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Everything posted by WhereIRoam

  1. Did research... got hits in Vancouver, FT. Mac, Manitoba, Windsor, Toronto, Hamilton... she travels. All same name and the exact same ad. (pre-payment)
  2. "Feel like doing something I rarely ever got from my Ex?"
  3. I know for a fact they ARE NOT REAL! Can't post links on this board on where to direct you. Additional Comments: She is in Cowboy's Diary but with different fake pics of the posted ones in the diary. http://www.cowboysdiary.info/wordpress/?paged=9
  4. The second girl Bianca. Her two pics of her in a one-piece black lingerie appear to belong to this woman from the province of B.C. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4NsNKOlgn9IJ:vancouver.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/come-play-rani-exotic-beauty-special-for-15mins/11780520+&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca The other pics had no hits except for in N.B. and N.S.
  5. Look online for an Airbnb for whatever city you visit. Less expensive and nicer!
  6. WhereIRoam

    IMG 7808

    Cute bunny but it's in the way...
  7. WhereIRoam

    IMG 6599

    That's a really nice pic.
  8. LacyBarbie (posted with permission) http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=12348&pictureid=84435
  9. the choice is Additional Comments: the choice is
  10. taking the entire dildo while bending her
  11. Sensitive issue with a 100 different opinions. Even though she is now all woman, would I want to know? Yes!(my opinion)
  12. Fully agree. Name is number 1. For people who don't know you but are interested, many punters these days are doing research. If they start seeing different numbers or names, this is often a red flag. Name and numbers are key!!! As stated above, clothes and shoes are not the highest things on the list. Welcome back!
  13. It's not awkward. Not every SP has this but if it is a female, like in your case, shouldn't be an issue. When behind closed doors say to them, "My female roommate is here just to let you know." Many SPs work together. Experienced punters are well aware of this. I wouldn't say/mention it before an appt. or even right at the door. However, once behind closed doors is a good time and will not surprise or worry your client the first time he/she hears a noise that isn't made by the two of you. I would think that 99.9% of the clients won't mind one bit if you do it this way. I know for me, I start thinking, is she cute too? Do the two of you ever...?
  14. No need to discuss this matter any further.
  15. @Leviathan31 - You are a glass half empty type. I'm sorry your experiences haven't been like mine. I don't know you but I do wish they would have been better for you. I refuse to comment on this issue anymore.
  16. Ironic, I've had thoughts about the use and process. Your product is catering to the "educated", "proud" and "health conscience" users of marijuana. (these terms for them seem oxymoron-ish but this is your demographic) What I mean to say by this is, these people do have and very much enjoy their rituals. Not unlike those who smoke a tobacco pipe or Middle Eastern's smoke their hookah. My steps would be like this, I would keep my wick in a small sealed plastic bag and my marijuana right in the container. I feel the interior sound dampening material is not really an added step.(I would probably adhere a fabric to the complete interior) The tin container is key for your business, the free advertising on it is priceless. You want that image of the name and logo to become engraved in their minds. So, these would be my steps: open the tin get the green fill the bowl prepare the wick get the lighter light the wick Enjoy... To those who will use the wick and will care about the real and best enjoyment possible, the connoisseurs, the added time before a first inhale is 10-15 seconds. Considering the process of finding a spot, sitting down and preparing the bowl while conversing with a friend that the added 10-15 seconds is minimal. Additional Comments: If you can produce a tin container that is roughly the same size as a pack of cigarettes and has a name and logo on it, you gain a better chance of branding yourself like Kleenex did with facial tissue. (mega $)
  17. WhereIRoam

    Nylon fetish

    NotchJohnson and I are both fans of Sheer Clothing. Nice pic!
  18. WhereIRoam

    IMG 0717

    Honestly, what an amazing smile.
  19. WhereIRoam

    What a beautiful smile.
  20. @ Leviathon31: I think you need to read this. Sadly, your misconception of workers in the industry stems from your bad experiences and is so far from the truth. (The saddest part is that I even truly believe you may not actually know this!) Please read this... http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/some-sex-workers-enter-the-industry-because-its-more-lucrative-than-low-paying-service-jobs-b-c-study-finds Honestly, I am sorry for the experiences you have dealt with, sincerely. I really wish you would of had more pleasant ones. There is nothing I or anyone can do about that. Stating that every SP that advertises more than 3 or 4 times a week is a drug addict, "Pardon the **** me but you're out of your mind!" For you to think that most SPs are not professional and are indebted due to drug or alcohol issues concludes that you have only experienced the worst kinds of experiences to post such a false field-study report. I almost could not believe what I was reading... For every SP that read this... I'm sorry you had to read a post from someone with such a negative perspective. Leviathon31, you obviously do but I have no shame with any of my 6 seconds of fame! Don't ever pretend that you know how I feel or what I have experienced with SPs!!! I hope Mod deletes that post so no one can ever read it that hasn't already.
  21. she did a headstand over it and
  22. I recently had a friend say to me that if the good feelings in regards to a partner didn't hurt when we lost them we would take these feelings for granted. (Thx DM) Another saying is that all good things must come to an end. Even still, finding those ones that really make you feel special and feel like you are on top of the world even after you leave are precious. We shouldn't fear them, we should embrace them. It is so seldom that we find these people with whom we connect on so many levels that I am quickly starting to realize that the ones who I don't click with I no longer have time for. Whether you prefer to have one, two, three or more doesn't matter. What matters is that when you do find those you really connect with repeat, repeat, repeat! Wisdom does not come with age, it comes from experience and mistakes.
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