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Everything posted by DukeSSk

  1. It certainly had been awhile that I was planning on seeing Jessica. Finally, the stars aligned and wow, was it ever worth the wait. The very second the door closes, her sole focus is to treat you like a king. She's a great hostess, very friendly and welcoming. I had several minor requests which she gladly accommodated, what a sweetheart!! :D
  2. Ya, I see what you mean. At least you can avoid the parking headache, and depending on where you work, downtown Ottawa can be a small place, don't know who you're going to run into if someone recognizes your car...
  3. I live in the South End, but I don't mind travelling to downtown.
  4. I saw GaGa earlier this week. I can confirm the 1st recommendation. Great massage, she quickly identified where I needed some extra attention. Ending was quite delightful. Nice location, very friendly and welcoming.
  5. Alright, I'll test notepad first. Thanks again :) Sucess!! I did Word to notepad to PM!! Call me picky, but I don't like the dullness of notepad, so I start in Word.
  6. This is very unfortunate... I noticed that this is a topic which has been brought up many times since I joined CERB... Is there some sort of guide for fixing privacy settings, maybe not in here, but in the Tech Corner forum? An outside easy-to-understand source? Can it be made a mandatory reading for all?!?! It would appear that this would be the best solution. Best of luck to you Emily.
  7. I voted downtown. It'd best for all since it's the mid-ground for East & West. Disclaimer: I'm in the South end, I don't mind travelling downtown. East and West get a bit more complicated.
  8. Wow, thanks to all for replying!! Ya, MS Word-to-email does have the same formatting and spacing issues. I'll be sure to test the suggestions when I get a chance. Thanks again! :)
  9. Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to save PMs as drafts and continuing another time? I quickly searched this forum and the titles of the search results weren't exactly what I was looking for. I looked on the "Private Messages" part of my profile and nothing jumped out at me Reason I'm asking is that I'm someone who takes their time in writing emails and PMs, especially for the first contact with a lady when I introduce myself, then I start over-analyzing what should be said, what not to say, how could this sentence be interpreted, etc... What I do is write in Microsoft Word and copy/paste into a PM. Problem is the formatting, font, line spacing are all off when compared to typing in the PM interface, when adding the finishing touches. I'm looking for a quicker solution. Not super important obviously, but I'm just curious. Thanks!! :)
  10. Alcoholic: Beer, port, cognac, brandy, whiskey, red wine. When I think about it, it's been a very long time since I drank booze. I don't have an "alcohol budget", I just don't feel the urge to go out on a beer-run... Non-alcoholic: Chocolate milk, fruit juices.
  11. Certainly the same reasoning for me. I don't plan on hobbying often, so I'd like to get some conversation going before the encounter in order to introduce myself and to just take my time in general. But, it's tough to argue against having your appointments and communications looked after. I'm well aware that independents have other stuff to do and don't sit in front of a computer plowing through PMs and emails with their phone nearby, when not with a client, I have no problem with being patient. Hence why I prefer to get the ball rolling in advance: introducing myself, asking the lady some questions (advance booking an option? Getting an idea of location for transportation reasons, what she needs to know about me, etc...) So far, I only talked with one ageny and they told me that scheduling a few days in advance with a specific lady isn't really an option. But based on their reputation here and the steady flow of recommendations for their ladies, their methods don't seem to be much of an issue. If it works for some gentlemen, then good for them!! :) Good on you Peachy for sharing your dilemma with us :D
  12. Hmm...that is strange. I don't recall the idea of 15 minute appointments being tossed around here in the past.
  13. For me, an unrushed experience would mean that for my alloted time, I'm the sole focus of the lady's attention. We're in our own world, you could say. I've got to say that I myself am worried of being a clockwatcher, especially when I have some minor requests for the encounter and would like enough time for everything... All that being said, punctuality is important for me and I don't plan on begging for last-minute extras.
  14. A proper ring would be much safer. A rubber band could really cut off circulation with some not so great consequences. I would never use a rubber band myself.
  15. Can't say that I gave many massages...The idea of reverse massage does sound appealing. I'm worried about it turning into random groping from the point of view of the MA due to my lack of experience and she won't be impressed. --gulp--
  16. Yes, I believe some ladies include this option in their advertisements. For the entire session? I'm not sure.
  17. Certainly a true test of self-discipline. Take the time to sit down and think of how much you can reasonably afford to set aside for this hobby. It'd be wise to budget. Examine any other areas where you can cut back (restaurants outings, random snacking, alcohol, buying lunch vs. homemade lunches, etc...) Great advice shared by the others regarding the emotional aspect of the topic. My compliments.
  18. My compliments and respect for sharing this!!
  19. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the help!! I was just curious.
  20. Wow, I can't believe I never thought of this. But then again, my allergies aren't quite severe. Cat and dog hair can get me in tears and sneezing only if it comes near my eyes after some time. So, it's not that severe. So, I'm debating about asking...
  21. May I get a PM with details on Maria please, from anyone if possible. Thanks :)
  22. Perfect, thanks for the tips. This is somehat what I had in mind. :) That's really unfortunate :( I would never ever ask a lady that.
  23. Wow, what a list. This should be a mandatory reading for all gentlemen. My jaw dropped at some questions. I agree, "WTF was he thinking", lol !! What I'm wondering is during GFE encounter: Some conservation is to be expected, correct? What's a good icebreaker? I saw some websites and CERB profiles where the ladies talk about themselves; some are or were post-secondary students, have some interests (art, history, etc...). So, I was thinking of saying "I saw that you enjoy..." and take it from there. Thoughts? Ideas or suggestions? I'm hoping that one of my questions doesn't end up on your list
  24. Welcome :) Perhaps you already saw the New to this? Things you should know section. Take the time to read, it'll pay off in the future. Good info/discussion near the top of that section.
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