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Everything posted by Jack2000

  1. Jack2000


  2. Jack2000


    I love this photo, very sensual
  3. Jack2000


    wow, you're really beautiful Lola
  4. Jack2000

    alysonqueen 1

    wow, great photo
  5. Jack2000


    That's nice ...
  6. Kick off your shoes, take a break, Crank the tunes, Dance & Shake Light the candles, Cut the cake Make it a day, that's simply Great!!! Happy B'Day Luxie !!
  7. Dang, never met her but you could tell that she was so full of life and love...such a sweet-heart, this song's for you Chantal, wished I coulda been your Magic Man !
  8. Jack2000

    OMFGosh! I can't find the words to describe how hot this picture is...
  9. Let's see , meeting Carrie Moon in my 2nd favourite town, Niagara Falls, now added to my bucket list. Till then Carrie ! Jack2000
  10. I tend to fall into the 'less is more' camp but do find myself surfing over to king-mag.com to check out the enhanced booty also , it's great that the big booty's are back, y'know for he girls that are rockin' them and the horndogs that love 'em...here's an article about the trend.. http://www.king-mag.com/online/?p=12224
  11. How did i get my CERB name ? I'm glad you asked Delilah cuz it just so happens I have a home movie I'd like to share of the moment I came up with it ......;)
  12. Jack2000


    That's hot !
  13. Jack2000

    Maya 0034C

    wow...smokin' hot !
  14. Jack2000

    Curves of glory

    Now THAT'S my idea of a good time !
  15. Jack2000

    LOVE this photo, so sexy !
  16. Jack2000

    amazing pics, yer so beautiful Electra !
  17. Jack2000

    omg...so beautiful !
  18. I haven't been to the 'Mate since the Eighties , but I heard that Zsa Zsa from the Fax is there now and goes by the name of Adora, I'm nucking futz about that girl, anyone know when she works ? I'll never forget our last conversation so many years ago at the Fax... Me: " I love you so much, I could never live without you" Zsa Zsa: " Is that you or the beer talking ?" Me: " It's me talking to the beer."
  19. Well, it appears I've ruffled some feathers with my assertion that "I know my stuff" Apologies to all , I'll tone it down a notch , and to the haters; Don't worry, be Happy ! ;)
  20. Spent about 3 straight days at the Fax recently, what a great club ! On my last visit I met 2 girls I never met before and they both just knocked my sox off ! The first was Nikki, a stunningly beautiful black/asian girl who took me to the VIP Champagne room for an incredibly hot dance...as I stumbled out of there I was met by an absolutely gorgeous 6 ft tall version of a young Christina Aquilera, I forget her stage name but she likes it when I call her Christina. We all went out for a smoke and there i was with the most beautiful black girl on one arm and the most beautiful white girl on the other...pure Heaven ! Here's my tribute songs to both girls, love y'all ! Additional Comments: Mystery solved ! Well, it appears I'll be doing the tomcat prowl on the mean streets of Vanier soon, since, due to some brilliant investigative works on my own part (no help from you lot), I've determined that the girl who I thought was named Gigi, was in fact, Zsa Zsa, and she has apparently assumed the new handle of Adora, and has been breaking hearts over at the 'Mate these days. Eastview, here I come ! ( I wonder what other treasures I might encounter while I do the stray cat strut thru the streets of Vanier ? Hmmmm.....) ;)
  21. Jack2000


    wow...so gorgeous !
  22. Jack2000

    omg what a fox !
  23. Jack2000

    best selfie evah !
  24. Jack2000

    wow...I girl you got 'model looks'
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