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Everything posted by dirkgently

  1. I believe she has retired from the business (after having back problems, if I remember correctly)
  2. have sadly experienced the slobbery "you got saliva in my nose" kiss for real, then accidentally blew it out. not sexy either way. :frown:
  3. I'm with Wrinkled, wasn't raining but too much cloud cover to see. Oh well, try again next year.
  4. love this post, I have every movie and the complete series, far too many quotes to list, but I love them all
  5. local store, although there are excellent on line stores, it is always better to support local merchants
  6. dirkgently


    wow, what else can i say.
  7. 79 for me, so I guess the doctors are wrong.
  8. yoga pants, you can never go wrong with yoga pants
  9. Had sex at the in-laws many times, in the guest room, bathroom and on the living room floor. One time when her sister stayed with us she came out in the morning with a "good one last night!". Last week when my brother stopped by, I made him wait outside while we finished (serves him right for not calling first).
  10. Jennifer Aniston's peanut smuggling was the only reason I ever watched Friends. Next to the accidental nipple slip, nothing brighten's my day more.
  11. Probably like most, it would depend on the date (work, life etc). But I would be interested. Halifax, Moncton, Saint John or Fredericton all work for me.
  12. I'm going to side with roaming guy. If you can't afford the hotel you can't afford the date. It's part of the deal. Save up and do it right, the ladies are always worth it.
  13. dirkgently

    Good God!!! I acn no longer stand.
  14. yoga pants and they are currently every where. not exactly lingerie but currently putting the step in my goose.
  15. Beautiful women - that is really a stretch to have something to complain about. Now being blind with a bad sense of smell or touch and being surrounded by beautiful women - that's something to complain about.
  16. One time in the throws of passion happened to break one of the posts on a four poster bed, flipped a couch over backwards once too. The best was both of us rolling off the bed, her hitting her head, jerking forward and head butting me in the teeth. Luckily no blood was frawn. Its not a party until something gets broken.
  17. The BC Civil Liberiries Association has a handbook specifically covering what to do if arrested. Here is the link: http://bccla.org/arrest/ Just as an aside, here is the lnk to the Canadian Civil Liberities Association. If not already a member, we shoud all be (not just Cerb memebers, all canadians) http://ccla.org/
  18. 112 is an amzing age to live to. For me it is entirely imaginary, I'll be lucky to see half that. However she lived, I guess she did it right.
  19. I can't believe no one mentioned The Trews or Sam Roberts. The Trews acoustic show was incredible.
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