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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. I did as well. You must mean the ones that are lined up near the DJ... Yes its comfy but consider that you cover the ladies time (hh or full hour) plus a "rental fee" to the club. One advantage is that if the lady is due on stage, she does not have to go ... You have to talk to a manager and pay him. Hell take care of the rest. There is a larger private room dowstairs as well but havent asked about this one.
  2. Voila! Let's all keep in mind that SC's have their purpose, and SP's as well (no offence meant to anyone). SC's are not dating agencies either. There is an example that made the news recently on a related topic as well.... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=36214 Many dancers are asked if they "work" outside the club. While it's part of the line of work, they are there to work within certain parameters. Many that i have talked to are "used" to being asked about it, but they all have their limits. How many times in a row can you be asked about it while maintaining your cool.... If you want a date, there are other places to do so. If a dancers offers services, they'll likely tell you quietly about it or point you in the right direction, CERB being such a place.
  3. When i saw the title, i was thinking of the Immigration minister of a few years ago, until i saw it mentioned by the author : "It is not the first time that strippers have caused problems for the federal government of the day. In 2004, the opposition called for then-immigration minister Judy Sgro?s resignation over her office?s decision to extend a residence permit to a Romanian stripper, and Ottawa?s controversial program to allow foreign strippers to get special work visas." Not sure that placement officers will promote those jobs if it gets there ...
  4. Indeed. Fines were given. I've yet to find the decision from the Regie. It'd be an interesting read.
  5. My vinyl records and turntable, earphones and books of course. Nothing beats reading a book while listening to a vinyl record comfortably at home. Would go crazy without some of my old books, ranging from 19th century replocas of jules vernes books to 1960's pulp fiction books among the many i have.
  6. I've posted an article here a few minutes ago : http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=36214 and added it the the "mileage" thread of the stripclub section as i thought it concerned some of the topics discussed. Discretion is key ....
  7. With three stages running and screens to see who is dancing on both floors, so yes, the action is hard to miss, i agree. Some are more couple friendly as far as i know, and some work as duos if requested as well.
  8. Pigale can be interesting. They have large enough booths to accomodate couples if you and your wife choose to get lapdances. The new section (open fridays and saturdays usually past 9:00 pm) is quite comfy, and the banquettes do not have as much wear and tear.
  9. Glad you had fun, jbseeker. I was there myself on the 29th, but early (from 5:30 til 7:30). I think i met marylin but only briefly. Thought it was particularly quiet though. Saw that Jenna was working that day, but i only had the chance to say hello from a distance, as she was having supper.
  10. Probably Humpa-lumpas at willy-wonka's condom factory... Hihihi For me, it doesnt matter much. The thin ones work well for sensation as well as the "extra lubed" kind but in the end, condoms are condoms as you eloquently put it, Sara.
  11. Maybe we can share recipes, Amanda. As a culinary adventurer, i like to try new things, and i've never tried recipes from Brazil. I do love Indian curries (especially the vegetarian ones). Got a craving for chickpea curry as we speak. Indian food is so full of flavor. But, a good homemade salsa made with fresh veggies ans herbs is also great with either tacos or a good crispy, toasty baguette. Another snack, made frrom tahini (sesame butter), yogurt, lemon juice, a bit of sea salt and garlic is great with soft bread like pita and olives is great, healthy and somewhat filling... Anyway, enough about food for now, i'm getting hungry...
  12. Lovely story, Megan. It just shows that love can spark anywhere.
  13. Drivers, at a red ligth on the left lane, who wants to cut through stopped traffic to use the "turn right exit" two lanes away. Drivers speeding away and moving between cars when there is just enough room for their cars. Its scary like hell when your on the highway on the left lane on your way to pass another car. Being tailgated on the left lane and wanting to move on the right, but also having another car in your "angle mort". Waiting in line at the cash (one open) along with a few pepople with other cashiers hiding away "looking busy".
  14. Interesting tidbit of information. Thanks Cato. I use my iPhone more than my laptop to access Cerb these days. I updated Tapatalk today, and it now tells how many posts there are in a thread as well as if you've read the latest ones. Some features changed in a small way as well. Very useful when your on the go but stl want to check in quickly.
  15. Hi everyone! I'll be heading out to Pigalle for 8 tonight. If anybody wants to join me, let me know.
  16. Mmmm cashews, goota love them, especially when prepared at home with indian spices (curry powder, turmeric, cumin and a bit of confectimer sugar for sweetness). There are great sharp cheddars out there. One of my faves is applewood smoked cheddar .... Oatmeal is great in homemade cookie form with walnuts and raisins. I've also made great energy bars made from nuts and dried fruits when i was paddling a few years ago. Those would keep me going and were easy to carry for snacks... Come to think of it, with fall at our doorsteps, it'll be grest to start baking again.
  17. Havent been to taboo in ages - good for a combo visit with pigalle across the street. Havent been to the others xlubs on a saturday night. Might be up for it for saturday night depending od what my pkans will be...
  18. Informative, but to be taken lightly, somewhat. They've looked at only one particular age group (18-24) which is more open to sex than "older" generations. Cant speak for the other cities, but montreal does have a reputation for it's openness, which isnt bad in itself....
  19. Mind over matter... Well said. I'm struggling with it myself, but keeping my mind busy helps when i spend time inside (at a bar as its non smoker erywhere or friends as many people i know dont smoke) and it aint bad. Keeping my fingers busy with a straw or chewing gum helps as well. If you worry about about taking the patch or a pill and worry that the craving will be too strong for you the first few days, i was given two tricks by ex-smokers when the craving hit; chewing on a cinnamon stick or on a piece of lemon. Its all about tricking the brain into reconditioning, associating the need to smoke with something else (pavlovian conditioning). I've yet to try it though. Good luck....
  20. Heard the same from a friend who saw her not that long ago (same timeline) at pigale. I think she's only there on occasion. As far as i know, she's a Barb's regular unless that changed recently. Last i saw her at Barbs was early summer. Hope this helps.
  21. Was at Barbs wednesday evening at around 6:30-6:45, which is later than i usually stop. Stayed for a quick drink. Caught the stage show of a petite blonde called Kia, i think. Very attractive. Leah was working, looking as good as i remember. Did not see Maude though, unfortunatly....
  22. I would agree with your conclusion. It's basically my experience. I do not see the dancers i see for "High mileage", but because we enjoy each others company as well, and it's different with each i've interacted with.
  23. "there aint no devil, just god when he's drunk" "i did my time in the jail of your arms" Tom Waits "remember, wherever you go, there you are" Buckaroo Banzai
  24. Oh, my bad, that's what i get by using my mobile to access CERB. Titles don't always show completely. Sorry Don!!! Thanks WIT
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