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Everything posted by masterowls

  1. Dear Erin, I don't so much read as listen, because of my physical disability I have difficulty holding a book, so I belong to audible.com here are a few of my favorite listens. 1. The inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini (still waiting for the final book) 2. Anything by Karen Marie Morning 3. The Magic Kingdom of Landover series by Terry Brooks also any of the Chronicles of Counter Earth novels by John Norman. There are at present 26 of them at least at last count. One word of warning, they are extremely kinky, so if you happen to have nieces and nephews or other small children around where you read, I'd be careful where you leave the book.
  2. Dear Wrinkled, The problem as I suspected was actually in my software. In Dragon NaturallySpeaking, there is a feature called a dictation box. What it does, is to allow a person to dictate a large amount of text, and translate it from the box directly into a webpage or other program. Unfortunately, it appears that the dictation box also overrides the font settings for the original program in this case the CERB text editor. In order to fix the problem, I had to locate and adjust the font settings for the box. I think I have it fixed now. Thanks for the information though. :-) MO PS: thanks for the help finding the right setting Ava :-)
  3. Dear Meg, I personally would prefer that all polish were on outlawed. For one thing, you can still smell the stuff an hour after it's applied, and we all know it doesn't smell good. As to the length of the nail, as long as its long enough to provide a good back scratch, without doing bodily harm, it's all good. :-)
  4. Hi Pete, The problem is fixed now. As I was explaining to Ava in another thread, I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to dictate some of my posts. The font in the dictation box feature was set a little too small. Sorry about that. Hopefully it won't happen again. I'm getting a little old myself LOL. PS the reason I use voice recognition software is that a post of this size would take me about 45 minutes to type manually. Being disabled is sometimes a big pain in the ass. Have a good day. masterowls
  5. Dear Ava, I don't know if I could handle two dogs like mine. As you may know from some of my previous postings, I am in a wheelchair. My dog, practically all on his own has learned to put his front legs in my lap to make it easier for me to reach to pet him. The only unfortunate problem with this, is that he is now doing it without being asked, and sometimes when it is inconvenient. LOL I also have to run him every day after lunch for about 4 miles, which would not be bad except Lethbridge is quite often affected by a strong north wind, which can make walking (or in my case wheeling) somewhat less than pleasant. I think having one dog like mine is more than enough LOL xxxooo Additional Comments: PS the last post: I think I may have found the problem with my font. I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to compose my posts. Sometimes if it's a longer post I will use the dictation box feature so that if the software makes an error it doesn't affect Internet explorer accidentally. I think the problem is the font size in the dictation box transferred directly into the website Post editor. I will try and find a solution to this problem. But in the meantime you'll have to bear with me.
  6. Dear Ava, Thank you for the compliment, but I really think it's only my dog rubbing off on me. He's the really cute one. LOL. All 82 big goofy pounds of him. I used to be a lil bit cranky before I adopted him. xxxooo
  7. By the way the ground is already green here, granted it isn't particularly warm yet,:butt:that is coming. Additional Comments: How did I do that? Additional Comments: okay, how did I fix it? lol
  8. Dear Ava, thank you very much for the heads-up on the font issue. If someone could tell me how to increase the font size, I'd be happy to. xxxooo
  9. Just to be clear folks, the invitation is not time sensitive. It's open all year from now on. Any time any CERB member is in Lethbridge, and wants to meet for coffee, all they have to do is let me know. Preferably a few days in advance so I can make transportation plans, but that isn't necessarily cast in stone either.
  10. While it's generally not my thing, I have found that most service providers will generally have a friend available (at least the ones I deal with) I personally have never found that particular situation appealing. (I think I'm about the only one I know, who hasn't, and probably never will want a duo.) LOL anyway I'm sure if you mentioned it to a service provider, the odds are pretty good you'll find what you need.
  11. I have been a member of this family for almost 4 years now, and I've spoken to some wonderful people. Both service providers and hobbyists alike, and I've been thinking it would be nice to actually meet a few of you. I am therefore inviting anyone from this site who happens to be planning to pass through Lethbridge Alberta to let me know, and I'll arrange to meet them for coffee somewhere.
  12. I have a fair bit of knowledge as far as Windows, networking, file downloading, and other pc related tasks including not so above board ways to copy any rented dvds. If an sp were to need help with any of this, and were willing to barter, what I'd do is set a per hour rate, say 1 hour of my time for a half hour of hers. Payment due when She is happy with the job. I'd also keep accurate records of what I did and how long it took so she could see I wasn't running up her bill.
  13. I think it would depend on how long I was with you. There are also many other factors tho... the parameters of your question are a little vauge. How long have we been in contact before the date? Is it a special occasion? ( birthday etc) or am I just lonely today? All these things might affect how I proceed. As to the sexy undies part, if I had my way Victoria secret would be bankrupt. Bare skin is a much bigger turnon. Cowgirl is my personal favorite, in case you are curious..
  14. Angela, I don't think it's necessarily handcuffs that you object to, I think maybe in this case it's more the specific application. Handcuffs, when properly used can be a fun thing. You should try it some time. I would volunteer, but it's kind of a long trip. :-)
  15. Personally I think whether or not a release (or multiple releases) takes place on any date is actually a secondary concern. When I visit an SP, what I am actually most interested in, is spending time with an interesting, beautiful, preferably funny woman. Don't get me wrong, sex is nice, but if that's all we really wanted, a common street hooker would do. I think most of the hobbiests here would agree that the reason we seek out SPs is that we want something a little more special. We want a partner. We want someone we can truly enjoy being with outside sex. That's what makes the ladies here so special. I've had guys outside the hobby ask me why I don't just go hire a street girl cus it's generally less expensive. I usually use a car analogy to eplain it. I ask, If you could afford your dream car would you really drive a civic? Both serve the same function but they're on entirely different levels as far as enjoyment. Trust me these Ladies provide way more than physical pleasure, they are a total pleasure experience. Rant over... lol
  16. I personally highly recommend not having a session any less than two hours. The reason for this is that no matter how good the sp is, you're always going to be watching the clock instead of paying attention to the pleasure you're there to enjoy. It also gives her time to experiment and find out which sensations work best for you. The more time you spend with your provider, the better they know you, and the better and more intimate the experience becomes for both parties. This is especially true if there is a little chemistry going on.
  17. My best ever was about three years ago. I was still living in Kimberley BC, and there were no SP's in the area that I felt even remotely attracted to. I had been in forced celibacy for nine years. (It isn't easy getting a girl to date you with a disability, and with no sps to fill the need...) My birthday was coming up, so I decided to make a trip to Calgary, because I had made contact with a provider there. I arranged to be in town the night before my appointment, and to spend a few days after and make a real vacation out of it. Trust me it is easy getting somebody with my level of disability into a hotel. Anyway, we had arranged to meet in the hotel restaurant and have a drink before we went upstairs. She showed up in a three piece suit because she knew the hotel I was at was pretty strict about not allowing sps to work. Let me tell you, for anybody who doesn't think a three-piece suit can be sexy Allie made it look good. It was all I could do keep my hands off her until we got upstairs. She even brought me a birthday gift. I had taken the time to find out her favorite flower, and had one on hand. The entire session was completely unrushed, and everything was exactly perfect. Best sex ever with one of the hottest girls on the planet. I still see her whenever I have the resources available. I'm not sure if she'll see this, but if she does I hope she realizes how spectacular she made that day, and every day since with her for me
  18. This actually did happen to me. Years ago, a cousin started working in erotic massage, in order to pay for nursing school. It has been my experience, that my cousin didn't change because she worked in the industry. She was still the exact same person, she just had a rather unique job. She now works as a nurse. My best advice, is not to focus on what she is doing, but try to focus on why. It isn't going to be forever, and you can't change it, so where is the point in worrying about it?
  19. Speaking as a hobbyist, I have some advice. As several of the girls have already mentioned, get to know your local providers. I would suggest any new client be asked for references from at least one other provider. If he cannot provide this, I suggest an extensive personal interview process before you accept the session. If you don't like the feeling you get from the interview, tell him you're not interested. I have myself, on several occasions been asked to provide this information. I think any true hobbyist would understand the need for you to be safe. A lot of the girls I used to know when I lived in Vancouver years ago, also used to communicate about bad dates, which helped keep everyone safe. I'm not sure if that's true anymore, but it should be. Providers need to stick together. Good luck, and welcome to our little online family.
  20. I find it extremely rude that a potential client would quibble over a three dollar ATM charge. In my mind, if you are hiring a provider, the ATM charge is simply part of the cost of doing business. If you're not willing to cover expenses, don't book the date.
  21. Speaking as a man, not only is normal to wake up hard, it almost impossible not to. I think any woman who calls her man a freak for waking up hard should take a look at a medical textbook sometime. If it bothers her, tell her not to look. It's not fair for her to expect him to fight biology.
  22. Speaking for myself, I find it difficult if not impossible, not to form some emotional attachment to a SP, particularly if I enjoy her company regularly. The key is to remember that you are probably not the only client that she has formed a bond with, and enjoy the company while you have it. After all, a truly great SP makes her client feel special, which is where bonds start. Lets face it folks really great SPs are some pretty special people. If we didn't get a little more attached than we should at times, we wouldn't be human. As for giving a SP a financial boost... none I've ever met has asked, but if it did happen, I think I'd try to work a deal where we both got something...Maybe a cut rate on the next appointment or something... That way, she need not worry about payback, and I would have something to look forward to. Anyway, just my 2 cents masterowls
  23. which is why I didn't post a specific date... I merely asked if she'd be open to the idea... but will keep it in mind for the future... :) have a good one.
  24. Hey listen, Here's the deal sweetie. I'm in a wheelchair, and headed in for major surgery about mid January, It lookslike I'm gonna be in hospital til mid March recovereing... I figure by then I'm gonna be depressed, not to mention ehhem frustrated. I'm looking to set up a 2 hour date, before I go in, for the day after I get out, so I've got something to look forward to. What do you think? By the way your webpage seems to be down.
  25. Hi, I'm new to Lethbridge, and looking for a regular long term, independent provider... Anyone out there?
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