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Posts posted by Orpheo12

  1. On 2/6/2023 at 7:42 PM, the real bea said:


    this is a very important topic to talk about! I’m going to attempt to answer the questions as informative as possible. I want to start by saying I have never personally been trafficked but I have witnessed such happen to some of my best friends, and girls I know simply through social media. 


    1) I personally have grew up around human trafficking and have witnessed close friends (very young girls at the time, as was I) get the impression that these procurers are, or will be their boyfriends and truly care about them and their well-being,  despite my best efforts to stop it. one close friend I remember in particular… (age 16 and I was 14) her and I started to hangout with a group of 4 men (ages 24-28) I have not a clue or memory of how we first encountered them. my friend began talking to one of the men from this group, she was (so she thought) in love with him. he would buy her hard drugs such as MDMA, cocaine, and alcohol. after about 2 months of hanging out with them my mom was expressing her concerns about these men and was clear she didn’t want me to be near them anymore. I remember her telling me that their intention was to human traffic me and my friend. at this young of an age I knew what human trafficking was, but I didn’t know it could just happen to anyone, and of course I didn’t know the severity of it. so we continued to hangout with them, but as I was getting more distant from them, my friend was getting closer to them. NYE came around, so we decided to go to the procurers house to drink and celebrate with them. a few hours went by and I ended up leaving and going home while she stayed with them. I asked her to come with me numerous times but she refused. after I left we were texting each other then she randomly stopped answering me out of nowhere. I then seen a few days later on her social media that she was in toronto. the procurer took this young 16 year old girl to toronto. I can’t even remember how I found out that she was being trafficked but I remember my heart dropped when I did. the procurer brainwashed her completely… she thought he was her boyfriend when in reality she was his cash cow. she continued to be trafficked for 2 years by this man. he was then put in jail for some time. ever since then this girl has been human trafficked by 3 different men (that I know of) excluding the first one. because she was involved at such a young age I think she’s now extremely traumatized and this is the only life she knows. thank god I got out of that situation when I did. I can proudly say I have never fell for the sweet talk or gestures of these procures. 


    2) I have been in numerous situations where I could’ve very easily been trafficked. I’m so very thankful that my mother started to educate me about it when she did. I’m also thankful that I’m smart enough to see red flags and flea the situation when I do. 


    4) I have encountered clients who have asked me if I’m independent, but just a simple ‘yes’ and they will believe it. which I understand because there is really no way to know, unless warning signs are present... such as malnourishment, signs of injuries or physical abuse, avoiding eye contact, timidness, responses being scripted or rehearsed, absence of government ID’s. 

    other clients don’t ask, or even care for that matter.

    while some have secret fantasies about it. I’ve had one client come to see me for the h and all he could talk about was how sexy it is when girls have ‘pimps’ they pay all their hard earned money to. he never mentioned his fetish until we began the session… which made me very uncomfortable. 

    Thank you, @RealBea, this is the kind of response I hope the thread will generate,

    • Like 1

  2. Screening of 35 Thunder Bay Leolist ads, Nov 9-11:

    Of over 40 ads including groups, sponsored links, online ads were excluded, and a dozen more new ads have appeared on Nov 12-13.

    Of the 35 screened, 13 were proven fake and reported, using established pornstar pics (RealSkyBri, Daisy Taylor, Bella Rolland, Lilith of Tryst-NY, Oksana) or posted in 20+ ads in many countries, websites, and numerous identities. Of these five (5) remain up; It is doubtful any were actually "removed" by Leolist.

    Another five (5) were judged as very likely to be fake with many LL ads in many places, but without being able to prove how many were posted at the same time, they might be VERY active touring.

    Another four (4) with numerous LL ads were dubious but inconclusive -- judged suspect but more likely to be legitimate than the previous five, with consistent identities and phone numbers.

    Thirteen (13) were judged as probably for confidently legitimate: two are Lyla-reviewed touring - @Bray and Emily Rushton; one is a regular local judged as probably legit; three (3) more appear to be established touring escorts with other LL ads spaced out over time in a reasonable geographical region. Seven (7) more had no red flags or other evidence to suggest they were fake, but could be.

    Yandex searches of selected pics were used. Other markers of likely fakes - full faces, casual "dating" poses, or too sexually-explicit. Known legit are discrete with identities but poses are clearly "escort" in nature.

    The study began when the number of convincing-looking ads doubled or tripled in a few days. When almost half of these are definitely scammers, a great many may have been scammed, and yet none appear here or anywhere else to protest? But more shocking to me is how can Thunder Bay support 10-20 legitimate touring escorts at the same time? Others frequently seen in Thunder Bay have mostly not been advertising in this same period.

    Seven others posted with VIP Favours. One is the same person under two-three identities. One is an en established local under a different name. None were proven false with stolen pics.

    Two other active Thunder Bay providers reviewed on Lyla did not advertise at all.

    • Like 1

  3. 7 hours ago, Allie Zeon said:

    Happy remembrance day and let's enjoy this beautiful sunny Friday before storm hitting us tomorrow ( if you happen to be living in NB and NS)

    Third update:

    Im tough on the surface but actually I'm warm and caring inside, just like my shepherds ( you are welcome to call me shepherd lady if you want 😜).


    The new guy has been abandoned and neglected for years.

    And it will take some time for him to be fully recovered.

    Right now, i give him love, attention, shelter and food as well as teaching him some responsibility and manner.

    I tell him that nothing is for granted so he has to earn it in order to get the Reward.

    So in the morning, after breakfast, each of us has certain task and responsibility.

    And when we finish, and to be more precise, when he finishes his tasks well, i will reward him by treating him for lunch, movies or buying him something for his personal needs.

    I told him i won't tolerate drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

    He is working on stopping his smoking addiction now.


    Today, he works great and i will reward him by going to Peggy cove and Halifax.

    He's literally half of my age, so I'm becoming somewhat his mom now 


    Ahhh...my life.  Never thought, i would become a mom for so many children..

    7 dogs,,..2 cats...42 chickens,...and now 1 human.

    Busy mom, I do enjoy it though 🙂



    IMO your instincts on shepherding a broken human back to wholeness are magnificent. Be well, Allie!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  4. 2 hours ago, Orpheo12 said:

    If this is fiction you have yet another talent. I share some of Fatboyslim's shock, but also understand a good-hearted person not judging someone who has had hard breaks, and setting boundaries -- boundaries your dogs will maintain.

    So your fans here are asking you to exercise good judgment in negotiating how you and your "helper" will negotiate and evolve your arrangement. There are many persons who do put themselves at risk by trusting in the positive potential of a person despite the trauma and reactive behaviors in their past. Odds are these behaviors will surface in the present too. Good luck to you. Keep us posted so we know it is still going well!

    @fatboyNOTslim - pardon the misnomer above.

  5. 1 hour ago, Greenteal said:

          Paying for potential illegal services doesn't remotely compare to your example. And if they complain online after, they fully deserve the scolding. Mostly if they still refuse to learn from it.

         The real solution is to STOP sending money! We got plenty of free and easy access tools to see who's real and safe. Don't need tech giants and governments to figure that out.

    We seem to lock horns, my friend. IMO a scam is a scam is a scam. ALL are criminal activities.

    As for the THEY you would scold, I suggest 999 out of 1000 of them never read your warning, before or after. Telling them to smarten up here is as pointless as "pissing on a house fire" too. 


  6. 13 minutes ago, Greenteal said:

         There two sides to this:

       First, the providers. I understand their frustration if they pay for ads and don't quite get the visibility and support they expected. Also, the more information and real pictures they post, the greater the chance of either being identified or getting their identity stolen. But as much we praise real pictures and transparency, no providers should feel obligated to post real pictures and even less reveal their faces. This decision should remain their own. Transparency can open some doors. But as some expressed here, this can also create challenging situations. Reason why the decision shouldn't be taken lightly.

        And then we got clients browsing websites for free and making little to no research before communicating or sending money to a complete stranger. Those same persons later complain online after falling for obvious scams and somehow thinks the website has a responsibility to respond to them. If you or others want to report ads in violation with their terms of services, you can. But keep in mind their staff will prioritize paying clients before anonymous complaints.

        If you strongly feel some ads are in violation of the Canadian criminal codes, you're more than welcomed to report them to law enforcement. But I'm pretty sure they'll prioritize clear cases of human trafficking over someone getting "catfished".

    I agree with your first para, but was not suggesting otherwise.

    I agree that many who get scammed are foolish, but that's the world. Scolding them here won't stop the abuse. Like blaming a cognitively-impaired elder for sending money to a long-lost grandchild.

    I made no reference to specific scams and after having spoken to local police about a scam for which I had evidence in hand, it is pointless. This KIND OF scamming is industrial, likely backed by rogue nations raking in many millions a month - that is not an opinion. as for any one ad; no saying.

    In the news today was a Canadian ransomware extortionist who many multimillions personally, backed by the Russian mob. When society tolerates this KIND OF abuse, society is funding the murder of Ukrainian civilians. So legalization and regulation is the real solution, IMO.



    • Like 1

  7. If this is fiction you have yet another talent. I share some of Fatboyslim's shock, but also understand a good-hearted person not judging someone who has had hard breaks, and setting boundaries -- boundaries your dogs will maintain.

    So your fans here are asking you to exercise good judgment in negotiating how you and your "helper" will negotiate and evolve your arrangement. There are many persons who do put themselves at risk by trusting in the positive potential of a person despite the trauma and reactive behaviors in their past. Odds are these behaviors will surface in the present too. Good luck to you. Keep us posted so we know it is still going well!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  8. @MissArtois said, "Apparently if you're registering on Leolist with a new acct, if you don't verify you get a free bump a day. FREE. If you verify you lose it. What does this mean?"

    We understand what it means. Yet more evidence.

    I too tire of chiming in yet again objecting to the victims being blamed for being scammed. In what other crime would that logic hold?  Domestic abuse?

    I am glad to hear that some are getting it. But those who wander into the minefield do not know it's there, nor do they have the wisdom of reading Lyla first.

    What makes Tryst or VIP unaffordable? If no legitimate SW's used LL wouldn't that accelerate its demise? My recommendation remains that if a provider advertises on LL, ALWAYS warn about scammers and link to a Lyla thread or identity.

    • Like 1

  9. 10 hours ago, Necod said:

    Seems to be a lot and I mean lot of sp at travel lodge anyone confirm if they are real or fakes ?


    6 hours ago, Greenteal said:

         I don't want to sound like an ahole or an apologist. But if LL ain't useful in your area or you plain don't like it, you can stop using it!

      They're a business and are dealing with hundreds of thousands of ads on a daily basis. Their top priorities are to comply with current laws and to support paying customers and sponsors. Responding to complaints about fake or stolen pics, is not really one. Mostly if not from a paying member.

       I understand the frustration, but eternally complaining about it won't change a thing. When Craigslist and Backpage where the most popular advertising sites, complaints were the same.

       LL don't have a monopoly in regard to adult services ads. If you don't like, look elsewhere.


     Check out the Deluge of new ads in TB. 30 all never seen before. If that is not carpet-bombing the legit ads, what is? Makes me think LL is literally in the pocket of (or masterminding) the scammers. I know you hold a different opinion, but suggest you give the  perspectives offered by the working SP's more weight. This is not a new complaint. It is an epidemic.

    • Like 1

  10. LL saturation is phenomenal, and for probable scammers, many are way more believable than usual.... but surely TB does not have the client-base for so many, and the odds of finding a real one among the many scammers must be low. I am persuaded that Bray is legit -- see her Lyla reviews. IMO Sam is also real and local. How do you know they all claim to be at the Travellodge?

    • Like 1

  11. 23 hours ago, MissArtois said:

    They're everywhere, know I'm a broken record on this subject but Loserlist is trash. I've reported ads to them with the pics in the ad, and the source it was stolen from, and never hear a peep nor are the offending ads ever removed. They just flat out don't give a shit, pardon my french. And still raising prices. 

    Yep. Same deal - provided evidence; nothing happened. Legit providers often pull their ads and all that remain are the scams. Exceptions: a few legit on tour.

    • Thanks 1

  12. I am sad to hear of your isolation, and hope you will continue to believe in your worth as a human being with a good heart. As for your comments about fading perfection, I hope you will continue to see yourself as imperfectly glorious. Age does not blemish a beautiful soul. I hope you find true friends and professional service-providers in time. Be well.

    • Like 2

  13. 10 hours ago, Greenteal said:

    She used the name Lissa for a while and was discussed here:

    Lissa - Lyla

    new brunette bombshell xxx long legs lissa new to leo’s list - MarsillPost



    Summary GAL  of feedback and unknowns:

    Old and new ads use some of same pics, including a pic from Business Insider mag. Several who have not met her say, "beware" on this evidence. BUT, might she BE that model?

    2020-21 reviews: Three claim to have met her without complaint'; only one review is enthusiastic. Four others all say they were ghosted or ripped off -- one in great detail. So IMO THAT GAL is bad news. @Onceinawhile opines that the the new ad is not the same gal (on what evidence? They have similar age and descriptions. Is the new one not to be trusted because one pic both use is of a published model?

    MarsillPost review hard to process. Date of review? Posted location of ad unclear. Less certainty this is the same person anyway.

    But ads showing nudity and clear facial shots are likely to be stolen/frauds.

  14. On 10/17/2022 at 1:03 PM, Barney said:

    Curious: OP Oct 17 LL Link now provides different pics under name "MIA." Though similar, not the name gal as busted by @Greenteal. But all the signs of a fraud remain. Does anyone ELSE care to Yannix the new pics as proof?

    Mia NB LL Presumed fraud 2022-10-23 192049.png

  15. 17 hours ago, Sinful Sarah said:

    Hey there I thought I'd chime in because somebody sent me an email asking me to do so! I'm just reading all of this now.🌺🌿


     I used to go by Sinful Sarah and now I go by Beautiful Bad-Ass Bella.   There is no option on Lyla currently for changing your original profile name so my original name remains which I'm fine with . 👄 

    It's not as though I was hiding or being deceiving in any way I just wanted a change and so I created a fun new persona to go along with my then new focus of Erotic Massage/ Dom & Fetish!  New look, name &  new fun possibilities  but still the same great girl! 👄


     That being said most people within the community know me as my new handle Beautiful Bad-Ass Bella. 👄


     When posting on Leo's list they automatically omit the word "ass" in certain parts so sometimes my name ends up being Beautiful Bella because I have to omit the word  Ass so it  then becomes Beaustiful Bad Bella which doesn't sound as  great! ♥️


     I have been using this name since before even 2017 when I made my website featuring the name Beautiful Bad-Ass Bella!👄


     In my many years working in the adult under entertainment industry I have definitely had my pictures taken and used or my name copied or my number given out. I am not affiliated with any such activities and I am not in any way shape or form bait or scam or switch or whatever is being referred to.🌺🌿✔️


     Hopefully this clears up any confusion! I hope that everyone is having a great day out there and remember to smile. The world loves you!🥰♥️



    Thanks for confirming, two different providers, well reviewed,in Lyla -  with overlapping identities. Have a great day.

  16. 15 hours ago, Greenteal said:

             If your goal is to expose all those ads, you're wasting your time.

         Older members will remember @Cowboy kenny who did the same and created a website "Cowboysdiary"(now closed) for that purpose. Without saying it was a complete waste of time, it was not the best approach to the problem.

          I won't take full credit as was an ex-admin(Mod_Cat) who suggested the creation of a tutorial to screen images and also point out other hints of fraudulent and deceptive intent.              

          When I expose or question an ad, I do for the purpose of education by pointing out the problems and tools used. If members/clients choose to ignore those advice, there no point in wasting our time for them.    

          As for singling out Thunder Bay, keep in mind those ads are published around the country. Names and pictures will change, but all come from the same groups. In cities/regions with less local providers those ads will obviously be more visible. If living in one of those regions, can only suggest vigilance and to either travel in a better served area or to petition travelling providers for more frequent visits.

           Hope this help a bit.

    Thanks for the observations. I agree it is as effective as pissing on a housefire, and that Thunder Bay is not special. The primary goal was to show in a concentrated example just how invaluable your tutorial is. It would be news only if I had found a few (probable) real ads.

  17. @Greenteal's advice is solid. If an ad shows faces, it is likely a scam. I selected for not verified, unfamiliar, too explicit and/or too good to be true. I looked at six of 36 ads currently posted on Oct 14 or 15. All appear to be scams:. Every searched image turned up on multiple postings in diverse places.

    Avery (aka Bunny) has 13 ads with six different escort agencies including five in several US states. Her primary cluster is six Leolist and two callescortgirls ads in Ontario and one in Northern BC. Maybe she tours a LOT?

    Bella's pic is also on xvideos.com and vipgirlstr.net. Maybe a real gal early in her career?

    Brandy's pic is also on Leolist for Delta BC and Orillia, but visual matches of the same gal (IMO) are endemic with many in Brazil.

    Danniela had dozens of hits and identities, many as pornstar "Hailey Queen." Pics too XXX for Lyla.

    Kelly's pics are everywhere, but the source is Russian porn-star "Eva Elfie."

    The pics for Mila are not a perfect match, but there are many similar images from Ukrainian and Russian sources.

    Avery LL aka Bunny 2022-10-16 012835.png

    Bella LL TB Fake 2022-10-16 013030.png

    Brandy LL ad 2022-10-16 012323.png

    Danniela LL ad 2022-10-16 012051.png

    Danniela LL ad text 2022-10-16 012204.png

    Kelly LL aka Eva Elfie 2022-10-16 012611.png

    Mila LL TB ad Fake 2022-10-16 012426.png

  18. 1 hour ago, Orpheo12 said:

    Further reading on both SP's persuades me that both have good reputations linking to Lyla Recommendation threads. Unless someone could hack on old Lyla account, @Sinful Sarah has a strong reputation since 2013, changed her name in 2016, and remained active with both names referenced. OP @Beautiful bella also has build a separate reputation over a shorter period, with Lyla recommendations, and is likely to also be a legitimate provider. Simple confusion may have led to mistaken identities and in a forum (LL) where so many scams have been happening, the accusation is understandable, or it may have been inspired by genuine scams that have been erased from LL.

    I hope the two providers will take steps to differentiate themselves (-9667 vs -6304), so those seeking one will not end up contacting the other. Both might benefit from the shared publicity?


    A previous longer post with links to LL and Lyla for both has failed to post. Both have current LL ads in Halifax and link to legit Lyla recommendation histories: OP is  LL Bella Blanca, The ads also differentiate by focus, safe practices and willingness to book short sessions. Neither make reference to etransfers or deposits (though that might change in negotiations).

    Early in this thread I note the screenshot of the pirated ad used yet another number, so the complaint was legit. I recently asked OP how it was going and may have simply stirred up an old fire.


  19. Further reading on both SP's persuades me that both have good reputations linking to Lyla Recommendation threads. Unless someone could hack on old Lyla account, @Sinful Sarah has a strong reputation since 2013, changed her name in 2016, and remained active with both names referenced. OP @Beautiful bella also has build a separate reputation over a shorter period, with Lyla recommendations, and is likely to also be a legitimate provider. Simple confusion may have led to mistaken identities and in a forum (LL) where so many scams have been happening, the accusation is understandable, or it may have been inspired by genuine scams that have been erased from LL.

    I hope the two providers will take steps to differentiate themselves (-9667 vs -6304), so those seeking one will not end up contacting the other. Both might benefit from the shared publicity?


  20. Just now, Greenteal said:

    It already exists and called the Verified Independent status.

    Also, there warning forums to flag fraudulent activities. If new members and clients can't familiarize themselves with this board or do simple Google searches, there not much we can do to motivate and help them.

    Not disagreeing... but when someone like @SavannahSol is targeted, she needs an established pattern for her new clients to be alerted to double-checking. It could be cited in her legit ads. We greenhorns need to be cut off at the pass. Most won't, but more would, and be led to the joys of Lyla.ch.

    At risk of hijacking, I'd love to see a thread on ideas for reviving Lyla beyond the Maritimes. 90% of active posters seem to be there, now. The rest of the country needs this kind of BB - or better yet advertise it on LL?

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