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Everything posted by emiafish

  1. High Liner fish sticks, Ziggy brand cole slaw, garlic mashed potatoes. Comfort food rules!
  2. I like Angela because she is living proof that sexy knows no age. She gives hope to the rest of us. :icon_wink:
  3. Firestarter (1984) Based on a Stephen King novel starting Drew Barrymore.
  4. Birdboy, thank you for that story. Whether fiction or biography, your tale has a ring of truth to it and that makes for compelling reading. Funnily enough it mirrored an encounter that I had today. My play mate was a tempting submissive. We did not reach the level of trust that your anecdote illustrated as this was our first meeting. However the promise of more lay heavy in the air as we parted. I know she will have read this story with interest. I suspect she liked it enough to be excited by the scenario. Thanks again for sharing.
  5. Remember when they used to call them training wheels?
  6. That was disturbing on so many levels. I love bacon and I lust for Mila Kunis; but together they are the stuff of nightmares.
  7. I like Touch because he makes consistently excellent posts and because he regularly posts fantastic pictures.
  8. Poutine! Best Super Power: Invunerability or Telekinesis?
  9. All I want right now is for my restless legs to take a break for five friggen minutes. That and a bacon sandwich.
  10. Mason jars for my medicinal herbs. I read that mason jars are the best for preserving freshness.
  11. E is for erection. Long may he stand!
  12. Satyromania: Abnormally great male sexual desire; satyriasis; or a succinct description of my libido. :icon_wink:
  13. B is for backside. A favorite of mine since puberty.
  14. Waking up to a PM from a favourite playmate and then planning for a new encounter full of fun, fantasy and frolic. Heavy on the frolic!
  15. Waking up with a hang-over headach when you don't even drink.
  16. :bigclap: I like mistert for his warm demeanor, his wonderfully ironic avatar and his references to wonderful things to eat. Coming from a muffin man, that is high praise.
  17. Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches with leek and potato soup all washed down with an icy cold glass of milk.
  18. Samurai - Scary MFer's Zombies or vampires?
  19. Live each day as if it were your last and one day you'll be right. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The future is uncertain, eat your desert first. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Even though the sun is shining, the momma cat still has her kittens under the steps. Live long enough to have heard all of these wise words before.
  20. I've made love on top of a mountain in Jasper, Alberta. Also got busy with the GF while rafting on the Athabaska River. Both times were cold and wet, but not in a good way. Oh well.
  21. Suits. Mounds or Almond Joy. Some times you feel like a nut, some times you don't.
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