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Everything posted by KarmaKiss

  1. I thought this was an interesting read From another Sp's Blog so I added the link here. I know I felt the same pressures as what this SP is talking about when I first started up again after 15 years of not doing this. I started without offering specific services that i now offer because of feeling this pressure. I think a lot of women new to the industry do feel this pressure as well as women that have been in the industry for a while now. I definitely think this lady has a very good point. https://courtesanfashion.wordpress.com/2018/04/16/the-sex-industry-cannot-go-forward-by-repeating-the-mistakes-of-the-past/
  2. Not sure if anyone else has more information but I will add what I know. I seen that backpagecanada had added me on Twitter and it says coming soon. Anyone else have any information? Thanks I found this URL http://www.backpagecanada.ca Update: I was just speaking with BackPageCanada and they are definitely in the process of building a website which will include a section for SP's to advertise and they are going to inform me of a launch date once they know more.
  3. Being in a nice warm cozy chair with a fresh from the dryer warm blanket on this nasty day!
  4. This was addressed in this thread. Hope this helps. Xoxo http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=816358#post816358
  5. Leolist so far and VIPfavours as Hukupp stated are my two favourites. There are lots of good things about both. My fave thing about VIPfavours is you can post your schedule so gentlemen can see when your working. Leolist is fast and easy to post and more affordable for the ladies. Much cleaner than backpage too. :)
  6. Happy Birthday! Hope your having a special day and doing something for you! Xo
  7. I make my own mostly. I make this amazing Coffee Vanilla Jojoba sugar scrub that makes my skin silky soft...it exfoliates gently without irritating and you can use it everywhere.
  8. I remember when emoji's were a colon : and a bracket ) to make a smiley face haha in fact i still use it most of the time...I have to say i still read books....alot...and i encourage my kids to read them...Instead of buying new i usually buy used and donate my old books to charity...or to the local library...my kids love to read...i grew up working in a library and absolutely loved it so i guess it has stuck....the screens of computers bother my eyes so i try to minimize reading much other than posting ads and being here thats about it for me unless I'm doing research on a topic. And I'm with ya Meg on the predictive text! people need to learn to spell and not by having technology do it for you... i absolutely abhor autocorrect as well haha
  9. It will all depend on what proof they have. Backpage being seized hurt all of us. I think that if they had been playing by the rules in the first place this wouldn't have happened. I honestly don't think I will go back even if they do go back up. I think if they hadn't been shady in the first place we wouldn't be going through what we are right now. I don't want to support a company that was benefiting anything from child exploitation or anything of the like. I guess we will see what the end results produce.I am sure there is lots going on behind the scenes that we all don't know about and will be dug to the surface.
  10. New music for my iPhone....gotta have my music lol
  11. Yes! thank you! exactly what i have been trying to get at in other posts! :)
  12. I finally got my website made and up and running! Feeling accomplished!
  13. I think in this case you are absolutely right Katherine ... we need the repetitive information and with gaps in information, as i just posted in another thread comes reluctance or hesitation to book ladies just as it does with an employer who is considering someones resume that has gaps because assumptions are made that maybe something has changed ....there may be ladies with a lot of reco's but as soon as there is a time gap it brings doubt to whether something may have changed with that provider where usually that is not necessarily the case...keep the information flowing...we all need to update our resumes somehow and this is how our "resumes" get updated...by the sharing of information by all you lovely gentlemen. xoxo
  14. I agree even though it may not be true per say....assumptions can be made about ladies when there are gaps....its like having gaps in your resume for instance....what employer is going to hire you with major gaps without questioning why and maybe being reluctant because of those gaps. Flow is good and we need more flow....the more information shared the better! Don't be afraid to speak up and share just because the next person may have a different experience. Everyone is unique some hit it off and some don't. Nothing will ever change that and the ladies here need reco's to keep up their reputations. Look at it like this you are adding to her resume by doing so. So please set the time aside to help these reputable ladies out. As i have said previously its a crucial time right now and every little bit helps. xoxo
  15. Welcome back Cato....sometimes we all need that break...Hope all is well :)
  16. I understand that definitely! Im sure members here are on other review sites that they can contribute these ladies to. Im just saying information sharing is crucial for the ladies at this point where everything is up in the air ..I just think its important to keep this in mind. :) xoxo
  17. Hi again everyone your probably getting tired of seeing my name everywhere lol. I thought a post for this was necessary especially at this crucial time for SP's and MA's about reviewing the ladies you have had fun with here on Lyla and to support them! I have noticed that a lot of the gentlemen here that use Lyla don't post many reviews of the ladies they have seen here from Lyla. Some of the profiles I have viewed from gentlemen don't have many posts for reviews even though they use Lyla to check out ladies here as well as book sessions with them. Of course there are a lot of gentlemen that do contribute and thanks to those that do but a lot of longterm members don't and I think it's important for the reputable women to have as much of your support as possible and Lyla would be used by more ladies if this was done more often. Support them and give your fellow Lyla members something to come here for. This will help everyone that uses Lyla in the long run and bring more traffic to the site as well! Have a wonderful day ladies & gentlemen! xoxo
  18. I am nominating all the women here on Lyla today for CERB Goddess of the day....you have all made it Through the day without backpage....and we all will survive....you are strong and courageous....its our time to stand together and support each other! Stay strong Ladies!
  19. As I stated as well in another post ... not everyone has access to Lyla either... ladies that have been suspended for whatever reasons no longer have access to create ads here or any access to their accounts so they are going to need an alternate source. As well as ladies starting out that have no presence here. Building a reputation can be difficult without a consistent source of advertising.
  20. There is info on sites in the Canada general discussion forum hun ! Good luck :)
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