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Everything posted by Jabba

  1. I understand what you're experiencing Livenudecats - it is an apathy or emptiness probably more widely shared than you realize. Do I have an answer?... hell no. Is it cyclic?...probably. Is it hormonal?....maybe. Do we love women?...oh yeah! Then, what the hell is the problem??? - I think it's maybe coming to terms that you may be losing interest in this hobby. It's happened (in one form or another) to all of us older gents. In many respects, I keep a finger in this hobby just to re-live the joy of my younger experiences. I just love the hell out of women and I love the thrill of the variety and experience ... but sometimes I just get bored of the routine. Does that make sense?
  2. Unfortunately, the device manager shows the big ugly question marks (as shown in the 2nd pic.) So I uninstalled the unknown devices, rebooted the PC. Got a message that new hardware was detected and was then prompted to install the drivers. Then got an error message saying that no drivers were detected. Opened the device manager again & those $#*king yellow question marks were there again! WTF??
  3. So, the disk on one of my PCs decided to self destruct. Bummer - total loss of everything. Got a new disk, installed the O/S (WinXP) only to discover there is no sound. The Motherboard has an on-board sound processor, so I don't have any CD or other software or separate sound card. In the Sound Tab I am unable to change the Volume. It's grayed out. Also, there is no speaker icon displayed on the tray (lower right side). Tried updating the audio drivers & they're already up to date. Has anyone experienced this or know how to resolve?
  4. I was just thinking how ridiculous this sounds especially on a forum where (I'm guessing here) 99% of the people don't use their real name. If you had to think of a hobby name based on a verb, adverb, noun, adjective, pronoun, etc ...what you be? Me?...I kinda like "Moist". Sounds icky.:tongue:
  5. I think APTN did a knock-out job for investigation, coverage and representing the truly human side of this story! This will definitely put APTN on the map. The raw footage is not a polished 60 minutes piece (and for that I am thankful - it lends credibility to the investigation). I am sure there are yet more details to reveal themselves in time. A really interesting story will eventually come out of all this. Please don't close this thread - way too important to dismiss.
  6. ummm...I hate to admit it, but y'know, I'm not the brightest match in the pack. Can you please spell it out for me 'cuz I'm not getting the connection (despite the polite repetition) - thanks WIT.
  7. E.D not sure I understand your post? Can you clarify in the context of the thread?
  8. These designs are sooo cool! (pardon the pun). I'm a bit of a retro guy myself. I just loved the appliance designs of the 50's & 60's. They were so incredibly tacky, bent and overdone. There used to be an appliance warehouse on St.Laurent Blvd here in Ottawa back in the early 90's. They sold authentic vintage stuff - and let me tell you they had the funkiest inventory in the world! Man, I saw fridges with hood ornaments, stoves with fins (just like the '59 caddy), chrome chrome and chrome!! You remember the old v8 logos on cars, well even the dishwashers had 'em. Everything looked like it was going to blast-off in outer space any second. And don't get me started about the colours - jEEz that was a fun place.
  9. Interesting article. The concerns appear to be proximity to children and potential for crime due to increased traffic and security questions. Some folks had a "Not in my backyard" opinion. Although it seems to be a municipal matter right now, I remember there was a lot of hand-wringing when Ontario decided to get into the gambling business. I'm just trying to equate vices here. So what say you...and I may be appealing to the choir, but should Ontario get into the prostitution business? What about the indy/agency people out there - would licensing, inspections, health certifications, revenue declaration be something that interests you or would that just introduce more headaches? Do you think legalized prostitution will happen in our lifetimes? Should we have a Red-light district here in Ottawa? If so, where?
  10. As an inveterate time-waster, I firmly believe we are defined by the way we play. But are the games we play a reflection of our generation, our mental age or simply our gender? I love video games, but I also love motorbikes, cars and most things mechanical (submarines, tanks, cars, rockets, helicopters, airplanes..it's got an engine and I like it!). I don't especially like guns - but can tolerate lasertag or paintball. I like martial arts, racket ball games and nude female wrestling (hey - it's a sport!). I think nude lasertag would be just the right ice-breaker social activity, don't you think? Do any of my fetishes appeal to the general population, or do you have different passions you would like to share?
  11. Wow Sophia - I had no idea of the complications. Yes, I've read about "what-if" situations, like what happens if you run into a client with his SO, etc...but I never considered the larger social impacts. I just assumed everyone kept this biz undercover. I know (before you say it), I'm not very smart. You mentioned that you are in a small city (where everyone knows everyone?)...is this the same issue for SPs who are in larger communities?
  12. I just did a day at court. Crap!! If you get caught doing something questionable, (public lewdness, car dates, etc) the procedure could be highly embarrassing. For instance, you have to appear in court. If you select trial by jury (as opposed to summary judgment) during jury selection, the accused is made to face each juror. Each juror is challenged by both defence & crown to see if they are good to sit on the jury. TRUST ME! You do not want to be in front of a judge or jury or any part of the judicial system. It is not something that is good for you. So do everything in your power to avoid avoid avoid avoid!....got it!!?? Added note: I wasn't at court for anything I did - I was tapped for jury selection.
  13. Sounds like you've already found guilty & convicted - whatever happened to a day in court?
  14. I agree with PKJason - it is so easy to point fingers and assume guilt before one knows all the facts as they may be brought out in court as evidence. I'm not saying that an assault didn't happen. I'm not saying that the plaintiff should ignore her right to protections. I'm not saying that everything in this case is self-evident based on the video. I just don't think it's fair to leap to conclusions.
  15. I forgot all about Timothy - why is that? Apparently, the Bond lineup is rather a little different than I thought. With due credit to the website: http://www.007james.com/articles/who_played_james_bond.php Barry Nelson played the 1st JB: In early 1954, Ian Fleming was paid $1000 for the television rights for Casino Royale. The novel was adapted into an hour long TV special and was broadcast on CBS on October 21st, 1954 as an episode of the Climax! Mystery Theatre. It was a low budget, black and white episode starring Peter Lorre as Le Chiffre, Linda Christian as Valerie Mathis, Michael Pate as Clarence Leiter and American actor Barry Nelson as the first ever James Bond. Barry played James Bond very casually, and despite several pathetic fighting and torture scenes, the episode was an interesting and enjoyable rendition of Casino Royale. In 1956, Bob Holness provided the voice for James Bond in a South African radio adaption of the Ian Fleming novel Moonraker. He would later go on to become an actor and game show host for Take a Letter and Blockbusters. The Moonraker special remains today as the only known radio production of James Bond. Bob has said that it was broadcast live, and as such, there is no known recording of it. In 1962, producers Albert R. Broccoli (Cubby) and Harry Saltzman brought James Bond to the silver screen in Dr. No, based on Ian Fleming's 1958 novel. With Sean Connery's unique style, the exotic locations and the spectacular supporting cast, Dr. No became an instant success. Sean Connery went on to play Bond 4 more times in From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball and You Only Live Twice, before retiring from the role. In 1964, between playing Simon Templar on The Saint, Roger Moore starred as James Bond in an episode of the comedy sketch show Mainly Millicent. In the 7 minute sketch, James Bond is on holiday and goes for lunch, only to meet Russian Spy Sonia Sekova, who is also on holiday. They both suspect that the other one is spying on them, resulting in some comical situations. Bond discovers the waiter is wearing a wig and punches him over the balcony and the two throw several drinks over their shoulders, suspecting cyanide pills. They both get called back on to cases and end the episode with a kiss. In the mid 1960s, American producer Charles K. Feldman acquired the film rights to Casino Royale. After a failed attempt to have it made as part of the official series, he decided to turn it into a James Bond spoof. The movie opens with David Niven playing a retired 007. M begs him to come back to them, and when Bond refuses, his mansion is promptly blown up! M is killed in the explosion and Bond takes over his position. He decides to rename all of the agents James Bond to confuse the enemy. This results in David Niven, Terence Cooper, Woody Allen, Joanna Pettet, Daliah Lavi, Peter Sellers and Ursula Andress all playing James Bond! After Sean Connery's departure from the series in 1967, the producers began the search for a new James Bond. They found Australian model George Lazenby, who was the highest paid model in the world at the time. During production, George's manager advised him against accepting a multi-movie contract, believing that the Bond movies would loose their popularity. How wrong he was. On Her Majesty's Secret Service was George Lazenby's first and last appearance in the Bond series, although in later years, he played Bond-like characters in several TV spoofs. When George Lazenby retired from the series after filming On Her Majesty's Secret Service, the then desperate producers turned to Sean Connery. Sean agreed to come back for one last film, choosing to donate his entire earnings to a Scottish education charity. Sean's performance in Diamonds Are Forever was as good as his prior Bonds, and the film was an enjoyable success. It would be the last time that Sean worked for EON Productions. After Diamonds Are Forever, the hunt for a new Bond was on. Roger Moore was at the top of the list and luckily for him, The Persuaders!, starring him and Tony Curtis, hadn't caught on in the US and had run for only one season. This meant that he was free for the role, and he became James Bond in Live and Let Die. Roger played the role with a sophisticated and slightly comical edge, and went on to star in The Man with the Golden Gun, The Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy and A View to a Kill. With 7 movies, he currently holds the record for playing James Bond the most times in the official EON series. (He would be tied for 1st place with Sean Connery if Never Say Never Again was counted as official). Christopher Cazenove played James Bond in Omnibus: The British Hero, a documentary type show on the BBC. He acted out several scenes from Ian Fleming's novels, including the scene pictured on the left from Goldfinger, where James Bond is nearly killed with a chainsaw (as opposed to the laser in the film Goldfinger). In the late 50s/early 60s, Ian Fleming, Kevin McClory and Jack Whittingham had created a screenplay for a James Bond film, which was later scrapped. Fleming didn't throw away all of the ideas however, and used some of them in his next novel Thunderball. Fleming was sued by Kevin McClory, who won the rights to make a film adaption. He made a deal with Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman to make the film Thunderball, for which he got a credit as producer. Kevin was obviously unsatisfied with the film, and with the help of producer Jack Schwartzman, he remade it 18 years later. Never Say Never Again was Sean Connery's last role as James Bond. When Roger Moore hung up his hat after doing seven films for EON Productions, yet another hunt for a new James Bond begun. They found Welsh stage and screen actor Timothy Dalton, who became James Bond in The Living Daylights in 1987, and License to Kill in 1989. His breath-taking and deep portrayal of 007 is highly regarded among Bond fans, and is considered very close to the character in Ian Fleming's novels. Timothy was going to continue the role, but in April 1994, after a five year gap due to legal reasons, he officially left. In 1986, after his TV series Remington Steele had ended, Pierce Brosnan was asked to play the role of 007. The news broke out, and because of the strong publicity, Remington Steele was brought back. Pierce couldn't play both at the same time, so Timothy Dalton was brought in to play Bond. Pierce was given another opportunity in 1995 and this time it was a success. He went on to play James Bond four times in Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day. After a four year gap, James Bond returned with Daniel Craig in Casino Royale (2006). It was the first film to use an original Ian Fleming title since 1987's The Living Daylights. There were mixed feelings for Daniel Craig before the film was released. Some people even went as far as creating sites and petitions against the "blond bond". However, Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan all came forward to give their support. On Casino Royale's release, the negativity all went away, and with the film a huge success, Daniel Craig turned out to be a popular and worthy James Bond. '''''''''''''''-- All history aside, IMO I would have to place Connery as the most convincing spy, over-sexed rogue and general bon vivant of the genre. I guess I'm just a product of my times.
  16. There was something unique about the timing Connery gave to the character + the looks. True, Craig brings some long needed toughness and lean meat to the spy. Actually, he's pretty damn hot. Not sure I can get on his side just yet...maybe the character is a little too hard. Casino Royal remake was too confusing for me. It kind of wandered. Bad guys, Girls, Gadgets in that order.
  17. Just re-living my misspent youth. Who is the JB of your choice? I'm showing my age - but I think Sean Connery was the quintessential spy guy. Suave, incredibly good looking (naturally - he's Scottish like me), ruthless, adventurous, amorous. I just loved the theme songs that went along with the movies. Check out the theme songs: Tom Jones: Shirley Bassey: Duran Duran: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsiBhQ60rJE
  18. I've also noticed SPs who are on POF.
  19. Yep - the Privacy setting for me is "Never Remember History". Mystery solved! Now, what were we talking about?
  20. Nope - oddly, none of the above. I clicked on Tools from the topline menu & it shows that key combination as: "Stop Private Browsing". But it is grayed-out. When I tried to enable/disable private browsing nothing happens. I wonder if I have to download the plugin like Phaedrus suggested?
  21. Hmmm - doesn't open up anything for me. Besides, I thought Firefox didn't track anything once you close down the browser.
  22. When was the last time anyone participated in a gangbang? Was it at a hotel, private residence or outside?
  23. Just musing here. I have a 2-part question. 1. Is there any rule of thumb or official regulation that determines the ratio of males/female for a gangbang? 2. Having never participated (I'm too shy to even consider it) I'm also curious about how these things actually get going. I envision everyone gets together at the room, get relaxed, have a few laughs - but who gets the courage up to ask for the 1st dance?...or is it just a free-for-all? Does anyone have any actual experience to share their thoughts?
  24. Although OP's account is no longer active, that in no way lessens his opinion. I saw AJ this past week & she is a very charming lady. The atmosphere is also pretty darn nice! One of the better spa's IMO.
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