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Everything posted by vegeta85

  1. I like RayRenpelle because his name rolls off the tongue 🤗
  2. I saw Berlin Moss this evening and I'm in awe of her. She's so damn sweet and sensual! I spent an hour and when the 60 minutes was up I was wishing I had even more time. I did things with her that I have never done before because she made me feel so comfortable and was so open minded. On the drive home I felt at peace with the world and when I got out of my car, like I was walking on a cloud! So yeah definitely see her if you get the chance! V
  3. Ever since playing Gran Turismo, I've had a special place in my heart for the NSX.
  4. We've got the better craft beer though
  5. Yeah but Fredericton is so much prettier though. 😂
  6. If you do decide to make the trip to SJ remember that Fredericton isn't far away 😏
  7. I saw Megan this evening and had a great time with her. She's really sweet and laid back. I highly recommend!
  8. I was sure she was permanently retired, but it's really looking like she's back!
  9. Anyone else been watching the new Unsolved Mysteries? There's 6 episodes so far and most of them are actually pretty sad. The episode titled "13 Minutes" especially got me.
  10. Great pictures she's got there! 😍
  11. About a year ago she was advertising in Saint John. I asked her if she was touring the province, but she said she was only visiting SJ.
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