  13. Start with Daniel and Henrik Sedin, the rest won't matter.
  14. In the interest of full disclosure, appearance is what gets me to call. I don't have a specific look and am open to a wide variety. I do however prefer someone who is fit over someone who appears soft, and a nicely shaped ass always trumps. However, personality and attitude are what will get me to come back. Some very attractive women will seem much less so, after you have a conversation with them and some plainer women become sparkling when you get to know them.
  15. You mean like "Her money" and "Their money"!
  16. I know some boards do this, perhaps this one already does. I know I have recieved thankyou messages and even a nomination from SPs I have never met. At least my doppleganger seems to be treating the ladies right. I am a little disturbed that someone may be using my handle to pass screening, or perhaps the ladies were confusing it with a similar handle, and I hope that is the case.
  17. I think women overestimate how picky we are. Perhaps it is from some of the "blunt" words we use when talking about them. While there are some that certainly expect perfection, I am certain they are a minority. As a young sailor, I heard it said that a sailor's definition of a "10" is a 5 that will fuck him.
  18. I didn't get any head from my wife for years, (yes I married young) and we argued about it many times. I remember when that finally changed. During one of our agruments she said "If you loved me, you wouldn't ask me to do that." My reply was, "If you loved me, I wouldn't have to ask." Needless to say the argument stopped right there. We didn't talk about it for again for a few weeks, but suddenly one evening, I got a few licks and nibbles and it slowly improved from there, althoug a full bjtc is still a rare treat.
  19. Your family is part of your life, for good or bad. Even if you try to walk away, at some point you will be drawn back. Therefore, it is vitally important to take the high road. As for the will thing, I don't know which generation your mother is in now, but many people in their 40s and 50s tend be more protectitive of their lives and families, and therefore adopt a more socially conservative posture. As they get older, many take a more liberal view towards life. Your mother may come around later on as the world changes even more and her views towards life are colored by her diminished future.
  20. I think the point JH and MP are trying to make is that if one chooses to respond to a post with which you disagree with, then respond as such with a reasonable argument as to why. There is nothing more frustrating than putting out your view which you are prepared to defend, and then dealing with people who disgree by picking on spelling errors and word choices. I also think that people have to recognize when a thread is a dialogue or a debate. And yes Virginia, there is a difference. A dialogue is a process where each participant gets to say their piece, and it is accepted as valid and given equal weight with everyone else's input. A debate is an opportunity for one person to make an assertion and defend it and for others to support or disagree, backing up there points with arguments. The most critical difference here is in a dialogue, even the most off the wall, nutty or palin wrong statements are accepted as a valid part of the process, in a debate not so much. Each has there value and their place, the issue is when participants do not recognize the difference and argue against a point in thread which up to that point has been a dialogue, raising the ire of the participants. Likewise, when a person steps into a debate with a dialoge type statement not backed up by empirical observation etc, and gets stomped on. When you are particpating in a debate style thread, expect to be disagreed with and don't take it personally. When in a dialogue, be more carefull how you choose your words and consider how anything you say will be recieved. And most importnt, learn to tell the difference.
  21. I am one person who is really adamant about not seeing anyone when I am not feeling well. It seems I have been recovering from or coming down with a cold for most of the last year. I blame riding the busses everyday. This city seems to be a festering germ incubator, as there are always people on the busses, in public and at work who are obviously sick. The result has been a decline in the number and frequency of visits for me for the last couple of years. I am reluctant to make an appt in advance as may have to cancell because my nose starts running again. Yes, I take my flu shots, wash my hands at every oppportunity and try to eat a balanced diet, but to no avail it seems. I am not sure what the solution is, beyond relocating to a climate where I feel better, which btw, I am seriously considering as I am reaching the end of my current career anyway. I could stay longer but if it means being sick all the time, it isn't worth it.
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