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Everything posted by Jabba

  1. Cleo - with all respect and kinky thoughts - I think you're a closet exhibitionist.:bigclap: It's quite delicious if somebody you may know in your vanilla life is a secret admirer. I've discussed this subject with various MAs - what would happen if a good friend unknowingly booked with them? Me, I would want to continue the appointment...very sexy.
  2. We've already paid $$BIGMILLIONS to support the Bell infrastructure. To bill us for bandwidth is like an additional convenience tax. Just who the hell does the CRTC represent?? It certainly ain't us! Keep the pressure on the Conservative Gov't to keep the CRTC in line.
  3. That looks seriously Yummy! I'll have to try it.
  4. I've got a more than a few guilty pleasures, vices & perversions. But I have yet to find the perfect apres sex indulgence. I'd love to top off an evening of debauchery with something sinfully delicious. You haven't lived until you've had a great steak with a Zabaglione chaser. Anyone have any ideas?....please don't even think of suggesting KFC
  5. Have a very dear, longtime gay friend - he has got to have to have the most immaculate feet. Size 8 or so. No painted nails - that would be too obvious. Wonderful cuticles. I mean his feet are the kind of feet you would expect a hotel manager or Matre d' to have. Perfectly manicured and fit perfectly well in a pair of white terry towel sandals by the pool. I've actually been attacked by a female friend who thought my legs were hot. This was my best friends sister for chris sake!...she was drunk at the time. What a laugh!
  6. A little off topic perhaps, but speaking of foot care - if you want really smooth feet take a vacation this spring to someplace with a nice, warm sandy beach. Take a walk bare-foot every morning on the beach by the surf. Guaranteed to scrub off all the dead skin. Smooooth as a baby's bottom!:biggrin:
  7. I know that everyone has their own thing that is sensually meaningful. One thing that has me curious, is an attraction with feet. I hope not to disrespect anyone with a feet thing (cuz I have a thigh-high boot thing) but can someone please help me to understand just what is sexy about feet?? Is it the type/colour of nail-polish, the length of the toes, the curve of the arch? Please, ladies - if you have a your own preference for guys' feet let me know.
  8. Yeah, she is quite a ride ain't she? I'm not sure where her journey is going to take her, but holy shit, she's got some life by the balls!! She is the fun chick with some serious experience under her belt. Go get some fellas!
  9. Was that Valentino's? "Valentino's Lounge, a strip club, went up in flames sometime before 4 a.m. in February 1992. Firefighters wearing airpacks conducted a room-to-room search of the club and rescued two exotic dancers from their beds. Other women fled the building in their nightclothes. It took more than a decade for the site to be redeveloped as condos." My 1st visit was in a run-down joint close to where the elephant & castle is on Sussex. This was years before the congress centre was built, & there were quite a few older sleazy buildings there. I was a young guy (about 17) and a friend who went the week before, told me that the dancers were completely naked and they pushed their pussy's right in your face LOL. Wooo Hooo Hooo HOooo! I just had to try it. Turned out the experience was less than exhilarating, but what the hell, it was my 1st time.
  10. This thread was inspired by Grasshopper's experience recently. What would you do if the police barged in on you (SP/Client), let's say in a hotel room and decided to arrest the both of you. I'm assuming they transport you down to the station for booking and ...then what? Do you have to make a plea right then and there? Are you booked and released? Do you make a call to your lawyer and shut up? Do you plead innocence saying you're just friends and it's all a huge mistake? What are the chances of the charges sticking? Just curious. There may be other threads out there on this topic, so if there are, I will use this post as a bump.
  11. I second Cat's remarks - I really missed this site! I tried knocking on the Cerb door all day & really felt the isolation of being disconnected. I need to get out more. Glad it's up Mod and thank you for your persistence. I feel your pain.
  12. Damn! I'm jealous. I gotta git me one 'a those! I'm one of those guys who really hates stuff like shopping. I like to get in and get out. Same deal with washing ..showers are the preferred choice for me. Baths - bah!
  13. I believe they had to wind-up the business. I don't want to get into the reasons. Summer & Michelle are still open for business for the time being. Send 'em a note to book an appointment. Two of the finest masseuses in the city!
  14. Ok, I admit it - I'm a 60's guy. I've discovered some new things about my favourite songs...did you know: All Along The Watchtower: Originally done by Bob Dylan (1967) but more famously done by Jimi Hendrix (1968)? Babe I'm Gonna Leave You: Originally done by Joan Baez (1962) but was best covered by Led Zeppelin (1969) - Album #1. Black Magic Woman: Originally done by Fleetwood Mac (1968) but was best covered by Santana (1970) Blinded By The Light: Originally done by Bruce Springsteen (1973) but was best covered by Manfred Mann's Earth Band (1976). Blue Bayou: Roy Orbison (1963) - Nobody can measure up to this guy! God I miss him. Honourable mention - done by Linda Ronstadt (1977) China Girl: Iggy Pop (1977) - mastered by David Bowie (1983) Dedicated To The One I Love: "5" Royales (1957) - The Mamas & Papas hit this in (1967) Good Golly Miss Molly: Little Richard (1958) - Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969) Heard It Through The Grapevine: Gladys Night & the Pips (1967) - Creedence Clearwater Revival (1970) Hey Joe: The Leaves (1965) - Jimi Hendrix (1966) And my all time favourite: With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Cocker Don't get me wrong cuz the Beatles were so big for me, but Joe just made that song into an anthem. I love cover songs because they're so inventive and very often more than the original recording artists intended. What were your best covers?
  15. errr - wtf?? It sounds like a foreign wanna-be pimp has somehow taken an interest in exploiting your ads. Stringing together a bunch of words (all spelled correctly) does not a sentence make (talk with my pal Yoda you must). Hacked this site has been. Remember the Chinese poster trying to sell shoes....or something?
  16. Saw an interview recently with Ken Rockburn and Randy Bachman. Bachman seemed like a regular guy - actually a very accessible personality. He gave context to Bachman Turner compositions and insights to his days with Burton Cummings & The Guess Who. Don't ask me to explain it, but there was a certain Mystique to rock in those days. The equipment, the technology, the connections to those who were designing and creating the music of the times. I know that Randy's personality resonated with the rock'n roll public back in the day. Don't ask me where Canadian music is going today - do we need a Canadian Brittany/Mily/GaGa/etc...? Actually, the music has died for me; just too much ear candy. Marketing is good.
  17. Not necessarily in order and I've missed so many good ones: Female: So hard to choose...so many great talents Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Audrey Hepburn, Tippy Hedren, Lauren Bacall, Gloria Swanson (see Sunset Blvd), Vivian Lee, Patricia Neal, Elizabeth Taylor, Ava Gardner (mmm-frig she was hot!), Lucille (Technicolor Tesse) Ball Male: All you had to do was listen to their voice and you knew exactly who they were. Cary Grant, John Wayne (I loved his lopsided walk & he was a big sloppy drunk), Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, James Cagney, Jimmy Stewart, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Christopher Lee, Lawrence Olivier, Alec (Obi Wan) Guinness, etc.... How would you imitate Jimmy Stewart?
  18. I'm no lawyer, but I have some thoughts. I think you're better off to simply stick with exchange of money. To barter services is not in the Lawyer's (or yours) best interests. Ask to see the lawyer's credentials. Good luck!
  19. Gawd - I remember when this series first hit tv in '69. BBC kept frigging with the timeslot so no one would be able to tune in to see it....I was a loyal fan, so I just kept the tv on until it came on. Pissed me off if it didn't appear. I turned my uptight, button down dad into a fan too....that was weird. So many of my teenage friends stopped drinking/smoking long enough on a Friday night just to catch the series. Of course, I never drank or smoked (coff coff).
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