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Everything posted by rickkm

  1. Needless to ask perhaps, but did the encounter go the distance or you basically told him to leave? Regardless, the guy is obviously weird so take it for what it is..... a bad encounter....don't change anything, keep being yourself....
  2. incall hotel, it's neutral..... for the first encounter..
  3. Depending on the dates like most on here, I would go for sure! Moncton would be my choice however, central etc..., this is not Halifax bashing!!lol It mae better too for girls/gals from PEI, and other NB cities also. Who knows, girls from Ottawa may show up!!!!!
  4. I'm of the opinion that the beautiful women at the beach or elsewhere want us to look; "these girls work hard at looking cute and sexy, you think they don't appreciate us looking"; "they would be insulted if we didn't"...respectfully of course, not with our tongue sticking out or whatever else you may imagine..lol!!! ESPECIALLY THOSE GIRLS WITH LOVELY TATTOOS!! HA!
  5. Leaving home to go on an extended trip and leaving my suitcase outside in my driveway next to where the trunk of my car was parked.
  6. Coming home from my grandparents' house on my bike, at age 10, I stumbled upon pieces of a magazine off the side of the road, that had pictures of nude women..... it was an awesome day, never forgot it and it was truly life changing!! It would have been a good scene for the movie "Stand by Me".
  7. Albums albums everywhere but no Nestle's Quick!!lol I have commented and I did get responses and I truly felt they had appreciated it. Nice girls on here!!
  8. she is without a doubt one of the most beautiful woman I have seen on here....georgous body and very friendly too...
  9. I can tell just by looking at them, and rather quickly too, long before I get to touch them!! I prefer the real ones, even if they are small, in fact I'd rather have a woman with smaller breasts than big ones....save your money, stay real; guys for the most part prefer the real ones!!!
  10. me too....I make sure my boys go out on a date cleaned shaven.... it's a must for girls.....they love that smooth feeling when they're exploring the deep woods!! lol
  11. Thanks to both of you, Catra & Shortcake.....now I'm really interested, first I need to find a SO..lol
  12. Do you have a set procedure for when you meet a couple for the first time? Like who starts first, is it the man, his SO, you? It can be awkward I suppose. What is your preference? As you can tell I have never had one but I can only imagine how much fun that could be. Your input Catra would be so nice as you seem to have so much experience and knowledge!!
  13. here here; nothing like a nice juicy steak...steak night tomorrow, 2 beers and a nice steak for 16.50$$$
  14. You're missing the point; he can lose his SO if he doesn't give it a chance; you can't lose your hobby, it will always be there, always has, always will!!
  15. You may be addicted to sex, the forbidden kind that is. You should look at taking a step back from your hobbyist activities and get your priorities straight. If indeed you have too much to lose and you want to restore/fix your relationship, you will need to do that. While you can always come back to your hobbyist lifestyle, but to your relationship once broken, I don't think so. You can send me a fee for my words of wisdom; I only accept cash!!lol
  16. Noah's arc floated right in front of my house so that peeved me off so I promptly pelted it with rocks and a few leftover eggs for good measure...Noah was on deck and totally plastered (drunk) and get this, he was actually trying to ride a donkey, imagine the scene !!! lol
  17. It's all of the above especially the WILL to quit which is key....one little tip from one who lived through it a few years ago....I bought a bagful of lollypops and always had one in my mouth/hand so it took away the need to hold a cigarette because a lot of it is habit.......give it a try....you will be even sweeter than now!! lol Good luck!!
  18. Originally Posted by Megan's Touch A single woman on welfare with a child would receive about $12,000 annually. Do you think it's possible to support yourself and a child on that amount? Do you realize that the waiting list for social housing in Ottawa is about 4 years? I agree, as lots need to be done but imagine if these women instead of 12,000$ had nothing!! Checkmate Megan!! xox
  19. Originally Posted by MisterT Even in Canada, some are caught in survival mode and have no choice in doing so; poverty, being forced by someone else etc ..... We are part of the G20 but still poverty is rampant, hypocraticly hidden and overlooked. I would use care before saying the the difference is simple, there are more elements to take into consideration. I agree with you MisterT to the extent that we do have all the world's problems except that here, the girls have choices, the girls in these countries simply don't. Our social programs etc... do offer hope and assistance and even training as we have a strong economy and jobs/careers opportunities that they can aspire to....,these girls in these countries simply don't have that out. Although some still fall through the cracks here as we don't live in a perfect world,.. but the plight of the girls in these third world countries when compared to us, is Goliath vs David...
  20. Originally Posted by rickkm Originally Posted by Megan's Touch......This is crude and inaccurate. Do you really think that there aren't women right here in Ottawa participating in the sex trade as a desperate means of survival? Do you think there aren't women in other countries who use sex work as a means of acquiring wealth? That was a huge generalization! My dear Megan....lol....you are so fiesty....We come from the land of plenty....these third world countries are not; there are very little opportunities, if any at all, for them and a lot are simply reduced to begging etc.....and sex for those girls is a survival tool for them and often for their families also. This is not to say that some may not do it by choice, good for them, but we are talking in general terms here. Yes, there are some in every nation but not to the extent referrred to in Natalie's post, not even remotely close. It is not a huge generalization at all, it's the simple truth.
  21. There are guys who get turned on by the plight/misery of others.....sexual turn ons are varied and this one, sex tourism, is huge. I never participated myself but a lot do. They get their thrills by it, the complete submission, as they view these girls as being at their mercy; sex for food!! I think your uncle could have ben more respectful and discrete also; not a good dinner conversation and I agree with you about why such situations exists in this world. Therefore the difference between a local escort and sex tourism, is simple, one is a choice the other is survival.
  22. check the Toronto Sun...Jack Layton definitely....but his wife approved it so....that don't count!! lol
  23. Happy bithday Cato....belated as it may be!! lol
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