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Everything posted by DukeSSk

  1. Not being selfish is the first thing that comes to mind. Also, maybe taking the initiative to talk about it in an open and understanding manner.
  2. Ya, it's taboo. It's just that some women really don't feel comfortable talking about it. Best policy is don't ask questions. No FS...no FS, but we need to know, I agree with you :)
  3. A potential situation is when there's an advance booking (1-2 weeks) for FS, but then the lady hits that time of the month on the day before, lets say by surprise. Should she, in the interests of a long-term and mutual respectful relation with the gentleman, disclose and offer to reschedule? I hope that I didn't come across as chauvinistic, apologies in advance What would you do? Just a thought.
  4. Just disclosing no FS available would be useful, if the ladies don't feel comfortable giving out details, no problem for me. None of my business. Sorry to hear about that experience :(
  5. Ahh!! Peer pressure!! But seriously, I need details. I'm not doubting the wisdom of the veterans here. I'd be much more inclined to go if I knew this too please!! How's the service too?
  6. Haha, lol!! I'm not sure dude... Thanks anyways for the replies folks, I'll keep this place in mind :) I'm assuming massage hours are the same as hair salon hours...
  7. Can this be confirmed by at least one person? No, I'm not doubting you, it's just that I hope to Christ that the correct person answers the phone...or else...awkward...
  8. The women where I work are hooked on this; they're constantly whispering about it, lol!!
  9. Well, what's the secret password/process to get to the back room? That's the issue.
  10. Ya, this would be the best of course of action. Although, it appears to be tedious with lots of back-and-forth, like I said earlier, timing must be perfect. I would think that the majority of the ladies would agree to act as references, given the camaraderie amongst the ladies that I've seen here... Just to be clear, I have no problem with being asked for references, I just wanted to share my thoughts in an attempt to improve the process for all parties involved. Thanks for your reply :)
  11. Alright, timing must be perfect for your first point: You'll need to set up something with the new SP, then get the green light from reference SP, then new SP must carry out her verification procedure... I think it would only be considered rude if reference SP can't remember you, then you're looking at a ton of drama :( Hence my questions about monthly follow-ups or if there's some sort "record-keeping" process used by the ladies?!?! Ya, I was leaning towards 1), but I wanted to know what others thought. Thanks for your input. I'd love to hear more feedback and input!! :)
  12. That's really unfortunate :( Ya, good thing that you didn't see him face-to-face. It's his problem if he can't take the time and make the effort to approach this hobby well-prepared and well-informed. Just forget about this clown and move on :)
  13. ***BUMP*** I thought I'd bump this instead of starting a new one. I have some related questions. I didn't start this thread, so I'm obeying the bumping rules (I hope, lol!!) When a lady gives her blessing to act as a reference. What's the usual procedure? What is the communication flow? Is it: 1) The gentleman says to a new SP: "Please feel free to contact reference SP for a reference. I've seen her this many times, etc...", or 2) The gentleman asks reference SP to contact new SP to confirm all is well, rules were obeyed, etc...? Another concern is when it has been many months that you've seen the reference SP and/or you don't hobby often: - Is it the gentleman's responsibility to regularly follow-up with reference SP(s), let's say every 1-3 months,to say "Hey, remember me, can you still vouch for me?" - I'd assume that gentlemen are expected to retain copies of PM/emails to confirm past appointments should reference SP can't remember, correct? What if it's a SP that only uses the phone!? This would be an issue, what then? Call history and texts are always deleted, and rightfully so. Do most ladies have some sort of record-keeping process in place to track whom they see? Whom they've agreed to vouch for? I understand that this question could be perceived as wanting to know some "security/trade secrets" better left in the SP-only forums, I'd appreciate, so will all the other gentlemen, if basic info/tips could be shared. In general, as long as things went well, do the ladies always agree to act as references? Help us help you feel safer!! :)
  14. Indeed, I guess I could have said that Ottawa is relatively less cyclical, Federal Government-wise.
  15. I think that it's mostly because that Ottawa is relatively recession-proof (Government HQ)
  16. I'd suggest to your friend to take a breath and perhaps sign up to this website and look around and read. I don't mean to come across as all-knowing and degrading, it's just that there's lots of rules to know and certain behaviours and precautions are expected. Good place to start is New to this? Things you should know. If time is of the essence for your friend, maybe going via an agency is the way to go. But then again, regarding the 1st time memories, a GFE with an independent may be the better option. It's a long weekend, I'd assume lots of the ladies already have plans...
  17. Wow, unbelievable!! Either don't bother replying or just reply "Read website please".
  18. Indeed, I can say that too. If I'm browsing somewhere I shouldn't be; IT will alert my supervisor. I have no issue with this, it's corporate property, this has been made quite clear when I started.
  19. Wow!! Not a chance may I ever going to go even near CERB or even my CERB-related gmail at work. My office layout is sort of open-concept, 3-4 people can slightly turn their heads and clearly see my screen.
  20. How do I give out rep points!?! By nominating the post!? I just saw who gave me rep points. Awwwww...thanks!! :D *blushes*
  21. Great question, I'm anxious to hear the answers regarding what the ladies think about younger men. I remember reading in one discussion (I think it was SPs turnoffs or something similar), most ladies didn't appreciate younger men acting like an arrogant frat boy, which is perfectly understandable. I've seen advertisements with age restrictions, which is fine. I'd say that I'm younger than the average here and I make an effort to be upfront about my age in my initial contact with the ladies. At the same time, I try to portray myself as mature and trustworthy, which is slightly challenging in a written format; I put some thought in my PMs and emails, and so far it has been well received.
  22. I recommend you visit the New to this? Things you show know section. Lots of great advice from ladies and gentlemen alike.
  23. There's a few suggestions in looking for services near bayshore area thread up top of this forum.
  24. Tiffany Amber has Baseline/Greenbank in her advertisements. I know that is West...Will you have a car? I'm not sure how close that is to Bayshore. Forgive my lack of knowledge on West Ottawa... Oh, heads up, sometimes she's back and forth between Ottawa and Toronto.
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