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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. Hi all, I've posted some new info on Pigale : vhttp://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17071&page=2 What had started a slow night turned out great. Taylor, that i mentioned in m post, is a blast and very playfull. Will have to see her again .. ;-)
  2. I've visited Pigale earlier tonight on somewhat of a whim. I was not sure if the place would be busy, or if any of my regular dancers. Going on the presumption that i would say long to go to either Barbs or Playmate afterwards. Lo an behold, minutes before leaving, in walks one of my faves that i did not see for a few months. Jessica is a lovely lady who loves to chat with her clients and is also a blast in he CR. If you want an educated woman and a hockey lover, she's the one. Not long after, I spotted the lovely Lesley. Incredible smile, and probably the best sense of humor of my short list. She is easy to talk to, and easy to spot; tall and blonde...... Lastly, to go full circle, I made my night a Trio with Taylor. Long dark hair (i would qualify as raven black), long and fairly thin, with just enough breasts. Very playfull. We both left the CR hot and bothered ;-). With certainty, i can now add Taylor towards the top of my list .... So, gents, any lady from this triumvirate is a must to discover. Both Jessica and Lesley are here until late friday.
  3. Darn! And to think I almost went to Barbs tonigth!
  4. Not a bad price.... And i agree, I've been using a MAC for two years ; a po....ook. Much more user friendly and simple to use.....
  5. It's always a debate for me ; go in early to avoid the cover charge (one more drink to be bougth for myself or dancer). I do not drink either, regardless if i'm the one driving or not, and i've had a few surprises at first : $6 machine-made coffee (for her) or club soda with lemon (generally for me). Avoiding the cover charge, though, means I migth not stay as long if i go in alone. Not the same story if i go with friends. So i agree, skidman, an easy $30 in non alcoholic drinks that are way easy to make, plus tips. I seem to remember that (standard) bar prices are close to that.
  6. Agreed, great story! Made laugh as well. At least, she made it up to you! There are great, big hearted, professional ladies out there. Luckily i'm single, so it's a non issue. One told me, as she started her shift ( went something like) " give me time to go put on some perfume since i just started, and i'll smell even better ... you do not mind do you, or have a GF or wife to go back to..."
  7. It's been awhile, but heart and crown was the spot for me - good beer, on the market, and good wings if one wanted to nibble... Aux Quatres Jeudi has been a more recent, and more frequented, spot of mine on the gatineau side (right by the Portage complex). There is pizza-za, for european pizza, or the Argoat, if you are into starting the evening with a crepe (their crepe suzete is to die for) if you want to start with a light lunch....
  8. True. I've been to a club with 2 friends before (one of which a lady - not my GF). Whenever i was alone, i was approached (same happens when with a male friend but ot as much). But when i was alone with said lady friend - nothing happened unless i stood up and went to talk to a dancer. Never gave much thought to it though. MAybe couples (or what appears to be a couple) may seem intimidating, or not all dancers are confortable approaching a table with a non dancer there, i wonder.
  9. So true, jman47. Point 5 might be most important (for me), or at least way up there. I've noticed that treating the ladies well, remembering the last conversation, asking them about whathever they told you (if they told you that they are studying, ask them how school is going without being too personal). It's all about building a relationship, of sorts .....
  10. From what i have been told by dancers, it can be a mixed bag, nice weather means poeple (clients) go out more, but not necessarely to a club but to enjoy the weather. Or they go to the club..... From a client perspective, i agree, there are more dancers, especially "out of towners" as the roads are nicer to drive to work. Some of my "faves", at least where i go often, are not from the area.
  11. I've used a variety of "methods", all of which were mentioned in this post. I dress well - business casual- which seem to help. Looking at a dancer and smiling-nodding-signaling "hello" and inviting to sit (i.e. being and looking polite) has also worked well, especially if a dancer is within sight. Ive rarely walked to a dancer and if so, it's to invite to sit down first and have a drink. It's all relative to you and the dancers, as some are more willing to appraoch clients, especially if you are a regular. Sierra, I gather, then, you like to be invited to join the table?
  12. Noted, skidman. And i do have a weakness for redheads.
  13. I'll have to add on the Pigale thread soon. I also agree meeting Bella would be lovely, as i've been reading some of her threads. I believe Jazy dances also, and am expecting her schedule to be posted. Meeting some of the ladies "in the flesh" so to speak, would be lovely. Expending on the Taboo - Pigalle combo would be interesting evening (haven't been to Taboo yet !) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17555 On the Gatineau side, the only other club i'd like to visit is the Pink. I dont recall reading comments though ...
  14. I went to Pigale tonigth to see one of my favorites who was in town for the day - Isabelle. Lovely lady, short dark hair, mid thirties, very cut physique, always nice stage show. She mentioned She'll be back on friday with a friend of hers ... For those who do not speak french, I cannot say how comfortable she is in english .... always have good chats with her. Meeting her again after she took some time off from dancing was like meeting an old friend. I find it interesting that, after now a few months of being an SC patron, that you can really hit it off, so to speak, with certain ladies (not just with the one I just mentioned) and somewhat become friendly, if not friends ( of sorts). Being recognised, saying hello, or that genuine hug and "happy to see you" from others is quite interesting that i never imagined before.
  15. Mmmm ... another reason to stop by Barb's, aside from Maude and Lea ;-) May have to stop by sooner than expected .... Is Jennifer easily recognisable? I'm starting to think that there is such a thing as being close to a SC, wether it's the workplace or residence ....
  16. Cant really say myself, as i don't attend much SC's on mondays - my regular ladies do not work mondays. BUT, if you are close to Barb's and head there, try Lea, she works evenings there and is great company, and good looking too...
  17. Let's start, then, with a quick note. I'll add more later... Now being a Pigalle regular, i started enjoing the club last september when i went with friends. Over the past several months since, i'm amazed by many of the ladies, that i now consider my regulars. My first dance was with Jessica ( havent seen her there since november), a 30 something from out of town that danced part -time. Well educated and wonderful conversationalist that enjoyed spending time with clients both on and off the CR. In the CR, though, turned somewhat in a tigress. Unfortualty, last I saw her there, I could not get ahold of her. Talie, a younger (early 20's) with cat's paws tattoes on her behind is still one of my faves. Very active and fun to be with. Her friend Maya (middle eastern looks) is another one that will make the temperature rise .... There is the tall Lesley; works friday's, past 9. Never had the chance to talk to her until february, where she actually approached me. Very brigth lady, gorgeous and attentive. Valerie is another busy girl, possibly the most beautiful there (blond, well proportioned, often wears a Tailleur for her stage shows). She is more reserved than most, so you need to get to know her before she gets confortable enough. I've had the opportunity to spend time chatting with Valerie three times so far, but did not have a chance to do so during my last visit, aside from saying hello. I know she is there usually Fridays. There are others, which are not there regularly, but i'll save this for another time... There is Lea and Maude, both at Barbs, which I would certainly seek company again..... More to come....
  18. I hopped by Pigalle this friday during the daytime. I arrived during lunch-buffet hour. The place was busy with people enjoying the food (yes yes actual food ;-). Quiets down at 2 pm or so until 4:30. I find that day time ladies are more relaxed in general and friendlier. Most are a bit older than evening and nigth. A friend of mine went (daytime) about two or three weeks ago and the club was quiet. My conclusion, for this club, if you do not want to be "it on" every 2 minutes is to go before 6 or 7 pm. Went to Barbs a few time late afteroon, but never did stay long ...
  19. I have to agree, real time posting is impressive since most SC's website do not have line up ..... altough up to the minute info on who is dancing where is a sure way to make us want go out more often ...
  20. Pigale has booths that are "semi private", and they have one large enough to "receive" couples or duos. They also have private "VIP" rooms at a surcharge (never tried them). I was there this PM (12:30 until 4 : 30) to see the atmosphere and afternoon ladies. There are a number of nice ladies, including one of my regular company. Some of them are anglophone if language is an issue for you. BTW, lunch rush ends at 1:30 - 2:00 pm, than it quiets down until supper. Can't speak for the other clubs in Ottawa though ....
  21. Thanks all for the input! I'll have to op by Barb's a little later then my usual time ...
  22. Thanks for the tip about the time, kubrickfan. I attend Pigale on a fairly regular basis, so i know when to show. Would you recommend any night in particular for Barbs, or are they all good?
  23. I went to Barbs this monday after work, and met Lea. Beautiful lady, really sweet and fun to chat with. As i'm not a regular, would anyone recommend the best day and time to visit Barb's these days? The few times i was there was late afternoon - early evening, and found it was slow. Any thougths? I assume friday evening would be good Lastly, as anyone seen Maude recently? Last I saw her was at Pigale this January...
  24. And will likely stay closed. Pigale is expending into that area of the building. Saw a new set of access stairs at my last visit.
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