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Everything posted by BownChickaBown

  1. ...it all depends on the SP. I sorta let them lead me in how deep we may get, while I know others whom don't care much for small talk and jump me after saying hello. In the end, I like variety in length of conversations like I like my SPs: Short and sweet some days of the weeks - rocking Long and hard others. (Even 2-way 'convos' sometimes ;) , then tape it all for future replay :D, hehe)
  2. DAYUM!! You just made it move! :shock: *takes one of those Kleenex going around* :grin: I would like to watch that: bailey watching Lexy :bowdown: Hmm, now I start to wonder, what's the biggest masturbation orgy ever? Everyone watching everyone. :butt::boobeyes: :boobies:
  3. I like bustiers and school girl micro-skirts and leather collars and heels with a smile ;) Pink Bunny Outfit for freaky times :razz: Office attire with white blouse where u can see a nice bra through peek-holes which appear between buttons at times :boobeyes: Red ribbon and bow, whip cream and cherry :D Garters and stockings w/o knickers 8) One of my shirts :) ...just to name a few :twisted:
  4. I like having a chocolate fondue with fresh fruit over a bottle of wine or 2 when doing the eating thing at home before swinging from the chandelier. Tastes great and is less filling! Organic ecstasy (legal food product). I had it back in the Uni daze bought over-the-counter on a Spring Break trip to Daytona Beach which made everyone real horny and energetic - twas a lark.
  5. BownChickaBown


    Rub-a-dub-dub, Sexy lady in the tub! Why is it I think such dirty thoughts when seeing you so clean? ;) Splish splash! :D
  6. I even wear rubber gloves when I'm 'tuning-in Tokyo' :D ( . )( . )
  7. Woo + Hoo!! Looks like the wait is over with sunny and 12 degrees forecast for today. It'll just be a few more hours now and Glug-Glug :D Party-on!!
  8. "It can't rain all the time." .Eric to Sarah It's also why I took every afternoon off last week to get a few early patio beers in. :D James Street Pub patio was packed on St. Patty's Day. I also like Sparks St. @ lunch with all the sexy businesswomen in suits.
  9. BownChickaBown

    lol 256

    It looks like those legs were made for massaging :D Great boots!
  10. BownChickaBown

    lol 252 (2)

    I think I need an eye-massage after straining them on this sexy pic :) Nice knickers!
  11. I suggest Vineyards (in the Market) - Classy with cozy booths to do some one-on-one/two-on-one talk in. Someone even mentioned doing a quickie there before. Live jazz Thursdays. I like there International Cheese Platter with wines galore. They have a fun special: $12 French Fries (With a magnificent side order of sirloin steak and caesar salad)
  12. Hey Ladies and Gentlemen and Scoundrels :D Where do you like to bend the elbow for some patio suds and maybe do some bird watching or have a chat? Spring is in the air and this sunshine is making me thirsty - give me some ideas as to where kill the afternoon :D Cheers!
  13. :mrgreen: I masturbate, breath oxygen, eat and sleep, among other pursuits. :jackoff:
  14. Good On Ya Ella! I wish we could have met before you go walkabout, as I used to live in Oz and love chatting to the Aussie birds. As we say in Newfoundland: Long may your big jib draw! (Good Luck!) :)
  15. As I think about a first-time 1/2 hr rendez-vous quickie for today, I thought I would ask the CERB community to recommend their favourite/best 1/2 provider(s). Who would you suggest for the best 1/2 Hr session? Ladies, please feel free to comment if you like as well, as I know not all SPs offer 1/2 Hr times on their menu. I look forward to your posts and PMs. Cheers! :bddog:
  16. I always wondered if there was a 'Hobbyist Recommendation' section in the SPs area. Simply a thread where the ladies post CERB handles to people who have checked out to be who they say they are. Ex: Met BownChickaBown twice now and have had no problems. Would repeat. Something basic that can act as a reference to other SPs deciding on whether to conduct business with said hobbyist. ...at the same time, I can see a shroud of secrecy (for various reasons) behind announcing which clients a SP has been having success with. Seems like a catch 22 to it all. I can also imagine some hobbyist want absolute discretion with whom they have been seeing, and not anyone else know who they where with unless they say so. In the end, it seems like the current case-by-case basis may work best, as I believe its a SPs prerogative to ask, as much as its a Hobbyists preogative to not provide one, as neither person has to do business with the other for whatever reason if they don't want to. :69: Respect each other and play safe! :bddog:
  17. These beauties 'make it move' :D http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=1323&pictureid=7858
  18. BownChickaBown

    Looking good lady in red ;)
  19. Happy Tapioca Puddin Day Erin! Hugs and Kisses and Spanks to you!
  20. In my short-lived days of hobbying, I've only had to cancel an appointment once, as I had a last minute business trip out of town, which was unfortunate. I apologized. I've only had one SP cancel on me, which was probably for the better. Therefore, so far so good. I've had thou, a number of appointment times moved, with either the night changing or the time of arrival (that is, big and small delays from the original time set). Last fall I flubbed the 'Daylight Savings Time' change and thought the SP was an hour late :oops: The first time I met one SP was after setting a time for one night, she rang back to say she wasn't available that night anymore, and we hooked-up the next night. Things worked out just fine. Another time, I had to change a night, and she was cool, with things working out just fine again. The way I look at it is, shthpns, whether in my life or theirs, so I just try to be accommodating, and appreciate those who accommodate my schedule. If the spidey-senses go off thou, and depending on how things play out, it will tell me if it's worth repeating. Multiple cancellations would be bad faith in my books, and I would simply not do business with the person. I try to be thoughtful in setting a time as ahead of time as possible, and notify the SP of any changes asap, but sometimes you just have to roll with things as part of the 3 guarantees of life: death, taxes and change.
  21. I agree, this one is decent. You and your SO can separately make your way to sections near the back washroom on the top floor. You can check out Super Freakanomics and she can giggle at Bloom County, before one shortly after the other making their way to the men's room when no one is looking. There is a women's washroom next to the men's, so it won't look suspicious, as long as no one is close by to see her go into the men's room. (Both washrooms are in a small hallway with a convenient exit door there as well, so you don't have to go back through the store.) The back stall has the most room. Maybe try 10:45am on a Tuesday or, of course, whenever there isn't as many people around, as compared to 4:00 when everyone is off work and out of school. Go sus it out and giv'er! Let us know how you adventure goes, whatever you may get up to :) Where, in the men's washroom? I never thought of Vineyard's as being a place for a quick n dirty. Learn something new everyday I 'spose :)
  22. BownChickaBown


    Mmm, Lovely dovely photo! I like your lingerie and legs. :D
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