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Everything posted by blacklabdog

  1. its probably hard as many men are particular about stuff they buy; especially gadgets, tools, outdoor accessories etc. Surely they have hobbies & interests? If so there is usually online stores specifically for it. But just say 'NO" to gift cards
  2. Can't believe I saw Jessy so soon but I was game to try a different type of session. That's the great thing about Jessy - she can provide a range of different experiences from romantic/GF to a kink/Dom experience. I thought I'd try my first session in the Dom world but she was great; going ever so slow and able to tell how far my limit was and what I needed. It was a mind blowing experience to say the least and 6 hours later it still seems surreal. And I can attest she is no clock watcher. so now I am really hooked!
  3. Google will show a ton of results but ths site is one where info is verified as opposed to those natural health sites: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/facts/benefits-of-coconut-oil.htm I would use coconut oil for this purpose per se but its just a nice added benefit
  4. often I see a letter template outlining arguements for change that people can use would help lazy peeps like me
  5. true it wil break down latex but has some added anti-fungal and anti-bacterial benefits tho Like any oil - it'll also stain clothing & sheets
  6. at the very least Decriminalize possession. Waste of police resources having them worry about possession (driving high is another issue) Cannabis IMO should be classed the same as alcohol as it has a pretty similar effect on you so I am in favor of treating it like booze; having sale regulated and reaping the tax benefits I am ll for tax revenue collected helping to eliminate deficit Justin will create in next 3+ years LOL Seriously, I think use will go up just due to easier access like in American states where its legal. I just worry that legalzing it and controlling supply flies in the face in what ON Liberals are doing allowing grocery stores to sell alcohol. Not sure if I'd want them to do the same w/weed
  7. After reading the pages & pages of reccos here, I was lucky enough to see Jessy on her most recent trip to Ottawa . Being an independent she does take precautions but I for one understand and appreciate her discretion which really benefits both of us. Location was downtown, and reasonably convenient for being downtown (I don't go into the city much living almost an hours South of downtown) Hard to add anything new to all the great things that have already been said about her already but I'll confirm that her photos just don't show well enough how great looking she is. She really does have a firm, athletic and ever so kissable bod. Wish I had another few hours worshiping every part of her. Although the session didn't go as scripted - we talked to help me feel more at ease and then we just let things go naturally. It was a very hot GF experience. She seemed to know already what best turned me on :) I plan to repeat ( LOL that is a recurring theme for her reccos!) and I look forward to getting to know her better and trying a kink session ;)
  8. I agree it shouldn't be free as that is a recipe for abuse. I hate that students graduate high in debt but its folly to offer free tuition w/o some strict restrictions Spoken as someone who put himself through 6 years of university and never took a dime from the ON gov't
  9. I was reading a post from Ice4fun that " Ottawa has more amazing Lyla ladies then probably any other area in the country." I have noticed Ottawa does have the busiest section on Lyla as a whole which seems odd as Ottawa isn't even close to being Canada's biggest city Is this same as how Ashley Madison has highest number of members in Ottawa or is it just because the guys in Ottawa are super lucky to have such great ladies here?
  10. I think there are quite a few ladies who would not care if you are half Asian (I am Chinese ). Not sure if its a long term solution gor feeling lonely but might serve to give you a shot if confidence. I have only ket a couple of ladies and though both might fit the bill I'll let some of the more senior members chine in Hope it works out for you
  11. no recipe as I have to watch my cholesterol but just a tip to use peanut or sunflower oils (higher smoke point) I don't think I'd deep fry a turkey unless it was cut up into parts to account for differing times it takes to get white/dark meat to correct internal temperature I prefer to spatchcock my bird and cook low/slo on the BBQ
  12. as a newbie - for the ladies who do have a comprehensive profile or better yet, a website - this is a great resource as the first time here, you just can't believe how many wonderful ladies there seem to be and wonder how you're going to figure out who to contact. Like Ice4fun, it's the full experience that I want as well. I am surprised though how many profiles are pretty bereft of any information - makes it tough and could lead to some silly questions more easily answered in a profile or on a website. The past week i have been guilty of exchanging more than the average number of emails with a special lady here but all questions pertained to info not on her site and did serve to help me get a better sense of her personality and affirm I made the right choice. And NO WAY will I call to cancel at the last minute. I'd have to be hit by a bus for that to happen! If some emergency did come up God forbid - I'd actually offer to pay a cancellation fee if my appointment being canceled meant she lost out on another appointment. As an owner of a small business, I can attest that LOTS of customers just don't read beyond the first paragraph or in my case the phone number . They think they save time by emailing me or phoning me and not reading my website's FAQ or other pages related to what i do. So I assume some potential clients see a photo and don't go beyond that and that triggers the start of the endless emails asking basic or worse dumb questions. Alas its not something unique to the escort business but true for any business. All that can be done I think is have a profile/website that answers the basic questions most clients might ask and put it in a clear & concise way my 2¢
  13. for food - I def try to buy local but electronics etc - I buy on Amazon.com. I live very close to US border so I can drive to US in same time it takes me to go to Ottawa and there is a huge difference in price on most things be it tires or TVs even with crappy CDN $
  14. I was just about to post this too. Curious as to the implications of this might be
  15. blacklabdog


    agreed. Google is always changing their search algorithm but they will always penalize you for trying to beat the system. One newish thing as of 2015 is that your site's mobile-friendliness is factored into your ranking
  16. I am just over 50 and could retire anytime. I have same credentials as any financial planner (circa 1984) although I never did the job as a career and this is still a super hard question. To answer I;d need to know with some amount of certainty of my lifespan. I have no defendants which makes it simpler but its stil tough. % of income to equities is really too simplistic as equities which provide a high dividend yield have aspects of both. But only 40% equities is to low IMO given your inferred age. Its a good idea to get a good financial adviser who doesn't work on commission who can help PS for most peeps in good health and are able to wait, its best to take CPP at 65 statistically speaking
  17. wow price: $199 US http://www.ebay.com/itm/291471622876?rmvSB=true even has 4 GB RAM
  18. Think its just an example of supply and demand. ie more potential clients and $ in West end.
  19. sad that there has to be a thread for something so obvious. I treat it just like any other date - just that probability of getting lucky is just a bit different (which actually makes it even more important to be groomed & sparkly clean)
  20. I agree with notifying police. At very least it's on record in case things escalate. Notify mods?
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