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Everything posted by cometman

  1. I learned that if you are towing a 20' stock trailer behind a 1-ton pickup, the risk of something going wrong rises with the value of the horse being hauled. $10,000 horse (in foal) in the trailer, approaching a stop sign at a T-intersection at approximately 80 k/hr, go for the brakes and they slowly disappear. No visibility in either direction until the last moment, so I gritted my teeth, hit the trailer brakes, puckered my sphincter, and entered the intersection way too fast. I had to swing to the far lane to make a wide turn and hopefully save the horse from damage. It worked.......no traffic and therefore no crash. A mile down the road, I pulled over to empty my drawers. New brake line installed this afternoon.
  2. I swear this problem seems to be growing......people that open their car doors without checking for traffic approaching from behind. Riding a bike keeps my senses keen, but some day I am going to rip a car door off with my F350 and people in the vicinity will hear a loud "WTF".........followed by a barely audible "WHOOHOO".
  3. Grrrr, I'm late to another party. I hope you had a wonderful day, Emily.
  4. Even though the majority of the ladies seem to favor leniency, I voted no for now......temp ban. When bans from here occur, I do not know for what reason, but often, nothing has transpired on the open forum for the general membership to understand. This site and EC are built on the foundation of trust and when that trust is betrayed, there must be a consequence. If she participates here and shows integrity, I am all for reinstatement.
  5. That's why I like this site. The info is here, the links are here, the recos are here,and the ladies are here. I can read exhaustively and if I am missing something, a pm is easily sent and received. I am not a prolific sender of text messages and when I do,they are brief- VERY brief, unless I am begging, lol. My non-smart phone isn't conducive to texting a lot, so I rely on typing here or by email. I can be Sir Galahad when I type, but not so much when I text unless I have time to kill.
  6. The effing bathroom reno is just about done. A couple of pieces of baseboard to nail tomorrow. This has been a real learning process but ends up with a sense of accomplishment.
  7. Great Superbowl commercial-with Paul Harvey. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHjV-FPMm_I
  8. My friend, who was almost killed in an accident, is home and recovering nicely.....a true miracle. The angels were truly watching over her.
  9. Marathon sessions, but I finished my 2012 books and off to the accountant. Gawd.......CRA bugs the bejeezus out of me.
  10. Saw the strangest thing today. I was feeding cattle and happened to glance beside the tractor at an English sparrow that was acting weirdly. Turned out it was beside another sparrow that was lying still in the snow after presumably hitting the barn. The active bird was standing over it and using its' beak to repeatedly pull feathers on the downed bird's head and neck as if to get it to stand up. When that failed, the healthy bird spread it's wings and laid on top of the still one. For warmth.....protection.....I do not know, but when I returned less than 5 minutes later, they were both gone. It warmed my heart.
  11. 19 day preemie heifer calf born an hour ago and it is blistering cold, so I put her beside a forced air heater and am thawing out colostrum. Decided to put a glove on and check her momma. Fml......another calf in there. I'll wait for momma to settle down and then deliver the second calf. It is going to be a short night after a long day with another day of -29 here tomorrow.
  12. Lol....this entire thread is a hoot.
  13. All the best, bud! I had to make the same trip and I'll always be glad I did.
  14. Old farts love to say things like "It ain't the size of it.....it's how you use it". Extrapolating from there, you'll do fine with who ever you're with if you treat them like a lady.
  15. While reading threads here, I mistakenly poured a shot of moonshine into a used coffee mug instead of my glass. Shrug........it's now a double with a hint of Tia Maria. Waste not- want not.
  16. Whew...6 is a lot. I made it to 4 one day before I was able to set something up. Planning well ahead is the answer, but if you're like me and a zillion other guys, this secret life is under wraps and you have to fly by the arse of your pants sometimes. Just keep a longer list, carry a laptop, use a smart phone (like I don't), and keep trying. Life interferes with my plans too often, so I never begrudge a lady for not contacting me toute de suite. Au contraire, I am exceedingly grateful when I can line up something on short notice with a lady I adore.
  17. Congrats, Angela. That's a whole lot of help and advice. Thanks from the east coast!
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