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Miss Jessica Lee

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Miss Jessica Lee

  1. and she's super cute brunette too ...had the pleasure of a duo this week! xo
  2. Update ... she's changed her name. However ...when I googled the new name I found another service provider in Boston using it.
  3. laughing my ass off at the news ... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=173536
  4. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=168507 I know plagiarism is frowned upon here and it's appreciated by the providers who work hard on their unique branding :) I was browsing another forum and noticed a brand new provider using a very familiar name. I wasn't sure what to do so I messaged her and advised her that her name wasn't original and that it had been used by a very well known provider for years. She said she would change it but she hasn't at this point. As she's new she has no pics and no website. Therefore if someone does a web search they could very easily think she's someone that she certainly is not. I feel it's a form of plagiarism, and it borders on bait & switch, and gentlemen should be aware that this isn't who they may think it is. Anyways I thought long and hard before posting this, I don't want to cause her trouble but I feel strongly that using another providers name shouldn't be supported or tolerated. Especially when the name belongs to a legend like Brynn Winters.
  5. you need to keep your wine 5km from your house ;) here's a great workout for everyone to try ... the 12 day accumulator workout. It might look easy at first glance but nope! Start with a minute plank on day one... ADD a two minute wall squat on day two... ADD a three minute bridge ... etc. By day twelve you'll be taking back the thanks you just gave me lmfao.....
  6. The Weeknd, Wicked Games http://vimeo.com/51753269 I love sex to this song .. slow, seductive, teasing...
  7. With all due respect do you realize what you sound like? According to the abolitionists, sex workers are women & children who are damaged, frail, weak, defenseless and in need of rescue. They look at sex workers and clients and they see "sad and unhealthy" behaviour, they feel we need to get a "real life" or a real job, that we have "serious personal problems" that need to be addressed. They know nothing about any of us, but they are sure they know what's best for us...and even when we say... "no really, I'm fine!" they insist that we couldn't possibly be. Much of what you're saying rings just like that. I'm going to stop participating in this thread now.
  8. I've scanned your post history and I don't see anyone being anything but helpful and answering the questions you asked. There are trolls on every board so if someone gave you grief all you have to do is report them to the Mod. I'm not sure why anyone would take the time to look around at other board members, their posting habits, board behaviour and ethics and make assumptions, judgments and criticisms.... let alone start a thread about it. Bizarre.
  9. I do chat quite a bit in the time preceding a meeting, I enjoy the virtual foreplay and that sort of communication makes for a successful session ... for me. I do have a problem when people take advantage of that, or assume that because that's my style before a meeting that I have time to text them continuously over the next several weeks or months.. even years...after the meeting. I met a gentleman for an hour once, over a year ago. He texts me frequently and says he wants to book, maybe for "next week" which of course never comes. It's extremely frustrating. He dangles an appointment like a carrot ..almost like he wants me to ask him for a meeting, which is so not my style. I told him recently that I was tired of it, that his $250 bucks ran out a long time ago and that my service didn't include constant texting over months & years. Understand that first, not every lady appreciates frequent or lengthy communication, and second, some gents take complete advantage and that spoils it for everyone.
  10. If feminists really cared about us they would let US decide what's best for US. What a novel idea ... letting a woman take control of her own choices in life. Isn't that what feminism is all about? bunch of freakin hypocrites.
  11. let me know what brand we decide on so I can stock up at Costco ;) I currently stock the Dove Mens+Care in sensitive because it's the mildest and the scent is barely discernible.
  12. for someone who doesn't show their face, tattoos etc selfies can often present a challenge, which is why I update my pro shots so frequently. It's important to still stay up to date. I tweet the occasional selfie but they are mostly fully clothed or distant for discretion reasons. The 'mirror' selfie can often fail due to where the mirror is placed in the room. Mirrored closet doors next to the bed can be huge fun but if you're working with a bathroom mirror the effect isn't as classy IMO. I find it's most important that the pics be of the lady in the advertisement. I just read another review of a lady that was glowing and positive, and mentioned that even though the pics are fake, they are 'close enough'. Bullshit.
  13. well years ago I lived in a flat above a retail store on a busy main street, and I spent hours gazing out the windows at people who thought they weren't being watched. I have seen people do some seriously classless things. Bordering on obscene even. Because of this, and for the longest time, no matter where I was, I had the feeling that someone, somewhere might be watching me so I tried to maintain some level of decency because of that. Now I have fun with it ... I'm in a silly mood and I catch someone watching me in my car or on the street, I freak them out by smiling at them while I pretend to pick my nose, or I scratch my ass... you should see the looks I get. When I get home alone, I do all the classless nasty things you guys do. and then some :D
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