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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. Fluency and nervousness when making first contact (in the second language, that being english for me), but I found that it goes away quickly ...... It's been a while since i've used french in that context, but prefer it. Although i'm pretty fluent in english, i find French can more colorful (in a good way) and poetic. Cyrano de Bergerac anyone?
  2. Interesting thread and comments. Being an SC patron, i've developed relationship with a few dancers. Many do this as a second job (supplementary income) and do not expect anything else. Even the full time dancers i know, with the leaner nights, have never asked anything else on top of the time I spent with them. For those i see, the "table time" kubrickfan referred to is done (important for both parties i think), and both them and i enjoy each others company; yes, if you see a dancer regularly, a relationship can build on top of the "business" relationship, but most that i see and talk to differientiate what goes on between the SC walls and "out there", and yes, friendships can develop if all parties can keep their heads, as i'm starting to see myself. And yes, they are nice, generous ladies as ottawacanguitar as cited. But, like in any situation in life, not all are like that ....
  3. It's in Vaudreuil-Dorion, rigth before the bridge getting into montreal island (past Rigaud of course).
  4. Ho, As anyone else seen publicity from SC's on the side of buses? Pigale started advertising on the side of STO buses.
  5. Very nice indeed! Could'nt answer most of them.... some of what i remember (by question), but it isnt much.... wasn't into sc's when younger. 3)Lido, also known as Phase 5 among government circles. Building is noe use by the autonomous mexico university. I think it got closed down when the city cleaned up the main early in the 90's. Was popular fridays for extended lunches (just like the bars) 4a) was that Fanny's? I vaguely remember it. Never been, but a friend told m about a visit he had made there. Saw an american dancer from California. 7) Hot Shots. Now permanently closed. Pigale uses that space for a third stage-bar area That's it, which isn't much. Hadn't realised there was that much history....
  6. There's a place on Bank rigth by 7th heaven futon (near cooper) where they sell and repair exclusively "vintage" equipment. I was there recently to buy vinyl record cleaning equipment. The owner told me they did turntable tune-ups as well. The website take five audio has plenty of turntable stuff ranging from a few stylus to tweaks. I added a seperate turntable preamp to my setup. It helps. Silver cables are good (silver being a better conductor) but is more expensive than copper wiring. I now use a tube headphone pre-amp myself. It does sound better than a standard headphone jack. I tend to agree with olddog on making ajustments on a turntable, unless you are very comfortable in doing so... and there some sweet turntables being manufactured out there....
  7. 27. An almond croissant to go along with the coffee 28. Birds chirping early in the morning on a summer day 29. my cat jumping on the bed to sleep with me 30. The mell of fresh rain in the morning
  8. I'm planning a visit at Pigale on the 7th, early evening. I've made notes from recent posts (http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17071&page=4) and will see if i can see any of them. Suggestions are welcomed..... As anybody been with Marie? 30ish, black hair, well defined, fairly tall. Chatted with her a few times. She's lovely, but did not have a chance to go to the CR with her yet. She works evenings - nigths. BTW, is Maude still at Barb's? If so, when does she happen to be there? Haven't been there in a while.
  9. Planning a visit to Pigale on May 7th, likely early evening. Has anybody made discoveries recently? I have regulars already but might want to add to my list.... Addict and TommyH, I've made notes and will see if i can see any of them. As anybody been with Marie? 30ish, black hair, well defined. Chatted with her a few times. She's lovely, but did not have a chance to go to the CR with her yet. She works evenings - nigths.
  10. I gathered Meg was a Bruins fan. I'm not a huge fan of hockey, but root for the Habs. I miss the old Montreal - Quebec rivalry from my youth .... Glad they made it. The sport does not seem the same as i remember back in the day.
  11. Or we would have to offer Meg one is she doesnt. Meg, if you read this, i'm sure some of us would love to see you in a Habs shirt... ;-) Or out of one ;-)
  12. Hats off to all of the ladies seeing past differences! In any industry, there are too few people that stop at the "disability". Erin_xo, Yzabelle from Montreal also highlights as being "dis/abled friendly" (not her exact words).
  13. Must have been a happy lady. Not a good way to attract attention though as a patron ....
  14. Have you read the SCs reviews? Barbs and Pigale are among the most popular. Taboo is renovating. Barbs: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12647 Pigale: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17071 Pigale has three stages friday and saturday past 9 pm. Going to an SC is certainly easier to organise.
  15. Just got back from a visit at pigale. After a hard days work i felt like it.... The place was very quiet foe a friday. I left a bit past 9 and it felt like a wednesday, you know? Basically just the regular dancers. Made a discovery - Sarah, a tiny dancer from Montreal. Was there for the past couple of weeks. I'd say "semi exotic" looks, kind of algerian looking, with an accent in french i cant quite place. Quick witted and funny too! Not sure of her schedule for the next couple of weeks.
  16. Some do work as SP and will mention it if they are confortable in doing so. Avafoxx's comment is a good way in asking discretly, altough i've never asked.
  17. You must mean Talie (ends with an E) with cat paws tatoo her bottom... Yes she is still there. She was away for a few weeks...... She's in tuesday to saturday, in early out late these days. If you stop past four, she'll be in. She mentioned she'll be in till closing or a while. She hasn't mentioned anything about leaving the business in the short term, although she is making plans.
  18. I Decided to go to Pigale tonigth to change my mind. Saw a couple of new ladies and of course some regulars. One caught my eye as i was leaving; tall well proportioned and long dark hair, not too skinny. Nice bottom and breasts. But i spent time with two of my regulars: Talie and Julia. One regular i had the chance to chat with is Marie. Will have to invite her in the CR. She has what looks like a rock solid bod. I also met a newbie dancer about 2-3 weeks ago. Ashley, a 5 foot tall 90 pounds lady is nice to chat with, is doing great on stage for someone who started about 6 weeks ago. She is worth spending time with (in and out of the CR) and has great potential. She seems open to feedback to improve "her game" in the CR. Unfortunatly, i did not see Taylor tonight.
  19. One could quote Tom Waits ... "warm beer and cold women, I just don't fit in every joint I stumbled into tonight that's just how it's been all these double knit strangers with gin and vermouth and recycled stories in the naugahyde booths" But, since you were not there, it does not apply. ;-) I could never deny such a thing yet.... to a degree ;-)
  20. I agree. I have noted this as well. I account this on two main things: a) Growing up means knowing what you want and like b) Being comfortable with who you are and with sex
  21. Haven't noticed her tat. Will check next i'm there, which woud likly early May. I only chit-chatted with her. How is she in the CR?
  22. Skidman, I have seen her earlier this week. Is she the long and thin type, fairly tall, blond curly-wavy hair? Was there early evening, round 6 or 7.
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