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Everything posted by BownChickaBown

  1. *high5* Gotta love gettin a pic of the bird! heh Sounds like a bloody good time.
  2. hehe :) NOW you talking! LOL I love the way you think ;) ...and will keep that in mind for next time :) Psst, PistolPete - I thought about that, but being the time of year, weather-wise and all, I got a limo with cosmic mood lighting instead of a sun roof. I'll have to put that on the bucket list for a Summer event :motion: :twisted: *does the 100th post happy dance*:butt:
  3. To be brutally honest (as I only know how), my tongue has been in a lot worse places than a dancers mouth in the champagne room. (...butt maybe that's the point hahaha! :S ...or is that... :P haha) Not to say I expect much at a stripclub, therefore anything beyond just dancing ones panties off to the floor, is endearing to me (and, in general, makes me give a dancer mo' $). Whether dancing, SPing or dating someone new, cooties have always been around (at least since Primary School). MuAHS! ;)
  4. Well... I... never... (but will again :D ) 1st off, To my darling SP... Cheers to the endeavour! It was an unforgettable evening :) Scrogging in a limo is like no other - driving by Parliament Hill having ones 'mind' blown :D is... is... *add every superlative you know here* ;) -> Nothing says 'Oh Canada' like BBBJ CIM thou, with a tux on :D :) :D (Thanks for the PM on providing a healthy tip to the driver - he was very discreet. :) ) I highly recommend limo lovin's, not to say as a regular weekend event, but as something as a one-off to have an unique and different evening of pleasure. Her riding me while I held her (spinner) hips was 2nd most enjoyable (next to the BBBJ CIM of course), as she pushed against the roof and bounced vigourously to orgasm. Live life - thank me later :P Carpe Peaciem!
  5. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=18635 Suspended and no login since Aug 2008 - yet the pics rotate. Note: Their listed Website is no longer existing, therefore I would assume they are out of the biz.
  6. I'll pay $20 to get a lapdance to this song :D 7 mins baby!! lol (PS: Now, speaking of sex screams...) Akin to littlelady's fine tastes, I have enjoyed and recommend: Naked Music presents Midnight Snack volume 1 :pimp: As a complete CD, I find it vibes well with the motion of the ocean from start to finish. (PPS: Congrats on 100+ Posts littlelady & Sin_Cindy!)
  7. John, Jack, Hobbyist, Arsehole, whatever... I only ask that you just don't call me Late for Supper. :butt:
  8. So, what the ad tells me is that she doesn't swallow. :jackoff: Pass.
  9. Gatineau, The Pink, all the way. Go early, cum late :twisted: moo-AH-AH-AH-ahhhh!! *lightning crashes in background* [...and fade to black.]
  10. :boobies: Party-on Cato! :motion: ...and of course, Long May Your Big Jib Draw! :pimp:
  11. BownChickaBown

    Killer outfit! Looking good Annabella :)
  12. Yeah, those tags :razz: I can't get 1 line out of my head from the first time I saw a dancer with it when I was a young lad... :? o O ( Like what?, Is she planning on bringing that lingerie back to the store? eww.) Haha, as stated, it's a Personal Pet Peeve. :oops: Now it's stuck in my head forever, thus as a preference, I prefer tagless. :bowdown: I have to thank thou, all the lovely ladies whom accommodate this request of mine to have said tags removed from their skivvies in allowing me to concentrate more fully on them. :shock::boobies:
  13. Age is all in the Bed! :motion: If you only do missionary @ 20 it's like you are 80. :handjob: If you swing from the chandelier @ 80 it's like you are 20. :bddog: IMO, Expiry date = Death. :pimp:
  14. Another Turn-off: Less than up-front Agencies/SPs whom advertise 'per hour' but fail to mention it's a single shot on goal until afterwards, while admitting most other girls provide msog. While an Agency/SP may advertise services from bbbj to greek, or what-have-you, imho, it's somewhat misleading to not state only one shot on goal upfront as well. Especially when the girl goes to leave after the shot on goal - and not even stay for the full paid hour! Even with advertising statements like 'No Restrictions', 'Exxxtreme', 'Finest PSE' and then asking upon meeting what are 'the rules' and 'on the menu' - nothing is said about one shot on goal. An un-extreme un-fine non-PSE restriction. Boo-urns. While this may be a turn-off for me, I can only blame myself for not asking direct I guess, with myself now having to make a long check-list for the future with all the questions one needs to ask before engaging an SP for 'per hour' dates.
  15. After reading this, I threw-up in my mouth a little. :shock: Nasty!
  16. Well, #1 turn-off is bait-n-switch. I have issues with greedy liars. No kissing sucks, and not in a good way. OSOG vs MSOG - imo it's B&S when advertising price per time, not shots. I asked a *bleep* to pro-rate my time since she mislead me with her ad, and she said: What's Pro-Rate! No word of a lie. I agree re: cellphones - lame. Even vibrating on the nightstand vs. turning it off completely. re: TV - depends on subject matter. Music is best thou - allows everyone to keep the focus on each other more and has rhythm to rock with the motion of the ocean. Dirty place/bathroom/bedroom/dungeon is always a turn-off, unless wearing a French Maid Outfit (either one of us :) ). Cigarette stench. Anywhere. Too much boyfriend talk. I'd rather hear my SP talk about hockey. (lol) Fake compliments. Some are obviously not true, and not what I am paying for. (Please refer to previous statement about hockey for an alternative :P) PERSONAL pet peeve of mine is when ladies have the tags left on their lingerie. It distracts me from otherwise flawless beauty. Sexy body with sexy black lingerie but little white tag sticking oot :S It's never happened to me, but I am guessing finding my SP is or was a guy :shock: *ack!* Granny undies. No, wait - those are fine :D haha Superficial pretentiousness.
  17. I'M TIRED OF BEING A GOOD GIRL...CAN U HELF ME BE NA*GHTY? - w4m - 25 (MY PLACE.....YOUR PLACE........) http://ottawa.en............ca/ers/1583459267.html Total B&S w/ 'Amy' saying she's back in the biz after being away for a while, but leaves after 20 mins complaining of 'cramps' w/o rebate. She said she had her own vehicle, but arrives with a driver in a mini-van, saying her 'girlfriend' is driving. The 'gf' waits outside for a quick getaway. She's 5'10 + and is Not the person in the pix. DO NOT CALL 613 806 - ##98 PS: Unlike myself til afterwards, Read Cowboy's Diary, as I believe this person changes their 'ad' frequently and this is not the 1st report of a B&S.
  18. I bought a Gateway Tablet 4 years ago and find it great for presentations and the on-the-fly wow factor of using a stylus and hand-writing notes to text to instantly e-mail folks my presentation and notes as they watch on screen. Makes surfing the Web faster to. The iPad is a flop imho, as it fails to make a real leap forward, such as with using Apple's patents to embed webcams behind an OLED screen whereby when one videochats, they can look @ the persons eyes, and not off-angle to a mounted cam. As well, they failed to converge the iPad w/ Apple TV. Boo. A big let-down, this one. ...but hey, Why shouldn't Apple spend some of it's 'cool' credit on consumerism. Welcome to capitalism. Squeeze every last dime.
  19. Belladonna has that pin-up look, imho.
  20. How is it a GFE w/o kissing? :S Ever have a GF and never kiss? Maybe in elementary school. :handjob: MAYBE! re: some men can't kiss - well, it works both ways. Not all femmes kiss well either - but it's subjective, so you will never have 100% enjoyable kissing experience when there is such a variety of styles out there. (Unless you find 'the one', of course :P ) re: reserve kissing for their SO - LOL - plz, one gives-up everything else for the job but not kissing, as it's special... again, plz. If one gives-up sex, then kissing is no diff., imo. (By all means, anyone want to attempt explaining how giving-up sex but not kissing makes things better with a SO? Can't put lips to lips with clients but can put lips to HEY HEY!! *insert Krusty voice here*) While I respect no kissing and other such rules, I believe it's only professional business to put ALL restrictions up-front - NOT mislead people, SP or client. Another form of B&S to name rules of the game after the ball is put into play. Dirty pool. If a SP doesn't have kissing on the menu, then in my books, they just ain't a SP.
  21. Nice Lexy! (Lucky speakers :P) Thanks everyone for sharing, with your posts and PMs. :bowdown: I have received some good advice and ideas. I'll let you know how it works out. ;) Please feel free to keep sharing! :bddog:
  22. That's just it antlerman - Adults DON'T do this. Immature insecure jealous kids do.
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