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Everything posted by vegeta85

  1. Love her or hate her there's no denying that Courtney's got talent!
  2. I haven't seen Peyton yet, but the studio is a quiet, discreet location.
  3. As a client, I look forward to the day that it's not looked down on too.
  4. I met Maritime Sweethearts newest addition last night, and had a wonderful time! She's young, slim, quite attractive with somewhat of a goth/punk vibe going, and very sweet. You couldn't ask for a nicer girl. Maritime Sweethearts Studio hits one out of the park again!
  5. If you liked Zombieland then you'll definitely like it's sequel. I saw it last week and thoroughly enjoyed myself!
  6. The pictures are of a pornstar named Avara Rain
  7. Strong contender for best song ever written Peace Of Mind by Boston https://youtu.be/edwk-8KJ1Js
  8. More interest in trans service providers than I ever imagined there was. Not judging or anything, I just thought it was a very niche market.
  9. I've seen her twice and highly recommend
  10. Any song by Cardi B makes me think of Jaymie Mae Sparx in Fredericton.
  11. I met this sweetie tonight. Cute with a shy personality yet loves to please and be pleased. 😉 This Maritime Sweethearts agency is new, but I see it rapidly growing in no time!
  12. I agree that most of you are awesome people, and I appreciate you. I've been nothing but a gentleman to all the ladies I've seen. Do I ask them about their personal relationships? Apart from one, no. That lady, by the way, I've been seeing regularly for 2.5 years and is pretty open as I am with her. That is the only exception, every other lady I've seen has only been for a fun time, nothing more. I most certainly respect boundaries. Oh and I'm not a "scared fella lurking in the closet" 🙄 In any case I inadvertently crossed the line, and I'm sincerely sorry for that. I will not be asking any more questions on this topic. Yes, I am indeed single. Would I be hobbying if I were in a relationship? Probably not. Do I judge the hobbyists or service providers who do/are? Nope. V
  13. I didn't mean to pry into your personal lives, so I apologize if that question was intrusive. I'm just interested in you ladies and what makes you tick, ya know ? Anyway I meant no offense.
  14. What's it like having sex with a client versus with your partner?
  15. Do you mean Scarlett Melody ? She has some recommendations
  16. I know one who keeps it secret from her boyfriend, and I was wondering if that was the norm.
  17. I have a question for all the ladies with partners. How do you balance your personal and professional life in regards to them ? Do they know that you escort or do you keep them in the dark about it ? Well that was two questions haha. Anyway, I'm not judging you on how you live your life I'm just curious. Thanks
  18. Lol Can you imagine being an escort critic for a living ?
  19. I don't think they've ever visited Fredericton ☹
  20. Only ever heard good things about the French ladies.
  21. I've tipped twice in my 8 years in the hobby, that I can remember. Once to a girl I see regularly ( $20 ) the other time ($40) to a lady I felt sympathy for. For me the latter's service was just ok.. I wasn't planning to see her again, but she was sweet and quite nerdy. She told me was saving money for a procedure that she had to go to the U.S, for, so I left her a tip as a parting gift. I tried to tip my regular once before, but she turned it down. I was able to tip her by including it in my donation, instead of after the fact like I had tried before.
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