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Sensual Erin

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Sensual Erin

  1. I'm just wondering what the other ladies and gents thoughts are of implemented "no show" cancellation fee for the next apt. if the client does not rebook as soon as he's able? I've had a few no show's and am always willing to book again promptly after a cancellation if a rain check is made and the client had a valid reason. I'm very reasonable and understand life comes up. The reason I ask this, is I had one no show in particular that had a valid reason and let me know after I messaged him asking what happened. He had an good explanation. I offered this person a rain check and have yet to hear back. There was plenty of opportunity to rebook. As a result, if he possibly contacts me again months down the line it would be nice to have him make up the time I put in getting ready for the apt. I think there's still an absence of consideration when it comes to the matter of how much time we prepare to see our clients. It's not just the apt. time. Thoughts please? This in no way implies a fee if I have to cancel. In fact, when I have had to for a valid reason, I take a percentage off my rain check offer after I apologize profusely. I know it's implemented with a few travelling ladies as last minute cancellations and no shows are a very different thing in their situation. Thanks. E
  2. Thanks Megan. I think I may just be the only Indy here out West. I feel so far from the action. Are there any others? CMJ and Paradise are west as well but MP establishments. This thread should be moved to the massage area. I'm curious to see if there's other reco's for my area. It's lonely out here. :)
  3. Update: I did ask MOD about this one particular thread as it was bumped up twice in less than one week with chit chat after several new reco's were made for other ladies. MOD agreed that it looked fishy but he can't do anything about it unless it's solicitation. The first time I brought this up, the provider was adding to her own reco. That is not allowed and was removed. I'm not a chronic complainer. This is the second time I have contacted MOD in this regard since I started here as it just didn't seem right to bump this thread back up after several other reco's were already made and the discussion for the other ladies was good. The timing was suspicious if you ask me? I do my part to make sure things are fair to us all but this one is now out of my hands. Let's do get back to those great recommendations. I'm the first one to recommend another lady as well and hoping it's kept happy for all of us.
  4. I agree with the other advice given. All providers are different so asking the lady who interests you privately is the way to approach this. Sessions offered will range from therapeutic to a GFE style massage within those limits. Do your homework and you'll be able to tailor your questions specific to the lady you are interested in. There's lots here to look up. The massage and reco threads should help, as well as the advertisements.
  5. This is my last thought in regards to your need to argue here. I wouldn't like to see this thread closed as a result and did mention in my last reply that these comments are attention seeking and should be ignored. You've got my attention for the last time so definitely fed you my attention for lunch. I don't think Skinflute refers to his comment "the lady in question" as the same meaning you have expressed in this thread. I still don't think it excuses your comments or behaviour so please just let it go. You've said enough for me at least. Much thanks to the positive Gents that have made my time as an MA special. Please don't ever change that.
  6. I'm an MA but I don't like where this thread is headed in regards to publicly asking SP's if they would do "extra" because you're either special, a repeat client or give gifts and cash donations to try to persuade. This is a sense of entitlement if you ask me. This is YMMV and kept private between the provider and client. I have stopped seeing clients that have thought like this due to the discomfort.
  7. Jessica mentioned this idea as well. Do get the verification form your provider as not everyone drinks and a bottle of wine given to a non drinker can be awkward. What an original thought with the oysters. :) I've never had a Gent bring me oysters. I have enjoyed a bottle here and there with a client that stays over an hour. Whether we drink or not, remember it's the season where the police are cracking down more on drinking and driving so just make sure you have enough time with your provider so you don't leave over the limit. It doesn't take much these days. Gift certificates are great! I received one from La Senza last year and it was very much appreciated.
  8. I sent another question to MOD for clarification on something I just recently noticed.
  9. I complete agree with you. This is a thoughtful thread and there's always a negative apple or two that will pour their rain all over us. :) He's on ignore here so pay no attention. I suggest you pay attention to this particular ladies interests. I've received gifts from computer monitors, computer speakers, to a new shower handle. Money can be cold so just pay attention to her needs and you may just find yourself picking up something very personable for her. My gifts were not always flowers, perfume or things the guys think we may like because we're females. ;) Hope that helps but may take a little effort on your part to dig in on her most wanted list.
  10. You're obviously now just trying to cause trouble, attention seeking or stirring the pot twice? What is your point exactly? You got our attention on the first comment. Please keep your poor attitude for other places that thrive on possible slander and gossip. There's another site for that and it's not here.
  11. Happy Birthday girl! Hoping your day is awesome and you get lots of hugs and goodies at the Social. Enjoy your day. xoxo
  12. Congrats Berlin. I've always enjoyed your contributions to the board. You speak your mind and take no prisoners. Keep them coming. :)
  13. I like how this thread lightened up. It's all in good fun and nobody was harmed or any packages revealed. Now here's a package! Sorry guys but in honor of the "best of." http://ca.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDodpf2d5OSDEA3UztFAx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fca.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dsticky%2Bfingers%2Balbum%2Bcover%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26b%3D1%26tab%3Dorganic&w=640&h=616&imgurl=farm5.staticflickr.com%2F4102%2F4794109856_42f1dbed25_z.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fchristianmontone%2F4794109856%2F&size=225.3+KB&name=...+STICKY+FINGERS+LP+vinyl+vintage+record+album+ANDY+WARHOL+sleeve+cover&p=sticky+fingers+album+cover&oid=e38eea7bf8f06298963caead6db2e831&fr2=piv-web&fr=&tt=...+STICKY+FINGERS+LP+vinyl+vintage+record+album+ANDY+WARHOL+sleeve+cover&b=0&ni=21&no=15&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=11p0slat4&sigb=138hdaf07&sigi=11n3r7ovj&.crumb=yxU1UzOigdW I'm now craving gummy worms. :)
  14. Linkin Park -My December Hollywood Undead-Christmas in Hollywood. This one is definitely not wholesome but has a fun ring to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj9A0bSaxLI
  15. That show is the best! I used to love Frasier but this is better even though it's similar. If we had a poll Big Bang wins this thread as most popular. My girlfriends agree with me that there's just something kind of sexy about Sheldon as well.
  16. I agree. I've been a recent study in the Art of Conflict and communicating effectively. Understanding what the other is trying to say and accepting others opinions whether they agree with you or not, is not argumentative. It's actually the opposite and we can bicker effectively. It's human communication. I don't think the Christmas Spirit is what should encourage us to communicate effectively? Especially when we're a cultural community. I do celebrate and love this time of year but it doesn't have any impact on how I conduct myself or what I stand up for. I think everyone has learned something here communicating in this forum. However, I will always express myself whether it's agreed upon or not and from what I have seen, we're not too bad around here. As long as we are not attacking, it's bound to happen. I've seen very few threads of this nature and I don't think they're enough to raise an awareness. They're few and far between. Tempers will flare anywhere whether here, at the Office or now in the malls with the holiday hustle and bustle. It's how we understand others opinions even though not our own, not take things personally, be respectful and just not open a thread that may bring out an emotional reaction. Anger is the worst emotion to make us look silly or pulling tantrums when our opinions are not in agreement with the masses. Sometimes stepping away and coming back is what's needed for perspective and calming the storm. As Cat said on another touchy thread. Go eat some gummy bears and relaxxxxxxx...... There's no changing this and if we did, well, this place wouldn't be fun or expressive now would it? We're all originals and express our personalities differently. As humans, our flaws are what make us perfect. Happy Holidays everyone!
  17. Big Bang Third Rock American Horror Story A Haunting My Ghost Story Hell's Kitchen Celebrity Close Calls 1000 Ways To Die I've lately been a fan of anything paranormal and American Horror Story would be my favorite series right now. It's creepy, edgy and sexy. This show is brilliant and always has you thinking.
  18. I understand. You've got no argument from me. Emily is outstanding and very deserving of your recommendation. The "best" word can be misinterpreted. You mention you prefer this MA over anyone else? To my understanding, it's dismissing the other recommendations made to the OP's question. I've said enough. Back to the thread and no argument intended. "i forgot about CMJ and angels even though paradise and angels are the same people lol. but yes as was mentioned there are those two, but i still prefer Emily over anyone else highly recomend her"
  19. CMJ and would be the closest to Barrhaven, then Paradise. You can't go wrong with either. There's several outstanding MA's to choose from both locations and that's the fun part of it. I don't think it's fair to single out who is "the best" in Ottawa. It's subjective and the fun part is finding out who is the perfect lady for you.
  20. I'm not at all choleric, so no wars started from me over your well intended reply. I question the ethics of these kind of places and not familiar with these practices. I would never want to leave my "tip to what seems fair" up to the client I see. These ladies make nothing from the door fee and I've even heard that sometimes the MP has to pay to use the room on top of it. Discretion goes a long way and the reputable agencies have no problems with answering these questions. Agreed. You tipped very wisely but others may not.
  21. The highest compliments I have received are inquiries from clients that I have not had the pleasure to meet, resulting from the kind words from my fellow MA/SP ladies. There's no better compliment I can receive, than a sweet recommendation from another lady.
  22. Thanks Megan. However, The OP is looking for an Asian MP. Both Paradise Spa and CMJ have highly recommended ladies. Both places are highly reputable, reviewed and high quality. You can't go wrong with either.
  23. With no disrespect intended, I don't think this is the way to ask this. You seemed to have paid within the guideline from your experience, but there's others who may have a different idea of a fair tip. It's best to check with the agency and obtain more information. Reputable spa"s will be able to guide you. This is my advice as there's been a few threads on this subject and the MP not fairly being compensated.
  24. What a good idea about the dollar store shower curtain for disposable clean up. Thanks. I like and will be able to use messier oils with this idea. Body slides are so much fun and so sexy! I'm glad you're enjoying. ;) My tub is standard size, but I have an ability to get my body into small spaces so this should work with someone of an average size to share with. That's what I've had so far, but don't think I would be able to accommodate a larger person, especially if I'm crawling in there too. The neighbors below may be in for a surprise in that case. Hoping no mess and more fun! I'm willing to try for the fun. My skin has changed since bathing in this. It's smoother than ever and my minor aches and pains have diminished. I've never been so impressed with a bath product.
  25. Well said. Would you rather be with someone casually that may have been promiscuous and take a far greater risk to your sexual health? Would you ask her how many in a day? You probably wouldn't, but this personal encounter carries far more risk. I agree. Common sense and don't ask.
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