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Everything posted by crankF

  1. Paths of Glory(1957), starring Kirk Douglas. Anti war war flick, sort of like Breaker Morant only set in ww1 with French troops. Imho, Michael Douglas only inherited a fraction of dad's talent. Btw, whenever K. Douglas is mentioned, I have to note that my mom dated him a couple times at St. Lawrence Univ. before he was Kirk Douglas. If things were a bit different, I could've been crank Douglas!!!
  2. My Hershey Highway lost it's virginity to a trusted lady using a slim prostate toy and I was hugely disappointed, having expected a mind blowing gasm. I may be willing to try again sometime with a different operator. I myself have not yet driven up the "dirt road", but would give it a try with a willing female friend.
  3. morning digits or tounge lashing?
  4. crankF

    Justin Rules

    Nothin sexier than a bare -assed girl in a ball jersey.
  5. Absolutely private res.. Hotels are fine but not that "girlfriend ambience" imho. Prefer to meet her at the door in slinky little black dress, or naked under bathrobe, hair still damp from shower(that one happened once to me and me likey!)?
  6. Chair. fairly tall one with her kneeling on it enabling me to position my tall body for pole in hole! E.Fish, do you prefer innie labia lips or hangy ones?
  7. Just got notification that I'm to be interviewed for a civil service position that I tested for 2 1/2 years ago. Bad news is I'm so nervous ,I'm hyperventilating!
  8. I like bbw, note I did not say BBW. To me, bbw is what I think of as "slightly thick", to be precise , it's fine to be several pounds above the average recommended hwp, with some soft curvy padding and a comfy bum. I don't feel that most ladies who think of themselves as BBW really qualify as that because to me, BBW means gross obesity. Prefer hangy labia or innies?
  9. Total sympathy and empathy. Had two different outfits doing jobs on two properties this summer. Two young lads did an amazing job on one, but the other was an experienced so called pro contractor who started a two week job in March and the fucking asshole just finished up last week and I must say the work was hardly acceptable.
  10. Granola bars and oatmeal, LOF and tire rotation on car, picked up special order screen door @ Lowe's and daily special at Moe's Diner.
  11. Hey it's not a terrible thing to cry if you hurt your bum. On the other hand if a dude blats in front of a stranger that's totally unmanly. Sorry, I guess I'm very old school!
  12. Me too, I saw godfather was on and had to watch because.........I couldn't refuse.lol How about Abe Vigoda as Tessio? T.V. shows "Fish" and "Barney Miller" were only a few years after G., but Abe looks 30 years younger. Hmmmm, I'm really showing my age. probably no one remembers those shows.
  13. I would promote worldwide masturbation to help everyone chill out because to paraphrase the late, great Waylon Jennings,"If all men masturbated every morning, all wars would end".
  14. Orgasmic berries are known as tingleberries because they make your dingleberries tingle.
  15. Oatmeal with chocolate syrup really sucks. @Nicky--Good thing dirty old man didn't stroke out from the sight of the boobies, but they probably made him stroke off.
  16. Lovely Nathalie, have a lovely day and many happy returns!
  17. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie from 1969 was on the box last night and I enjoyed. Sexual frustration and feminism at a 1930's Scottish girl's school with the usual excellent costumes and scenery of Brit period pieces. Maggie Smith, a much younger version than I'd seen previously, gives a blockbuster performance.
  18. Malone car show today, saw some great cars and hope to start showing some of mine next year. What sucked were the porta potties. Even though the temp. today was very acceptable, the potties were sweltering and had that disinfectant/caca heady aroma. I feel sorry for the ladies and it made me appreciate that I pee standing up!!!
  19. My dad insisted on his annual visit to the decoy and carving show. Had to follow him around for 2 1/2 hours while he tottered around a rink that must've been 100 degrees, sorry I mean 38 degrees,lol. He won't drink water , so I thought he might be overcome. It was me that got ill so we went to the Legion and he revived me with draft beer.
  20. Mr.E.Fish, Please don't make a habit of this nude driving. Have you considered that a passing trucker could look down and upon seeing a giant fish with human genitalia, freak out and cause a chain reaction crash? You would feel badly about this and on top of all else, you will need lots of fish oil to apply to your sun burned emia-parts.
  21. Congrats, what a great day for you. Not only did you become a full cerb member, but your "member" got it's manhood!!! I hope you had enough left from your check to have some celebratory drinks. Oh yes, now you might consider shaving your crotch beard as that's very favorable to the ladies. lol
  22. crankF

    IMG 20120417 185330

    Anyone ever tell you, you've got a cute chin?
  23. A cyst on the assbone. I don't have one, but it would greatly suck!
  24. February=Attitude? Well ok then, FUCK OFF!!!!!
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