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Everything posted by oldblueeyez

  1. For the record, I have broken my own rule a couple of times, but only for CERB ladies and never, ever for any other venue (i.e. BP).
  2. Curious. I'm getting inquiries from brand new members asking about a lady I saw after the new laws came into effect. It's unusual as I've never had so many queries about a single person before; as a matter of fact, I almost never have any. I've resorted to replying "Fcuk off, Officer". Am I paranoid to think it could be LE or is the possibility of self incrimination valid? As my good ole Daddy always said, "Don't say a fcuking word to them (LE)." For example: "How was your experience with her and what was her pricing like? I am talking to her now, but she is not revealing much info."
  3. Just my personal policy; I wasn't asking anyone to like it.
  4. If you've got it, flaunt it. And that's why you'll never see nudes of me. ;-) It's ladies with face pics I'm wary of. If they don't care about their discretion they don't care about yours.
  5. Yes, it seems backwards ass to us, but who are we to slam cultures thousands of years old? They may be forced to do it in their countries, but in Canada they have a choice and if their choice is to cover themselves, then who gives a flying fuck? Females drive all of us, but only you are in absolute control of your actions. Never forget that. And since I'm great at going off on tangents, the Putin/Russian bogeyman doesn't scare me either. Sometimes you have to check-out of the mass media as that media is meant to control the masses.
  6. I'm sorry, I don't believe the hype. Before we had misogynist extremism with the Montreal Massacre. Before we had Quebecois extremism with the FLQ. Extremism exists everywhere. My kid's best friends with a Muslim and I'm glad s/he is because it keeps her/him out of trouble: no drinking, no drugs, keep up her/his grades. If Canada had a balanced Middle East policy as we used to at one time, then we'd be fine, but no, the Harper government is pro-Israeli come hell or high water, so really, it's just BLOWBACK. I don't give a shit about youths going abroad to fight for whatever because they won't be coming back, either because they're dead or they're banned from returning. As for domestic "terrorist" attacks, you've got to admit they've been pretty lame; crimes of course but "acts of terrorism"? That's a stretch. And I'm pretty disgusted by how Harper used these crimes to further his agenda. I'm not going to let the Muslim bogeyman rob me of my personal freedom. Sure, if they do happen to set off a major terrorist event in Canada then get back to me on that as I'll be mad as hell, but laws can't be tightened much more than they already are. If I were Muslim I'd be pretty pissed at what the west, and in particular America, has done in the Muslim world. America has killed so many brown people in its mad quest for resource dominance, it makes you wonder if things have really changed that much since the Brits killed the brown people here for their resources. The best thing to reduce Islamic radicalism would be to get the fuck out of their countries, but that's never going to happen. When you think about it, Muslim extremism in the west has killed very few people relative to the murder and mayhem America and its stooge allies (us included) have wreaked on the Islamic world (this includes 9/11). As long as we're fucking with their countries, they'll be fucking with ours. To be honest, I was a pretty Muslim-hating dude immediately after 9/11 and seriously considered joining the forces to kick some turban ass (and yes I know turbans are probably more of a Sikh thing than Muslim, but what the hell it sounds good). But my attitude swung 180 degrees after the States invaded Iraq for no good reason the second time around in 2003. I really got anti-American after reading about the slaughter which happened in Fallujah. I've mellowed out since then, but I can't blame Muslims for being pissed. I will say that if they think they can come to Canada and remove my right to make fun of any God, including theirs, they've got another thing coming. If they can't make fun of their God then that's their problem, not mine. What can you do? You can't outlaw lunacy. Maybe the situation calls for some intermarriage with Muslim hotties!
  7. WTF!? And now somebody lets their 4 year old wander around outside in -15 temps?! Toronto mother faces charges after boy found wandering naked in cold I'm sorry, but I'm beginning to think Saudi Arabia has a good thing going on when it comes to punishment: these parents should be flown up north and dropped off in the Arctic Circle with just their underwear and given a big "FUCK YOU!"
  8. Meat makes me happy! Pork, chicken, beef, venison, rabbit, squirrel, beaver, hell I'd even try horse. I can go one day without meat, but that's it. Hell I'd even try you if I had to! ;-)
  9. I'm not being trollish, but in my opinion there is no excuse for this. None. Additional Comments: For some reason I don't think you'll have any problem finding studs. ;-)
  10. My heart sank a bit when I saw that he had died. I'm not going to mince words though; a 3-year old has to be watched all the time; they don't just "wander away"; a dog "wanders away". No excuses. Whoever was caring for him at the time has to pay.
  11. Yep, I'm changing my lifestyle to fix myself. Somehow I've let myself get 30 pounds overweight, I drink too much, and I smoke when I drink. So to hell with it, no more drinking and smoking and I'm gonna eat less. And no, I don't get much exercise, so that's another change I've gotta make! Screw meds!
  12. http://www.vice.com/read/uk-sex-workers-disabled-people-833 A nice article.
  13. I don't think Danny needs a Snickers by the looks of it. I love his hair though!
  14. RCMP negligent in parental abduction, father claims Now if it were a man taking an infant out of the country, the RCMP would have charged him with child abduction, detained him until his court date, and returned the child to its mother. But NO, it was a WOMAN taking an infant out of the country, and even though she was detained by the RCMP and informed of the situation, they let her GO. No wonder men are MGTOW I used to support feminism, but now I support EQUALITY!
  15. RCMP negligent in parental abduction, father claims Woman gets postpartum blues, abducts infant and flies to Australia, zero fucks given for father. RCMP detained her but let her go anyway; if it had been a man abducting his child, he'd be sitting in jail now facing charges. You're struggling now; don't make it worse by bringing a baby into the scenario until things are oki-doki. I personally wouldn't bring any more children into the world because they'll be battling artificial intelligence within their lifetime, and the AI will likely win.
  16. I make my own eggrolls using local free range pork. I always thought it was the MSG which gave Chinese resto food its extra zing, but maybe sewer sludge is the secret ingredient! To be fair, this applies only to food cooked by street vendors or tiny restos in China.
  17. I've long made it a personal policy never to eat a damn thing that comes from China. Here's an eye-opening short documentary:
  18. I was doing my headline surfing and came across this. Here's another wrench for ya, sorry! Aggressive Form of HIV Uncovered in Cuba
  19. The real true villain is our own fear, which will allow our governments to enslave us.
  20. oldblueeyez


    I can only play it for 5 minutes before that fcuking whining, droning noise drives me crazy! But yeah, back in 1983, it was the bomb! I sound like my grandparents, but geez, I have the same one as you and it works as perfectly as it did 30+ years ago; they built shit better back then! Four C batteries, if I recall correctly.
  21. Look, the majority of reputable providers are just as concerned about their health as you are of yours. I'd posit that hobbying is safer than picking up at bars, dating sites, grocery stores, whatever. Getting HIV from oarl sex, whether giving or receiving, is minimal; trust me, I've been doing this for 25 years and every time I go to the STD clinic I come up clean, even for minor bacterial things. I've been eating professional pssuy from the very beginning.
  22. Sorry to hear that. My heart is very fragile and as such I learned a long time ago to let very few enter it; for better or for worse, that's my coping mechanism. I couldn't imagine life without the few I love, it would crush me.
  23. Scratching my dog's belly while he's asleep and watching his hind leg make scratching movements. Never ceases to amuse me! :)
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