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Lexy Grace

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Lexy Grace

  1. Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts (I love her smile), Sandra Bullock and of course Halle Berry (I put Cat Woman on when I need some sexy inspiration) I even ordered the outfit (it better not be too big when it arrives) just to name some I could be here all night!! And I can't forget Sean Connery, I always thought he was so yummy.
  2. I personally know some very famous music artists from Nova Scotia and Toronto. To only name a few. I've met Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendes in New Orleans but I didn't approach them. To me actors are just humans who make millions if not billions, that's their job. They said hello and everytime they would see me give me a nod. They were filming a movie together at the hotel where I was staying.
  3. I was just curious and their is no harm in asking a question? I was not trying to be nosey. It was just something on my mind so I asked.
  4. I was wondering the same thing a few nights ago.
  5. I agree but like I have said I was just curious and suspected that was one of the reasons and also for privacy. Additional Comments: I like your one, it's cute and goes along with your username;-).
  6. I agree and feel the same way at times. I hate the CL drama but I meet alot of first timers and newbies to the hobby and always tell them about CERB and hopefully they join. Most have and I feel great when they do:-D.
  7. Is there ever any? If not, there should be. What are your thoughts?
  8. I don't have a pool so I fill the tub with luke warm water, not cold and sit back and relax with a good book. Go to the mall, it's nice and cool there. If those options are not possible I turn on the AC and strip down to barely nothing and relax with a book or or watch some TV. I usually choose the book.
  9. I'm very sexual and passionate in my work and love to pleasure but recently with every encounter it is becoming more and more intense and I'm wondering what is going on? Am I becoming a sex addict? I just can't get enough. A lady in public and a freak in the bed :wink:. I'm loving it!!!
  10. I too can be a major clutz, we're only human. I recently lost or misplaced a diamond ring that my father gave to my mother and she gave it to me, he passed when I was eight. I know it is in my bedroom and I hope to find it soon, as I don't even wear it I just take it out every now and then when I miss and think about him.
  11. Hello All, Here is my original thread link: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=31154
  12. It would be very courteous if everyone would show up on time and not too early or late. Just give a simply call, text or email and ask if it is ok. It is very impolite to do this, as the SP may not be ready if you show up too early or if you are going to be late she may have another booking lined up and does need time to prepare for the next appointment. You may simply have to deal with possibly missing out on some of the time booked. For me if someone is going to be late and I don't have anything booked after I'm fine with that, as long as they notify me. As for SP's as a professional I would expect they would do the same. Life events do come up for both and it's all about just being respectful and courteous.
  13. Well said. I like that "friend with financial benefits".:grin: I use the term friend when meeting with someone, as my ads in other places say most of the time "New Friends Welcomed". Additional Comments: You hit the ball out of the park on that one. I will never see a no-show, it shows they have no respect for me as a lady and my profession. Additional Comments: I agree. There is no need not to notify either if you can't show.
  14. Same for me also. Never expected but always appreciated.
  15. That is basically what I say also. It is first come first served.
  16. Just general location. I was just curious as to why the SP's have something regarding location and the hobbyists leave it blank. Additional Comments: Yes it is.. It's not blank.
  17. And me..WoW that was cruel. I wouldn't know what to do if that situation was real and happened to me:cry:.
  18. I like that one. Although I am single and choose not to date, I do love a FS session and get to have all the fun I want and meet new people. I do also like to just cuddle, kiss and enjoy someones company.
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