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Everything posted by Moviefan

  1. Pictures of beautiful naked girls with puffy nipples. Not to be confused with cold nipples,(fripples) just pretty girls with that special feature :-)
  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Splat!!!
  3. This being my 69th post, it is only fitting that it be dedicated it to the sexual position by the same title... Enjoy and feel free to add more pics..
  4. Hoosiers (Gene Hackman)
  5. What are the legal ramifications of being a client? The only ones I can think of are divorce, or soliciting an officer. and being found in a bawdy house, not sure if there are any others.
  6. same here, no chat just keeps initializing...
  7. When I see a posting or multiple posting from a lady for the same day, the only assumption I make, is that she is available. How many ppl she has seen that day is really no one's business but the SP. Like someone else mentioned as long as I don't meet the last guy or meet the next guy.
  8. What scares me the most is not a movie.. But the fact that my 14 year daughter is developed and looks likes she is much older.... As for scary movies, I can't watch movies like Saw or Hostel, most others don't do anything to scare me.
  9. pool sunny side up or scrambled
  10. Brewster's Millions (Richard Pryor)
  11. Steak Cowgirl or Reverse cowgirl.
  12. Le Francais ecrit, est tres dificile a apprendre, mais pour apprendre a parle francais c'est un peu plus facile. Ci tu ecoute le radio en francais. Cas vas aider. The French writing, is very dificult to learn, but to learn to speak French is a little easier. If you listens to the radio you in French. It's going to help. Learning how to write in french is a nightmare, with all the conjugated verbs, but speaking it will require practice. I suggest watching french movies with English subtitles will help also. Have clients speak to you in french during visits, But that way you will only learn the dirty words.
  13. Chocolate and peanut butter oil and vinegar life and death
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