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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. I did see some comments on taboo for saturdays. I guessed i missed the ones for the other clubs while looking through the posts early this am .... Ah well.... Will take a second look (OK, must be more awake now ... found some, yours among others, S-A, on the Nuden). Megan,thanks for the pointer for Nuden and it's opening time. I now remember you mentioned your friend in a post last week... I am not sure were i'll end up going, but certainly Nuden is under current consideration.
  2. Hi all, I know that there were posts on Taboo being open early on saturdays (2 PM or so) along with comments, so that's covered. Playmate and Barbs seem to open early (11:30 and 2 PM respectively according to their websites). I expect that they all are fairly quiet until later in the pm-early evening. If anybody has experience with the other clubs (the 'mate, barb's or the fax) for an early pm visit, let me know....
  3. Some of the quotes i like come from various books or movies i've read or seen. HEre are a couple i come back to often: Remember, no matter where you go, there you are. (Buckaroo banzai and the 8th dimension) Exterminate all rationale thoughts. That is the conclusion i come to (Bill Lee, in The naked lunch, in a discussion on writing, based on the book of the same name) A few from Tom Waits, american writer and singer: "Fast, Cheap and Good… Pick two. If it’s fast and cheap, it wont be good. If it’s cheap and good, it wont be fast. If it’s fast and good, it wont be cheap. Fast, cheap and good… pick (2) words to live by." "If you get far enough away you'll be on your way back home." Ad there are thoughtful ones too...
  4. I couldn't agree more with ED. Once you find one (or a few) that you get along with, getting to know them better personnally (in or out the club) makes the time spent better IMHO. There are a few with which i can talk about the business, life in general, ourselves(wirhin reason as we are still getting to know each other etc...) books, movies etc. Just like "in real life".
  5. I have to admit i haven't met Sierra yet, and I haven't been to the fax in years .... Could be a chance to break my habit... Although it's hard to go away from good things when you have them....
  6. For the mediteranean flavours, that's good with veggies, olives and or pita bread: half tahini (sesame butter) and half yogurt, some lemon juice, garlic and a pinch or two of sea salt. Sorry, i never use exact mesurements for this as i always "eyeball" this dip.
  7. I met a nice, good looking visiting dancer yesterday evening while waiting for my regular dancer at Pigale. Désirée and i made some small talk for a few minutes, and i must say a trip to the CR was tempting (unusual for me when at that club as i'm there so see only one or two dancers). For those interested, she is dark haired, maybe 5'6" and is there late pm until late in the evening, uo to and including saturday,
  8. I agree on your statement about Pigale. You've got to know the girls a bit and when they are working.
  9. I'm a quebec club myself. Fun can be had both day and night, but as patrols are practically nonexistant day time, so .... Its relative on who is working, as not all are willing to provide much more than a good dance. So far, in my experience, if it clicks well with the dancer and if she feels frisky, you can have fun (YMMV). Regardless, its a risk shared by both (dancers can lose their job while you may get shown the door). Many day time dancers i've met are single mothers (this is not said in a bad way mind you, its just my observation), and they don't have the "party attitude" of younger dancers i've met, so this may be a factor. I think the approach is to go without looking for it too much, as i'm sure experienced dancers have a nose for it and you might be sure not to have much more than a dance. Also, i've noticed that even clubs on the quebec side have recently thightened up their policy on what can happen on their premises. Some that offered extras outrigth have disappeared. SC's are not bawdy houses after all.....
  10. I think the question was asked and answered ... Unless others know her ... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17071&page=7 Never met her myself though.
  11. @ castle79, being a Pigale regular, i can say that Pigale will be open at their regular weekday hours (opens at 11h30 am for lunch). I visited yesterday, and they had a sign saying so on the door. I guess people can wonder with holidays being different on each side of the river if clubs adjust their opening hours accordingly or not.
  12. Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: Went to Pigale early in the evening yesterday, at around 5 or so. Lots of new faces. Was told that there were a number of dancers from Barefax among those new faces (i dont know which). I noted only 4 or 5 dancers that i know well enough. Couldnt stay long to make further observations. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. And it's not the only place that's quieter on fridays.....
  14. It's been slow at Pigs as well for the past couple of fridays (at least when i popped in), with St-Jean Baptiste and Canada Day falling on thursdays, why not make it a long week-end out of town right? I hopped by a two or three times in the past 2 weeks and the place was slow client-wise. With vacations and the good weather, it may as well mean less clients ... thus the slow that was referred earlier.
  15. It's probably the the more private club in the area. Don't know about the CR's across the street since their renovations. Yes, there are patrols (has been so for the last year i've been going) as to avoid situations which can become rampant and cause issues (i.e. being charged of maintaining a bawdy house, public indecency, etc....) for management if not taken cared of. I've seen cops make rounds as well once. Yes some of the regular dancers are no longer there as management want to maintain their licence. Went by near six oclock yesterday and the place was quiet (very little clients, and the ladies were idling). Consider that with construction starting their mandatory vacation in quebec yesterday (and i mean no offence to any construction workers, but it's a large segment of the population in quebec being on vacation all at once) and vacation period in government as well, it's more than likely that the "cream of the crop" wont want to book as much (pay fees, pay their hotel if their out of town etc...) to make little money by working a slow evening. Many may be on vacation as well... On top of that, they started "features" (one is in this week) which i'm told does not help the house girls as people just come in to see the feature and leave, which could be part of the explanation. It's all a question of what you look for (your tastes) and who is there working. After all, each club is different in both the style of the decor (and considering the ottawa bylaws) and the girls they decide to book.
  16. Often has a red and white striped hat? He's still around. Saw him a couple of days ago after work.
  17. Cant say anything happened to me .... yet! Almost stumbled on a friend from school once while visiting a Stripclub. Luckily, he never saw me. I know he's got a big mouth... not sure what he would have told colleagues at work... Megan, even as a SC client myself, I agree with you. I fully appreciate that many that i know do this to supplement their income without any of their close relatives, friends or "official" employer knowing about it. Hence working away from their home town...
  18. And In a way, dancers are sub-contractors... I find it extremely nice and helpful that some dancers i know well take the time to explain the business, it's internal politics, how it's managed, the internal troubles management is faced with in managing the club, etc... when i got to see them. Not as a way to complain, but as a way to educate. Not sure everybody appreciates the perspective.
  19. Yeah, but you never know. Depends on where you head to and when.
  20. Some open minded dancers are still around at Pigalle though. From what i saw last week and with discussing with my regular dancers, some of the more obvious cases were dealt with by management. PM me for more info if you need it S-A. Yes, the "corner office" ....
  21. I agree .... but i find that i've as much fun with the tease in a SC as the dancers did, at least with the ones i got to know well. The "thrill of the hunt", trying to "one up" each other, i guess.
  22. It's all Gatineau, so i assume same rules, unless hey have grandfather clauses .... I agree on he conservative aspect... They were as open as Barb's but the layout is all strange and make it seem more open. Additional Comments: Oh, by the way, Pigalle has been thightening it's ... shall i call it, security? They've been " cleaning up " as well. Pressure from LE I expect ..... and wanting to bring the place to another standard.
  23. Not quite 200 an hour, as songs don't last 6 minutes ... my count for an hour (songs lasting 2 to 3 minutes) would cost somewhere in between 400$ (3 minutes song) and 600$ an hour (2 minute songs). The club I go to offers flat rate for the half hour and hour. Note that this was always with the house dancers and not in private rooms (regular CR booths), which i've used once or twice. As for mileage, even on the Quebec side, it depends on the dancer and time of day .... but it's coming to an end, believe me.
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