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Sensual Erin

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Sensual Erin

  1. I think CMJ and Angle's Touch would the closest from the airport?
  2. I think one more click for the lady you're interested in on the advertising page is required? I looked and it is hard to tell from the main page. So one more step I think?
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm back, have missed everyone and ready to go out with a bang. I'm retiring my independent west end location, that has been so good to me and my guests. I'm going to miss this place so let's give the walls more to tell before they receive a fresh new coat of paint. There's some sexy memories in these walls. ; ) I would like to celebrate my upcoming move with you, and leave us with a memorable imprint. I've just logged in here again after my spring departure, and am just waiting on the MOD to approve my pictures. I'm booking a few intoxicating escapades these next few weeks, and have a few treats up my sleeve for a few of my most sexy of friends that have stepped through here. ; ) I'm not sure yet where my next location leads me, but am going to enjoy this one in it's last weeks. Care to join me? Please just send a pm for details. Sensually yours, Erin
  4. Well, my lovely bed is calling me. I've asked the mod to tuck my profile away for now, so come morning my access here will most likely be no longer. Thanks to all that have been so kind here and by pm. I'm still addicted to all that is sensual, and look forward to my new adventures from here on out. Please don't hesitate to contact me. Your original, Sensual Erin, ;) xoxo
  5. Thank you lovely. You know I'm your greatest fan as well. We were so close to meeting and you've got my personal number for your next visit. Please email me in the future. I've asked the MOD to tuck away my profile until I'm ready to get back to what I love here. Thanks so much, xoxo
  6. Hi Everyone, Well the time has come where I need to say my good bye's to my public persona. My time here has been invaluable. I'm not going anywhere professionally. I'm still booking and my contact information is listed on my info page. I will be contacting the MOD on Friday, but wanted to say my good bye's first. I still hope to meet many great people, but have decided to be exclusively private for my current lifestyle choices. I'm only an email away if you would like to say hello. Wishing everyone much love, smiles and thanks, Erin xoxo
  7. This is an interesting thread and am so pleased to see a logical perspective to this rare occurrence. I would like to add that as an Independent MA, my discretion would go out the window if a client voiced his concerns over what we discussed and what was expected in private correspondence at my door. If a cancellation fee were mentioned, even worse! No conversations of any sort in regards to a session take place at my door as I have neighbors. It hasn't happened yet and if it did, I would feel obliged to let my other Independent ladies know of the indiscretion. If you're basing your decision on looks, please don't ever put a lady that you developed trust with to invite you to her private location at risk by mentioning anything at her door. It's common sense!
  8. Happy Belated Birthday Sophia! Hoping you had a wonderful day! xo
  9. Congrats Lee. I always enjoy your good humored, funny posts. Keep them coming! :)
  10. Now that I'm off the cigs, I'm feeling it in my brain as well as my body. I've got many tutorials and documents to review for a personal business goal. I'm absorbing it more efficiently without the smoking effect and distractions. This I didn't expect and thrilled about it. My brain is finally inhaling the oxygen again. :)
  11. The Goldman Conspiracy, 911 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/goldman-conspiracy-helps-china-beat-us-2010-09-14 http://newsone.com/newsone-original/samalesh/the-11-most-compelling-911-conspiracy-theories/
  12. For today the nicotine patch. As I put on my coat last night to go to the store to get another pack, I headed to Shoppers instead for the patch as a second attempt at a long battle I started last spring to quit. I bought the 21mg. which are too strong so cut it in half. Today is spent in bed as my body is thinking wth just happened? At least I'm not craving a smoke though. Headache and slight upset stomach are the side effects on this one and can't even have my morning cup of coffee for now. Got to feel worse before it gets better.
  13. I like! : ) Another thing I value is someone that lives in the "now." I've known a few that cannot let their past go or make constant predictions for the future. Someone that can embrace the simplicity of what we cherish at all times is sexy. Life is too short for baggage or predicting outcomes that are not necessary. You attract your thoughts back like a boomerang and I don't want to get hit in the snout by one of those things. ;)
  14. This is a great note Christy. This is definitely a space where we can express ourselves with an open freedom that other social networks may have a Rated G, A or R function. This is a place we can express ourselves in a safe, sexy and gracious community. I think Cerb is the only space in my opinion, that embraces this freedom. The most important thing to my being a member here, is the ebb flow of Hobbiest and SP's. It's been a very gracious community overall in my experience. I like the pay it forward analogy. I also look at the board as The six degrees of Separation and the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person, so that a chain of, "a friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. "You don't pay love back; you pay it forward." Lily Hardy Hammond
  15. Thanks everyone. My tree is fake, girly white and beautiful. I'm leaving it up for a few more days out of sheer laziness and pretty lights that go from white to blue. I will call it my Winter Wonderland tree for now. WIT, if I have any bad luck tomorrow I will remember your warning. :) Next year I want a purple tree.
  16. Who's not taken down their trees yet? Mine's still up with lights and all. I'm thinking tonight I turn it in but it's been so pretty. Tonight I will mourn the loss of my tree for 355ish days.
  17. Having to pull stuff from a public dryer in the laundry room from an inconsiderate person that didn't time their laundry with the smell of still damp sneakers, underwear, old socks and other items downy could not save. I proceed to pull it out by arms length and accidentally drop a few of the offending items on the floor trying to get it back into his bin as quick as I can thinking if he comes down there's going to be a laundry room feud. The best is going down again after two hours and his stuff is still there waiting in all it's glory. Touching other people's undies and shoes is a great offense in my laundry room world!
  18. I occasionally suffer from allergies and have had a leaky nose from them time to time, even though it's not a virus, I take these days off as doing a body slide with a drippy nose does not mix well with my oils. I've never been tempted to just mix it in or taking the towel to wipe dribbles. I've been told it's fine by a few, but thinking that's probably not sexy to most. ;)
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