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50 Shades Raven

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Everything posted by 50 Shades Raven

  1. I fully agree with Lady Sophia. Too many times I receive an email with a message such as , 'send me all your info by text to xxx-xxxx' Sure buddy, I will 'text' all 6 pages of my website to you! With this new bill coming into play, a fair number of us providers will certainly be revamping our sites to make them more 'readable' in the eyes of the law. Most websites are pretty clearly laid out with information for you. It only takes a few minutes to read, see if there are 'playtimes' you wish, and have the information at your fingertips. Asking a provider to send you all the information, we wouldn't be able to see anyone if we spent all day doing just that, lol! Take the time to view our sites, they are there for that reason, and please be respectful in contacting a provider in the way they wish to be contacted. Answers aren't always instant, we could be in an appointment, not available at that moment to access email, or even driving. Give us a chance to read emails, text messages, etc, and give us a little bit of notice. One person asked me for 'right way'......he was four hours outside of my area! Be respectful, and patient, like the gentlemen I know you all are :)
  2. I guess what your looking for all depends on what your particular interpretation of 'upscale' is. I was in Kings Wharf condos, extremely lavish, discrete and upscale, and heard lot of 'attitude' about it being in Dartmouth. Apparently it wasn't 'upscale' enough at $830,000 for some. Trust in your instincts that if a lady on here says she's discrete, she is doing her utmost to be discrete.
  3. Welcome to Cerb! Enjoy everything this wonderful site has to offer.
  4. easier just to check with each individual lady that you are interested in by asking them if this is a service they provide.
  5. a warm welcome to cerb where you will find many lovely mature ladies to choose from. happy hobbying :)
  6. WOW I can't think of much to answer that other than asking you if you report all of your income on your taxes! How, why and in what capacity anyone conducts a past-time/hobby/business per se, is no one else's business but their own! I can see this question getting a lot of responses back, and like all have said, especially from someone very new.
  7. it is ridiculous what we have to go through some times. I have a calendar on my website that states when I am available. If the calendar is reviewed, then one knows when I am available. Seeing an email that states, 'sometime today' for an encounter time.......very vague and I have no idea what time you are referring to. We all have profiles, and some have websites. If we ask you to look at our websites/profiles before contacting us, please do! it makes for a better experience all around. As for conversations, I like conversations, just not endless texting and emailing. I ask for a phone number as I want to speak to you in person. This is not an unheard of practice. I don't care how many 'high end' sp's you have been with, I don't know you and I want to know who I am talking to. I am not always able to receive emails or texts, therefore I have taken those contact options from my website and profile. I contact you once I actually see it. I am not in an area always that has great reception, so I am unfortunately limited to contacting you as soon as possible. This is why I ask for at least a days notice, so that I don't seem rude. Endless texts/emails, especially one-liners, are not going to get us anywhere. if you like what you see on my website, then contact me in the manner I have asked. I love the excuse, 'I can't access the web'!! buddy, if you have my profile or have sent me a message through my contact page, you have internet access!! I don't give out my address to some random person that happens to message me, and i don't repeat everything that is in my website just because you are too lazy to read it. Please take the time and be considerate, we as sp's are.
  8. It seems to me that the lost art of reading is really true. I often receive messages that are so vague it takes two to three messages to find out what the person wants. For instance, I have on my ads to contact me either through PM or through my contact page on my website. I ask for a contact number so that I can call YOU. I do not see ANYONE without conversing with them first. What do I receive? "can you give me your phone number to call you?", or "do you have an email as I can only contact you that way." WTF? If you are contacting me through PM, or my contact page, asking me for an email or phone number, it's pretty obvious that you are able to convey what it is that you seek from me in a PM or the contact page! I took my email address and my phone number off my ads, due to the fact of endless text messages that were absolute garbage and endless emails that were just a game of email-tag. I also do not give out my address without a firm booking and have spoken with you first. This is not new, lots of providers ask for this. From what I have read in other threads, please gentlemen, read our ads, and observe how we wish to be contacted. Those instructions are there for a reason, they are our reasons, and the way in which we wish to conduct ourselves. As so many gentlemen have put in their two cents worth, I will quote what they have said: "read the ads and answer the ladies in the manner they have asked to be contacted in" I have a contact page, or PM through here. Pretty simple and basic. Hearing things like 'do you have private' messaging? PM through here IS private messaging! I am the only one that reads mine! For those gentlemen that do read instructions and have contacted me in the manner that I have asked, I do thank you for that. It is a pleasure to chat with someone that has actually taken the time to read.
  9. Hello gentlemen, and welcome to my ad. I offer a playtime of pleasure, sensuality and individual attention. Whether you are looking for a sensual massage, an erotic adventure, or a playful evening in, let Raven take care of you. Standing only 5'2" and 128lbs, I am petite. I have sensual curves in all the right places, enticing blue/green eyes that long to gaze into yours, intellectual conversation and a sense of adventure. Please take a look at my website where you will find my services and rates, pictures, and my schedule. I prefer to be contacted through my web page, or you may contact me through PM here. Please note, I do need the following information to book with you: name or handle; what services you are seeking; date and time you desire; a contact number (I do want to speak with you to finalize). *messages with vulgarities will not be responded to* I will do my best to arrange the time that you seek. If you are seeking services by credit/debit card, these are payable one day in advance, and may be done over the phone with me. I look forward to meeting you and giving you the time of your life with a sweet southern girl.
  10. Hello gentlemen, and welcome to my ad. I offer a playtime of pleasure, sensuality and individual attention. Whether you are looking for a domination setting, a submissive setting, or a playful evening in, let Raven take care of you. Standing only 5'2" and 128lbs, I am petite. I have sensual curves in all the right places, enticing blue/green eyes that long to gaze into yours, intellectual conversation and a sense of adventure. Please take a look at my website where you will find my services and rates, pictures, and my schedule. I prefer to be contacted through my web page, or you may contact me through PM here. Please note, I do need the following information to book with you: name or handle; what services you are seeking; date and time you desire; a contact number (I do want to speak with you to finalize). *messages with vulgarities will not be responded to* I will do my best to arrange the time that you seek. If you are seeking services by credit/debit card, these are payable one day in advance, and may be done over the phone with me. I look forward to meeting you and giving you the time of your life with a sweet southern girl.
  11. I can see that they are interested, but everyone is right, have a 'meet and greet' rate. This way you can toss aside all the 'pic collectors', wot's and not waste your time. This is a business, just like any other professional business, and you are entitled to rate a fee of what you think is fair for your time. If you think it is too good to be true, it generally is. You gave them some options, and they didn't go for it, trust your instincts. Your time is valuable, don't waste it by 'seeing everyone beforehand'.
  12. Tipping is a minefield at best. Some places participate in 'tip-splitting' which means everyone gets a share on the shift when you ordered your food. Some places do not. I don't think its fair to tip the person that brought your take out order to you, when indeed it was the person taking the order; the person actually making the order; the person responsible for making sure the order is complete and to the customers wishes are the people that SHOULD be worthy of a tip. Having worked in this field years ago, tipping was a big part of the earnings, and at least I was fortunate enough to work for a place that did this. Working in a hot kitchen that is 20 degrees higher than the rest of the place with no air conditioning to speak of, executing the order with speed and accuracy, and making sure it was done to the customers liking, THAT warrants a share of the tips as far as I'm concerned. Why should servers alone receive all the tips? After all, all that they do is take the order and collect your cash, not much to that! I generally tip 10-15% to place that tip shares, even at the drive thru I give the change and about $2.
  13. yes, sex in the great outdoors is great, and yes I provide it :)
  14. Welcome to Cerb Casuallyfun :) This site is awesome. Great people, good advice and information, informative threads, and lots of ladies. You are sure to find what you seek here, have fun while you look around.
  15. such a pity your not on the east coast :( Two men at the same time, what a treat. I offer this, as I am sure there are a lot of others, but alas, I am on the east coast
  16. @RedHeadedRaven just started on it again, as I haven't used it in a while and couldn't remember my log in, duh! lol
  17. sexy, to me, is someone that can make me feeler hotter than hot! I'm 33, and I see gentlemen of all ages. I have met some under 20's that are as mature and sexy as hell, and some over 50's that are just downright immature and not sexy at all, and vice versa. Sexy is what you perceive, the way someone makes you feel. Dressing sexy doesn't mean flaunting all your wares for everyone to see, in public, it's dressing in a way that is the most flattering to your figure and well perceived in the eye of a gentleman. I don't think that sexy has a limit in age, I think it's determined in how someone makes me feel.
  18. -driving behind someone that has the turn signal on for miles!!! you never know if and when they are actually going to turn, so you don't risk overtaking them. -stupid and unintelligible text messages such as: 'bb, ur gr8, u up 4 I cum do ya?' (an actual message!) nevertheless, my reply was, 'could you try that in English?' -people that leave a telephone message, and rhyme their return number off so fast, you have to play it over and over again, just to make out all 10 digits in order -people leaving a telephone message with too many numbers in it, which ones am I supposed to leave out? (lol) -only one person working the counter at a coffee place, and I get the guy that is ordering for the whole damn office in front of me! (think he was ordering lunch for them all too) -endless not-wanted phone calls for services I don't want or need. I have hardwood floors, why the hell do I want a deal on carpet cleaning? -unsolicited door knockers! these are the worst! especially since I sleep during some days due to work, only to answer my door to someone ringing my doorbell until I get there! -seeing one price on an item, getting to the cash and having them ring it in at another price, pay for it, then notice on the receipt that something is rung in at $20 more than its advertised for! Then, being told they don't give cash refunds only a store credit! Store was 400 miles away from me, wtf am I going to do with a store credit? I had to buy something else! -going to pick up an item seen in an ad, only to find out when you get there that the item was picked up by someone else, and there you are with a rented truck and movers paid for, for nothing! (happens a lot on kijiji) -rude people that take up seats with great huge backpacks or gym bags on public transit! personally, I ask the person it's next to if it's theirs, then put it on the floor and sit in the seat, lol. Unless you got a ticket for that bag honey, my ass is in the seat! -going to your favorite restaurant only to find out they are out of your favorite dish. -rude people in general, say thank you if a door is held for you, it's especially rude if I am holding a door open for someone elderly or with a baby carriage and every teenager behind them thinks I'm a door person! -going to the grocery store, at opening time, for a sale, only to find they don't have your item in stock, wtf? -seeing the price of gas go up, just as you get to the gas station! -insistant guys that want a 'deal', just because they think they are hot! Sorry honey, but time is money, and if you want my time, I'll make it well worth your while ;) My little rant for the evening, boy that felt real good!
  19. It is a perfect question for border patrol to ask, from either side of the border. They already know the answer before you even open your mouth to answer, so it's always best if you have been fingerprinted to tell them the reason why. I've been printed, as part of my employment, and I've had that question put to me. Imagine the surprised look on some faces when I answer 'yes', then go on to explain (along with presenting another form of ID) of why I have had prints done. As soon as BP swipes your ID, up comes everything about you. When your fingerprinted, you gain an 'IAFIS' file (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System), and sometimes a CODIS file (Combined DNA Identification System) if you have ever had a buccal swab done for any purpose. If you have had fingerprints done, and answer no to the question, you will end up going through 'secondary' screening, which can be a pain in the ass. They go through everything in/on your person, and all through your car, phone, computers, etc.
  20. In reading even through just the first few pages of this, I am shocked. Forgive me for being an outsider of this country, but just because we offer a service that is obviously being asked for, does that make me exploited? Hell no! Who in hell in government thinks it's right to tell other people what they can and can't do with their bodies, let alone their time! In the States, it's hard to get around the laws, THIS is worse! I believe in protecting those that are forced into this, but there are those of us that do this strictly because we enjoy the interaction between two people. If I go into a bar and a guy buys me dinner and drinks, we go back to his/my place and we end up having sex, does that mean I'm going to be subject to a criminal act because he put out money for the dinner and drinks? Man, this could be horrendous on so many levels! To me, this is just a case for a government to tell its citizens what they can and can't do. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a companion. It's my 'employment', I'm a self employed companion, you pay me for my time with you and if we happen to have some fun along the way, so be it! Does this mean that if a 'personal assistant' has sex with her boss, he and/or she can have criminal charges laid upon them, due to the fact that she's being paid by him? Holy crap man, this is the 21st century, why don't they just tax us all and get it over with!
  21. I'm from the U.S., so where does that put me? lol I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so does beauty really transcend borders?
  22. I have a merchant account, and all of my transactions are billed discretely to my company. This way when a transaction appears on your statement, it can be upheld with a legitimate company. I own the company outright, so I am the one you would be dealing with in the event of a call to find out what this is for. As for SP's that have taken CC in the past only to have the billings reversed, I take the payment 2 days in advance, and since I ask for a signature on transaction, I do have a legal right to defend the transaction should that ever occur (has never happened yet, thank goodness), this way someone can't say that this wasn't something they purchased. I am very upfront with that when someone wants to pay by credit card. If you wish a service and want to pay by credit card, don't take the service and then try to weasle out of the payment a couple of days later! Believe me, if a credit card company comes calling stating that a subscriber of theirs is calling about a transaction that they want reversed, have the paperwork and electronic signature to state this is a service that was provided. And not to mention, my attorney would love to defend someone that pulled a fraudulent escapade! lol, if your going to play, your going to pay. I'm very particular in whom I will let pay with credit cards also, be diligent in who you let use them with you, but they can be a great asset when worried about carrying a lot of cash around.
  23. This is why I use 'selfies' instead of professional shots, that way what you see in my album is what you get when I arrive, no surprises. These women are beautiful in their own natural state, the hair and makeup make them the 'part' they play. I have been asked why I don't have professional shots, this is why. I don't want a false sense of illusion to someone who is looking at my pictures, I want you to see who I actually am and who is going to appear at our appointment. I couldn't possibly keep up the 'professional' look that someone could create for me, I would much rather be myself. :)
  24. This is someone that I thought was amazing, thought I would share :) enjoy!
  25. Anything like furniture, household items that still work, clothing (that is wearable, ) ask your local shelter if they can take donations of usable articles. This way, someone starting on their own again may be able to benefit from what you don't need :) I did a purge a couple of years ago, and man, was I surprised at some of the 'things' I held on to. Sure, sentimental family things, yes, absolutely I held on to, but stuff from my college days, that stuff went. I gave duplicates of things to a local shelter and boy were they glad to get it. (I had two kitchens in my house, so they got everything from one!) It will feel good when you realize what you can actually live without.
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